Travel Pro Tip #20 : "Pay More Get Less Countries" "Pay Less Get More Countries" and Some Things to Consider. Part One

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

A "pay more get less" country is where I am from and where most of my viewers are from, these are mostly developed nations. Sure, to work in these countries you make more money but it often doesn't go very far; unless you have the opportunity to spend it in "pay less get more" countries. Which is actually a life strategy for millions around the globe. Just the immigrant population working and sending home money from the US is a prime example. Earning a first world income while living in less expensive second and third world countries offers an incredibly high standard of living for very little and is something I've enjoyed for most of my adult life.

I'm from the US where an emergency visit to the hospital can set you back thousands even with insurance. My friend here in Thailand had an emergency visit to the hospital recently, she spent 6 hours there and including medicine it cost her 40 dollars! This was in Bangkok with no insurance. How about vegetables, a bag of organic red onions where I'm from in New York often cost 5 dollars or more. In Ecuador I was buying that for one dollar.

Here in Thailand I get massages for $4.50. In the US this will probably cost 20 times that. Everything from bowling, going to the movies, car maintenance, food, medicine, education, and even a trip to the dentist I find unreasonably expensive in most first world countries. So unreasonable I could easily argue the fact that it is still out of balance compared to the higher income provided. What truly makes a "pay more get less country" is when the salary may be 5-10 times greater then let's say Malaysia yet everyday things cost 10 to 50 times more.

Some of the worst offenders of "pay more get less" countries can be found by doing research on the cost of living to average income from different places around the world, we should also factor in debt burdened populations and taxes. Countries that import heavily while suffering from inflation have it even tougher. Here are a few places where you have to pay more to get less. Canada, USA, UK, Israel, Hong Kong, Australia, and Japan.

I'm sure there are many more, but generally we are talking first world nations. I sometimes call them over developed nations, hence over priced nations. Many retirees find themselves living on a small fixed income living on the poverty line in their home countries. They sometimes flee to a better quality life where their money goes much further in less developed "pay less get more" countries. Popular ones for Americans are Ecuador and Mexico.

Any thoughts my Steemit friends? What are your money spending experiences in different countries? Do you find yourself burning through your income at a scary rate each month in "get less pay more" countries? Going out and having fun going to set you back an uncomfortable amount? These are the questions that cross my mind where ever I go around the world. Each country and each location with-in a country has their own economic situation, something I keep a close eye on.

In several days I'll be posting part two, all about "get more pay less countries". Then in the third part we discuss how to travel through these different places and things to consider. I'll be citing my plans and thought process on how I'll tackle Europe next spring/summer as it has a mix of countries that fall into both categories.

If you enjoyed this article please check out some of my other work and consider following. Thank you -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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I pretty much live cheap no matter where I live. But it's easier over here in Thailand for sure. Living "downtown" usually works for cheapness and food is usually cheap for me. Plus I walk and use public transport.

But I am odd in the us and normal here. It's a mindset difference.

I don't consider it being cheap. I know you spend double what the average Thai person lives on. To them you're a big spender!

In AC alone I exceed most people around me :)

Dan strikes again! looking forward to part 2! Hope to see you in Europa. A real pro!

Haas you're Awesome! Thank you!

This is something I talk about frequently on my travels, though I've never used the word "over-developed". I kind of like it! In the US, I see people lamenting the low wages in "third-world" countries, without considering how far those wages can go. There are also so many other economic aspects to factor in, like inflation as you mentioned.

I'm in Morocco right now, just bought some lovely fresh-baked pastries from the ladies next door for 5 cents apiece that would easily go for $1.50 at a cafe back home. It's definitely hard to tangle out what's "fair" when there are such disparities that make me a wealthy person when I'm standing in one country as opposed to another.

You can't just buy from "the ladies next door" in the west - too many rules and laws. This is what helps make fresh food easier to find in these countries. Lucky you for Morocco. I'd love to go there somehow on this journey.

That's true! My boyfriend was just commenting how in the markets they hand food over from their hands to yours without any gloves or packaging - more money saved and less waste, but it would be considered unhygienic in the west. If you do make it to Morocco, we're finding Chefchaouen a calm and friendly place to stay for a while.

Nice! I've heard many good stories from that country. I do have to "get over it" when I buy my food sometimes. I'm not used to this, but I figure if everyone else lives though it , I will too. So far, so good.

Agree. I may actually be going there next summer/ fall

Thank you for the great comment and addition to this article. Looking forward to sharing part two with you. It's incredible just how crossing a border can change the price of an item by so much, and instantly put you into one financial class or another. For those "lamenting the low wages in "third-world" countries" No where is perfect, and every country has it's pros and cons.

You're 5 cent pastries remind me of so many things I've come across over the years. How about 12 cent fresh Colombian espresso in Colombia! That was a bargain! I certainly know what you mean and can relate. I'm very happy to learn about another fellow traveler here on Steemit! Have a great day! -Dan

Great post @world-travel-pro! I'm looking forward to part 2!

Thank you! I'm looking forward to posting it!

Well im looking forward to part 2! Im from England and have been living in Cancun, Mexico for 12yrs. Some things here are definately pay less get more, other things like electronics are pay more (30%) and get less. Some things are the same. Things are very different in other areas of mexico away from the tourist spots. Even downtown Cancun you can get a full meal in great local restaurants for the equivalent of $3usd. Peanuts. You can also spend over $300 usd on a meal in one of the fine dining restaurants in the hotel zone. It really is that much of a range in prices! 😲

Hey Donna. Glad to see you on here. Still driving @luczypher around in your race car? It's true, that is one thing that I love about travel. You're literally seeing what the world has to offer! I find it fascinating.

Hahaha actually im car less my friend 😭 lent my dad my car a couple weeks ago when it was pouring it down tropical Cancun style. He accidentally drove into a 3ft deep lake across the road and completely flooded the engine! Im still waiting on insurance to pay out. Sucks! Might by a tank next! 😂

Wow that sounds tragic and I know how much you enjoy driving. I think a tank would suit you well :)

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