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RE: Travel Pro Tip #20 : "Pay More Get Less Countries" "Pay Less Get More Countries" and Some Things to Consider. Part Two

in #travel7 years ago

Good to know that you are getting over your Asthma. The western medicine fails to cure a few illnesses and your Asthma would be one of them. For the same reason here in India we have different Alternative pathies to help people. Many people get cured by different Alternative medicines (not all of them though)of the illness which western doctors deem not curable.I myself had fallen ill at the age of 14(fourteen) and the allopathy doctors were not able cure me. Finally we shifted to Ayurveda and I got completely cured. Now I a 40(forty years) of age and the problem has not occurred. Same is said about Chinese Medicine as well and we in India believe in that medicine as well. We always believed that our ancestors were intelligent people and studied our nature in a minute way to know about the natural cure for every illness. Any way nice to know how you have been frank to let people know how the medicines are cheaper in developing nations and also good to know that you are having herbal supplements, the herbal supplements don't have much side effects in the long run and I hope that you will be totally cured some day (God Willing). Well for the rest may your "Health Series" be successful as well and best of luck for your other ventures.


Great addition to my article. Thank you for sharing. The good news is I am totally cured. As long as I don't eat processed foods or sugary foods. All I had to do was eat real food the way nature and god intended. Meat, fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices makes up 95% of my diet. It's cured me. A normal healthy diet. It's like rocket science, but totally not. Sometimes I feel like the west is just so backwards, and all about money over the good of the people. Especially when I was sick, puffing the inhaler all day, the doctors wouldn't even ask about my diet. I'd go home and eat three bowls of sugary cereal and milk, and wheeze all night. Was just so stupid, but nobody could connect the dots. Glad you enjoyed my article. Have a great day! -Dan

Great to know that you are cured. Stay healthy and take care. I always enjoy your Articles and hope the same trend will continue. My intention was not to call anybody backward, but just to say that every therapy is good as long as it cures a person, whether Indian or Foreign. And that is something most people i.e. most rational people in our country believe in. Thank you, for your prompt and detailed response.

I totally gt what you're saying but I wouldn't hesitate to say some things in this world are completely ass-backwards lol. Thank you for following along and enjoying my work! Much more to come. -Dan

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