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RE: Travel Pro Tip #20 : "Pay More Get Less Countries" "Pay Less Get More Countries" and Some Things to Consider. Part Two

in #travel7 years ago

Awesome post as usual @world-travel-pro ! Great tips for me to keep in mind if I ever get a chance to travel again ! Thanks for all the awesome information ! And I certainly need to check more into herbal supliments !! Steem On my friend !👍👍👍💕
Im Still stuck on the moon waiting for the price of steem to go up !


Thanks for the compliment. Wait until I start posting about all the herbal supliment I put my in capsuls myself. I A bag of tumeric for example about 200 capsules.....30 cents! In Chiang Mai Thailand. Just unreal. So glad yo are enjoying y blog and info I share. Get back from the moon safely! Steem $$$ should rise with the tide of cryptos in general. At least I think so.

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