What Day is It? Where Are We?..

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Getting Lost in Time and Place

Wow, what a blur it's been these last couple of days. After a quick two days in Shanghai, we woke up this morning in Ho chi Minh City, Vietnam. The time difference from China is 1 hour and the time difference from home is 14 hours. Which explains why I was behind putting up the @minnowfund post yesterday. I simply lost track of time.

Our Last Day in Shanghai, for Now

Yesterday we spent the afternoon in Shanghai catching up on some work while taking in the scenery. We started off with some delicious pancakes and coffee from Blue Jamaican Coffee.



Then we headed over to a cafe near the bund to do some work and catch up on emails. We got our work done, but we admittedly spent more time people watching and chatting it up with a fellow traveler from New Zealand. When you're in a country full of language you can't make any sense of, a English conversation goes a long ways.



Next, we wanted to grab some dinner before heading over to the airport to catch our 10pm flight to Vietnam. We wanted some traditional food off the beaten path, so we walked for a few miles away from the bund and came across a small restaurant that had no English posted anywhere. This had to be the place for us!



Bottled 7up for the Win!



Look at those soy sauce drenched noddles. They were delicious!

After dinner it was time to catch the metro back to the airport. We had grown very familiar with the metro in just two days time. It's funny how quick you can grow comfortable with a place.


Once we got to the airport, we patiently waited at the ticket counter to show our passports and visas. The lines here were extremely long and our feet were growing very tired from carrying our heavy packs all day. We got our tickets and then fought our way through security.

In these parts of the world, it's not uncommon to take a bus out on the tarmac to board your plane. We boarded the bus and the driver set off towards our plane.


After a 4 hour flight (which I managed to get 3 hours of sleep), we landed in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam around 2am. We were exhausted! Jetlag had really set in and I even felt like I was getting a cold. We waited in a VERY long (and slow) line for immigration.


After getting through immigration we found a taxi to take us to our hotel. We were beat. I wasn't sure what I wanted more: sleep, food, cold medicine, a shower? I scrounged the room for what little snacks they had and found a noodle bowl. I had seen people at the airport eating up these noodles so that had to be alright, right?


Lol, the noodles were okay. But I was ready for sleep. I got a quick shower and headed to bed thinking we would wake up around 8am for the delicious breakfast that we saw on Booking when booking this hotel. That would be worth waking up to.

But my body had different plans. Although we had set an alarm, we totally missed breakfast. Heck, we almost missed lunch! Here it is 2pm in Vietnam and we're just having our morning tea. Oh yeah, that's new to me too. I LOVE my coffee. But in these parts of the world tea is the drink of choice. So I'm trying to get used to that, or at least drink some tea in between my coffee.


Today we'll probably take it easy. We will head out here shortly for some lunch and then explore the city a little bit. Tomorrow we hope to take a tour of the Mekong Delta and the Củ Chi tunnels which are a network of connecting underground tunnels in the Củ Chi District of the city.

We look forward to updating you on the next post. Until then, tạm biệt!


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that nodlle make me hungry.....slrrrpppp...nyum

They were delicious! And you really do have to slurp them :)

Congratulations because you're today's random comment winner. You will be receiving a free upvote from the @brandonfrye upvote bot here shortly. :)

yeee.....thank's brandonfrye ^ ^

Tea is the real deal for them over there, I guess its a huge part of their tradition. They even have tea ceremonies... Its amazing how time changes across continents, I guess its normal that you lose track of it. Well, its just 9am here!
I love how Shanghai streets looks, it clean and less crowded. And that "soy sauce drenched noodles" looks really delicious. Looking forward to exploring Vietnam with you!

It really is. My girlfriend loves it lol. She's very much a tea snob :)

I did get to try some Vietnamese black coffee today and it was like drinking liquor. Hard to go down but it got the job done LOL.

Lol. At least it got the job done!

Nice travelstory. Yes, it´s mostly the best to eat in local places. There you get the real food. You have to go to the Củ Chi tunnels. They are amazing. I liked the war museum in Ho Chi Minh. Maybe you have time to have a look. I also liked the vietnamese baguettes. Resteemed

Thanks @billy-thai, I agree that the food is most traditional (and better) in the small, hole-in-the-wall, family-owned places. It was delicious. And yeah, we're actually going to the Cu Chi tunnels tomorrow. So good call!! And we got to see the War Museum today. That was a real eye-opener. So much is left untold in US-based Vietnam War documentaries. Now I'm off to look for some vietnamese baguettes!! :)

Have a Good Day!

It shouldn’t be a problem finding coffee. Vietnamese coffee is usually super strong, made with a little metal press called a Fin. It’s usually sweetened with condensed milk. Enjoy Vietnam!

You are not kidding! I had some today and it put some extra hair on my chest lol. And thanks, we’ve got a couple of tours booked for the next two days.

Ohhh man, Vietnamese coffee! It rivals only Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee in my books lol Best stuff on earth!

That's the first thing I would do...Go find a spot to drink coffee all day. World's worst traveller...I just want the food and drink lol

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