Today I learned Steemit had turned into an episode of The Walking Dead

in #til8 years ago (edited)

I've been here since the beginning of July. I've never left. Though I feel concerned with where we're now heading.

Dropping bombs on 'em

Calling all Steemians

When I first came here, during the hype phase, I was amazed at the diversity from those that were speaking truth. Today though, I can't help but taste a bitter sweetness when looking at the platform.

I love Steemit for the fact that it's decentralized & rewarding, in more ways than one, but for some reason we're now following the same misguided direction as other social media platforms.

I'm not talking about recent updates. What I'm talking about is social behavior.

I've recently noticed that we're all posting the same garbage. Not all of it is garbage obviously, but for some reason a lot of us have chosen to follow a herd mentality. Of course there are many different pseudoscience explanations for this, but for now lets stick to what we can actually see.

Fishing for votes

There's a lot of people posting similar content and a lot of these people have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

Don't mistake my cursing as being uncivil, I'm just telling it like it is. I spend a buttload of time on this platform sieving through articles and lately most of these articles are filled with junk; people posting trending topics just to get a quick payout; posting something that took no time at all to create; posting absolute nonsense for the sake of it.

I wont point fingers because hell, I'm guilty of following the herd. I remember when I first started here, my first few posts were as real as I get. They had no images, they were straight forward, and they expressed my stance as it were at that time. I lost my way for a bit after that, chasing rewards like everyone else, but now I've since found myself again.

The problem is exactly the same on other social media websites; you see something that every one likes, so you like it, and become it. Unfortunately, what the majority likes is not always right. In fact, we're technologically advancing everyday while society becomes dumber than goldfish. Literally, the average person today has a smaller attention span than a goldfish.

It's this goldfish mentality, which is ironic when considering the ocean metaphors we already use here, that has us swimming in circles eating up each others poop. I'm pretty sick of reading/eating poop as of late, and I doubt anyone else that comes along is going to enjoy half the crap that I currently see, at least not anyone that's here for the purpose of reading something good.

Pretentious behavior on the internet

There's this culture among peers that network, that has us competing with each other for likes by showing off what we do or don't have.

We've misguided each other. We've misguided each other through the use of voting. We've been idiotic with our voice.

One thing I loved about Steemit above all else, was that I saw all these interesting articles relating to knowledge. Peers teaching peers. I almost couldn't believe it. You don't see that anywhere else on the internet because that stuff is boring to most and so the status quo chooses not to vote for it. Some of us have carried on that trend, posting individual know-how, but a lot have jumped on the bandwagon with their own uneducated dribble.

I think by now you see where I'm going with this.

We're acting pretentiously; key word, acting. Users who have no scientific background are posting articles on biological evolution. Users who have no political background are posting articles about political trends. Users without any business background are posting articles relating to the financial sector. Users who have no psychology background are telling people what to think.

Don't get me wrong, if you're self taught or hold a qualification in any of these fields then by all means post what you know, but if you have no idea what you're talking about then sit the fuck down!

Stop pretending that you know. Stop talking out your ass when someone challenges you with their comments. Stop flagging someone just because you don't understand what they're trying to tell you. Learn to be wrong when you're wrong, especially if there's enough evidence that suggests you have no clue what you're rambling about.

Anti-conflict bias

We've seen a culture of non-resistance be introduced here by none other than @dantheman through a series of articles that have swayed popular belief in his direction. I agree with a lot of what he says, but when it comes to social behavior, we each have a responsibility to stand up and correct someone when they're wrong. Being resistant to social retardation is a necessity for progression.

Here on Steemit, we've chosen to be passive when someone is wrong. Instead of correcting them, we sit by and watch them mislead people. What do you think happens when someone sees an article that's got a nice looking payout at the bottom? They believe that article is a consistent telling of how things are!

People here would rather see a post make lots of money than to see it be filled with real value. It wasn't like this when I first started. All we cared about then, through the sea of new users, was finding quality content that compared with real geniuses hitting the trending page.

I learned a lot of new things when I first came to Steemit, but lately I haven't learned shit on here. All I see are useless posts from fishermen that are fishing for votes, curated by bots and/or people that don't actually read any of it.

True value is subjective to the person who values it, and those of us who've been here for a while have already established that, however when there's a continuity of similar content/rubbish content, our overall subjective value becomes worthless. We become a herd that follows each others patterns and eventually we only change through consensus, rather than through individual productivity.

This herd mentality is devaluing our overall value. We need to stop doing what's likeable and start being ourselves, like each of us were in our introductory posts.

Don't just do what people like, do what you like and you know is right. So long as you're not physically harming anyone, there's no reason not to poke the bear and wake up an entire society that has so avidly chosen to sleep on reality.

Be real

Who cares what people like anymore anyway. Most of what people like is complete bullshit when considering the grand scheme of things. The only thing that's actually important is what you can actually learn and then teach to people.

Do your part and tell us what you know, not what you think you know.

In my most recent articles, ever since I started putting a goofy photo at the top to chill the mood, I've stayed true to who I am. That's someone who cares. I care enough to say something in public or on the internet that needs to be said, and its my duty to speak up when I know somethings amiss. Where ever something is wrong, I'm ready to help something be right, even if the thing that's wrong is me.

You could argue that it's narcissistic to act so righteously, you could argue that it's post-hoc fallacy to say one thing is because of another, you could argue that I'm calling people out because I'm jealous of rewards , but at the end of the day, unless your argument is keeping me from misleading people, then it's pointless. And just so we're clear, before you start commenting what you think you know about me on here, I'm not any of those things.

The point here is, why talk if you're not saying anything important? Why argue with those who are right when letting those who're wrong go unchecked? I've seen a lot of you call out people who are clearly right, only because you disagree with what they're saying. That's the dumbest shit ever, not only on here, but within society in general.

People need to learn to be wrong and know when something's not right. Learn to know rather than just think. Anyone can think they know something. If you walk into an insane asylum, I guarantee half of them think they are particle physicists.


We're each learning and we should each be helping that learning process. I wish that one day I will wake up and find I'm living in a society where we're no longer pretending and instead are prospering through the further enlightenment we can attain. That can never happen if we keep misleading each other with these simpleton social complexes.

Being real is what matters here. What you can see is factual, so speak it. Teach the world what's right from what's wrong. Stop finding buzzwords that excuse your half assed search for intelligence. Instead, find that knowledge and question it further.

A lot of text books are filled with bullshit that our elders have suggested is fact. Learn how to decipher between the bullshit and the truth, and help humanity before it destroys itself through idiocy. Learn how to decipher between fake peers and the real ones. Become the individual that you know yourself to be deep down. Find your mind, find yourself, and find your purpose. Please don't become a part of the problem that I see slowly eclipsing Steemit's realness.


Oh, and if you feel you're the opposite to everything I just said, chuck a comment below and let us know that you're an original individual!

Disclaimer: The images & quotes in this article were taken from the AMC series, The Walking Dead

Thomas Te Aroha Kohi

Owner, Thirsty Records | Hip Hop Artist | Entrepreneur

I was born in New Zealand and now reside in Australia. I write about many different subjects, mostly about those that affect me personally. I like to philosophize about each subject and do the same with my music. I'm addicted to knowledge though I'm no scholar. I try to be original & true in everything I do because I don't like pretending. I'm the realest person out.
Follow me


Steemit has been like The Walking Dead for a while now. There are some live ones here and there, but it's mostly just writing for that whale bot vote. In fact, it's not really like TWD - but more like some twisted form of Skynet for blog curating. You have to be on the side of the machines...or you die.

If you get those early bot votes and their trails, your post will have a chance to earn. If not, you better just hope that a whale is around and feels like reading your post and upvoting it. It's the overabundance of automation that's really killing the atmosphere around here. It's the exact opposite of what this platform should be and how it was supposed to naturally raise the best to the top. I've mentioned this many times before and it is a real problem, but we're seeing more and more users move to automated voting, especially with prices and payouts declining.

If this trend continues, we're all eventually going to be writing for computer programs. As the better writers figure this out, they'll just leave. So, we'll be left with the mediocre writers and the spammers posting for robot rewards. That doesn't sound like a revolutionary idea and platform to me.

So sorry that everyone isn't getting thousand-dollar rewards anymore, but this wasn't supposed to be only about massive post payouts for saying "Hi!" or for sharing a few pictures of your latest vacation. Because honestly - I haven't seen many posts worth $100, let alone $1000 or $10,000. That includes my own.

So, let's make Steem and Steemit great again...or just great.

I have read this excellent post by @senseiteekay and every comment on this page and i choose your comment on which to come in. I totally agree with you @ats-david on the automated bot voting effect on this platform and this undoubted downward trend it has had in the quality of posts. As I think its clear to see that once you have managed to obtain your ticket to a whale vote curation list the motivation to put in real effort to a post is lost as any content of any nature is automatically upvoted and your reward is as good as in the bag without it being ever truly read or analyzed by a human being. I think this fact is still further proven by the fact that we see now many posts getting hundreds of votes and good rewards but with little more than 4 or five comments. As i see it the comment sections have become a wasteland and its very sad for me to see as these threads used to be a place of heated debate and exchange concerning the subject of the post in question as I recall. Surely this is a trend which will not push this community or Steemit.Inc to the place where it hoped to be .When i raise my concerns of this to others i generally get a reply to the tone of I don,t have time to spend my day sifting through thousands of posts to find ones on which I want to vote. So if this is true now, one can only imagine what would be the situation, when and indeed if thousands and even millions of more users come on board in the hopefully near future ? I think @senseiteekay is so right about sounding the alarm bell with his post on this subject and any debate on this matter clearly in hand is a healthy thing no ? We need now to get more crticical of this handing over of curation to the auto style non critical vote system. But with everything being so painfully transparent here I am sure many fear to be noticed as being " complaners "" or " haters " and so they will just as they have done so far hold their tongues for fear of being ostricised by the more " self satisfied " highly rewarded memebers of this community who are happy with their unending free ride to the tredning post spot on this platform. So to round this up Yes ! We Do Need Change and We Do Need to Make Steemit Great Again and Yes We Can !!! If we decide to take the thing back into our own hands away from this auto self destruct system of non reading of content here on Steemit !! Steem On Nonetheless @senseiteekay and @ats.david )

That last part sounded like a Donald Trump line :D

Joking aside, you're completely right. People aren't working as hard to create content as they used too because a lot of them, and I'm talking about the 70 rep guys right now, have guaranteed votes. Others think they'll get automatic votes just for upvoting someone else. And then you've got the people who post click-bait content and hope some whale has a fat finger that day.

It's saddening to see because when I first came here, it was all about making this place great. Everyone was on board with each other, and you can see this through how vigilant we are when it comes to plagiarism. Now it seems that the enthusiasm that once was building us all up is gone, and instead has been replaced with this recession mentality that has us struggling for votes.

I feel like an even bigger problem here is that there's not enough whales, and that's been a problem since day one. There aren't enough whales that spend their day upvoting content that they enjoy. What I do see from whales at the moment is an upvoting trend based on curation guilds they're part of. As you said, you gotta get those early bot votes and their trails.

I'm hoping that maybe we, as a community, can come together and become a bit more diverse again. Diversity creates value, especially in an attention-based economy. Maybe if we bring back the diversity, we can see some trendy people come along that have big pockets. More trendy whales might make a difference. For now us minnows and dolphins can make a difference by creating original content. Who cares if it's quality so long as it's original and appeals to audiences.

All I see are useless posts from fishermen that are fishing for votes, curated by bots and/or people that don't actually read any of it


Yeah, toupee!

We need more toupees around here!

Lol! As a man with a head-full, I can only concur!

Yeah, I figured that was why you brought it up.

Great Idea @norbu!

Thanks @norbu. It's just one of the many problems when it comes to curation.

I actually am not a part of any of the curation guilds, I love curating and will be damned if I give that pleasure to a bot!

You have brought out very pertinent points my friend, and it was a good read. Thank you!

Hey Thomas, didn't read the whole article yet, but did read most of the comments and I'm really interested to hear more as a Steemit newbie. I've been pretty pumped about the platform, but it also sounds like there are kinks and maybe things have changed since you signed up.

All this stuff about bots voting is new to me and I would definitely hate to see content geared towards only that aspect, but for sure, I can see some of the clutter that makes it hard to find good original stuff. I guess I'll just keep upvoting and following things that ring true to me and hopefully that's a good start until I learn more.

Thanks for your conscious actions!


Hey, thanks for your comment. Connecting with others is the best way to learn how this all works. When I first came here I was also a bit lost, and I'll admit I'm still learning a few things, but over time we each find our own way to use the platform.

Yes, I'm not one for automated voting because I believe it devalues our curation overall, even though I've noticed some bots provide me with rewards from time to time. I think it destroys the purpose of creating our own individual place when some users have an unfair amount of stakes(accounts/power), I feel it destroys equality overall. In saying that, not all bots here are malevolent, and there's not as many as you may think. Most of them have been made by those who wish to provide rewards but don't have the time to distribute their votes, so they create bots to do it for them while still overseeing the content those bots are voting on. The community monitors these things through the chat channels, such as on discord and on Really, the community as a whole is what makes this click. So, in saying that, if ever you experience things that you dislike, don't be afraid to speak your opinion. You'll find that the truth is welcomed here, as we're all watching.

The best of advice I can give you is to be yourself and take your time to find out how to put that self out there to an audience. You'll find over time that you'll create a following that enjoys you for being you. Nothing is more validating than the honest validation from peers. Not that you need it in life, but it is a nice thing to have. And, if we keep spreading the same message, more and more will choose to bring themselves to the platform, rather than trying to interpret the expectations of others.

Keep connecting with people on here, it's the best way to spend your time in my opinion.


Once I'm done patting myself on the back @senseiteekay, I'll reach over and give you a few. Biff Tannen would be so proud.

I chose to take the entertainment route because that's what comes naturally to me. Just being myself. Though some may think any ole idiot can be as much of an idiot as I am, I beg to differ. Making an ass out of yourself is no easy feat.

Intelligence is not limited to those who only use the best words to describe the things they know. Some of us can create a natural feeling within our audience which words can hardly describe. That cannot be achieved by being someone else. Once you lose connection with yourself, you lose connection with your world... and eventually everyone else.

This was a good read. Thank you for sharing.

I've seen some of your stuff being shared and now I think it's time to start following you.

I enjoyed this comment. Humility is sincere and I like that a lot.

If we met in person we'd probably get along like a house on fire :D

Welcome to the team! I appreciate that.

I can relate to your comments about starting out and not knowing a damn thing. I can relate to much of what you said actually. Early on you helped me by being straight forward and honest with me about a mistake I made. You've had my respect ever since.

Yo, that's cool to hear. What did I actually say? I'm on here so much, reading & commenting, I lose track of a lot of it.

This is one of your articles. The words are in the comment section. You handled it like a champ. Some people tend to fly off the handle and get trigger happy with the flag or the keys. It's nothing big, but it made me feel welcome here when I was just starting out. I believe that was my first week here and I was struggling, ready to give up. It's those small things man. A lot of other people helped too. I don't forget these things.

Oh damn, now I remember! Thanks for jogging my memory.

I still firmly believe it's because we're a community here and as such we have to help keep each other in check, in the best of ways. And you're right, some users don't know how to do that fashionably. I'll admit, I've had my moments, both here and on other websites, but you come back from it.

It's definitely those small things that count though. They're what meld a community into one.

I'm pretty humbled right now knowing that I was able to help you. Hopefully you can help someone else the same way in the future :D

Hmmm, people told that #til will get good payouts, man condemns fishing for votes, posts in #til...

Joking, I've done it myself! Your points are well made and your concerns are valid.

Thanks for sharing your mind and speaking up on this.

I'm having a crazy enough time trying to be myself on here, I couldn't imagine trying to fit in with the rest of them.

Keep it up man! I appreciate it!

I was trying to hit that irony tip! aha.

You're unique @papa-pepper. I appreciate your posts. I'm just hoping we don't fall in to the same ruts as other social media websites where there's a certain precedent that everyone has to follow or else become an outcast. Having originality is what makes us special, and I would like to see Steemit stay that way.

I know what you mean.

In the last month, I touched on a couple of subjects that I thought would cost me, but I did it anyway. It worked out fine, and it seems that even highly sensitive topics can be expressed and discussed if we do it with tact and respect.

If I think that you get all lame on us, I'll let you know!

You're welcome man!

Well you're lucky, because I don't think robots can become zombies.. @scammymcspambot

I agree with this wholeheartedly. You described the increasingly pretentious behavior perfectly. I see a lot of articles that post stuff that you can easily find elsewhere on the internet, stuff that they aren't really familiar with, whose purpose is to just get votes. You can feel it when reading their post, that there isn't really any emotion in it, and I think that's most telling. Nowadays, I just ignore posts like that.

Let's take this post for example. One could really feel your character with the way you write, and your passion regarding the topic really seeps through. We share the same sentiment in wanting to see Steemit filled with original content that's ripped straight out of the writer's heart.

Thanks man, that means a lot to me. Maybe not to some, but it means something to me. I try to keep it real and a comment like that makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

But yes, I agree man. I look out for real thought. A lot of authors here write like they're trying to prove a point, but because they're not saying much - just long winded words - they don't really express anything. Lets see where this post goes, hopefully it changes something.

Yeah, man. Just keep on keeping it real. Your posts are awesome, so just keep on doing what you're doing. I wouldn't have followed you way back when if it wasn't.

I really enjoy giving encouraging comments , especially to people who deserve it. So to receive that kind of appreciation from a comment I made, it really means a lot to me as well.

Word up. I'll try share the same love from my end to others.

Inspiring words my friend, truly.

Excellent post. I wish I could argue with you, because now it looks like I am doing the opposite of what you conveyed :-) , but truly and honestly, I couldn't say it better myself. As to myself, I am still surprised every time I make the ~$10 per post that I get here, it's amazing that people actually care about what is just my thoughts and ideas. I wish there was an easy way to encourage more people to do that, but unfortunately, the only thing we can do us to slowly unravel the tangle that smartphone culture has thrown us into, one person at a time.

So I guess we should just keep calm and carry on. The beauty of Steemit that hi quality content can be written here at all, in contrary to other social networks where it is considered sacrilegious.

First post about New Zealand... Followed!

Thanks for the feedback. Like I said, it's all subjective value and if you're posting stuff that people like that's cool, I just hope it's original. I'm playing a game right now I'll be sure to check out your page and have a looksie. I enjoy original thought from different perspectives.

But yea, I hope we keep it the way you describe it, where everyone has a say and isn't subjected to posting the same stuff like other networks.

You bring up a good point, there is not much to learn here anymore. The diy and maker crowds are what keep many forums alive, but they are not rewarded here.

Unfortunately it is not profitable to post tutorials or guides for anything but steem propaganda. Many have tried and left already, the rewards obviously were not enough and the platform changes stopped it. There is no reason to post good information here when you cannot earn advertising from it, keep it updated, or even get replies after a month.

If you had to pick a target market that deserves more time and attention, teachers, diy'ers, and builders posting knowledge would be the ones with the best return.

There have been rewards for posting tutorials and good educational pieces, but unfortunately that time has passed. I think, rather than just worrying about rewards, we should look at ways to better categorize our content so that we can easily find what we want to look at. If we do that, then we will quickly see people sticking to their categories, rather than trying to expand to where the rewards are. It'll also bring people in who're familiar with certain topics, whom see that there are rewards for those topics. Right now it's a topic free for all...

I'm just like everyone here - unique :/

Good post. Your points are well-made and I agree with you.

However, I like to believe I'm being true to myself when I post. My articles are all original and my stories have all been written specifically for one person initially- for me, my own enjoyment, my pleasure. I'm lucky in the fact that writing is not only my business, it's also my passion and my hobby.

Money has never really been a motivator for me and that is the main reason, whenever I promote to others, I tell them this is another platform to get their work seen - and that maybe they could get a payout... perhaps.

Once we get people coming to Steemit to showcase their work rather than to become millionaires, that's when we will see the platform get back to how it was at the beginning.

Don't worry, I'm working on doing just that ;)

I'm glad to hear you're posting because you enjoy writing, that's what I like to see. Sorry I haven't seen your posts until now.

It's okay if money is a motivator, but once people start forgetting themselves and start posting just for the money, that's when I start to yawn. It's easy to be ourselves, though I do think a lot of us have forgotten how to do just that.

The fact is, a lot of people are still posting in trending topics, rather than starting topic categories for themselves. Like this new #TIL for example. The amount of people posting in their are doing so for the reward because it was started by a couple of big vest holders. That's all cool and everything, but don't forget to post something good.

I think that once we start diversifying ourselves like we did in the beginning, we'll start to see another influx of users, especially from people that want to be heard for who they are, not for what society wants them to be.

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