I made $1068 this month on Steemit - Great Scott! (And a message to the ungrateful)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A month ago I wrote a post explaining a loss on Forex and how Steemit may help me recover; turns out it did.

Great Scott!

I spent less time worried about monetary charts and more time worrying about Steemit this month. In doing so, I was able to net $1068.868 in author rewards (Steem, SBD, & SP), and although $300 USD was made for and donated to charity, I was still able to progress in every way possible on Steemit!

My rep has increased from 58 to 62; Steem Power has increased from 834 SP to 1836 SP; Followers increased by 49. Based on my Steempower, I am now ranked within the top 1400 Steemit users. All in one month!

Full Steem ahead!

"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."

More time for Steemit!

I have a few projects that I'm working on here. If you haven't heard I've created a Steemit music curation group which helps support Musicians and resteems studio quality music releases on Steemit. I've also been a part of the Steemsquad group, but due to lack of communication between moderators, I won't be supporting the group any longer.

There's a whole list of different Steemit post ideas sitting next to me right now which keeps getting bigger by the day, so my first goal will be to cross off some of those topics. I want to perfect my blog further so that it becomes a place for all walks of life.

One more thing...

For the people who are walking away from Steemit because of the falling price, there's a question you should be asking yourself... Do you enjoy eating shit for breakfast? Because that's exactly what your other social media feeds are feeding you.

Mark Zuckerberg is like Biff Tannen, whereas @ned is marty mcfly and @dan is Doc Brown. If we were picking teams I know exactly where I would stay. Fakebook hasn't done anything for me but censor the exact same content that I get paid for posting here, and so I'm forever grateful to be here. I've lost count of the times I've said thanks to our developers in my posts.

Steemit has created the ultimate social media platform, and yet the monetary incentive has people thinking improvidently. I'm sick of having to explain how the site is still in beta and that this is still a minimal product. Add in the fact that Steem markets are popping up, including a hospital that accepts Steem, it seems people just can't wrap their heads around how game changing this newly found social networking economy is.

Facebook has no value other than the value its users give it. What do you think would happen if all the Facebook users disappeared over night? It would depreciate. The same thing happens to the price of Steem when you walk away(except Steem also has a developing market). You, the user, give this platform its value; You and your content. So, why on earth would you walk away and let the price fall if your only intention here is to make money? It seems illogical for any of us to walk away, at least not until something similar comes along.

And for those of you who are new here, leave your expectations at the door because this place is unprecedented.

Anyway, if there's an almanac for social media websites ten years from now, Steemit would by far have the best stats in the competition. Don't be silly and bet on the wrong platform!

Blog statistics: http://steemwhales.com/senseiteekay
Images were taken from the Back to the Future movie trilogy (1985)


Not only do I agree, but the VERY first post I wrote on steemit over a month ago was on why this is the best social media platform on earth!

@senseiteekay, congratulations on doing so well. This social media platform is like the beginning of rock n roll back in 1955. Thank you chuck berry, and thank you @ned and @dan.

Probably my favorite Steem analogy to date. Keep going strong @runridefly

Congratulations on doing so well, I am trying but nowhere near your stats

Stay faithful and post good content. I've been here for over 3 months and trust me, perseverance, patience, and good intentions are the only virtues you need here.

Very wise words of which I completely agree~*~

I hope my posts are good but to make it on here they have to be great. I am learning :)

Seeing as you put it that way, I am now following you :D

Thank you and for you being so nice I will repay the deed plus I did enjoy your post and I can learn fron you :)

Your right steemit has no precedents and i think its going to change the way people see social networks

You're my hero. I want to be just like you when I grow up.

Grats on sucess @senseiteekay

It's awesome to see good content rewarded. This is what the internet has been needing since inception.

Soon we'll all be sending Steem-mail back and forth and the spammers won't be able to send us Viagra offers because when they come here to try and earn steem they get flagged out of existence!!!

What a glorious day in deed....

I've been here for 3 weeks or so , and I love Steemit. I try to post at-least one article everyday. Hopefully this not only increases my consistency but also my reputation.
Thanks for the motivation! I needed it .Re-blogged :)

Smart! That is definitely a good thing to do. You're allowed to post up to 4 times I think, but keeping it to at least one is sensible. Keeps your followers interested, stops your account from stagnating, and gives you more opportunities to reap the benefits of Steemit. Thanks for the reblog, I'll be following you from now on :)

Wow, I remember you started around the same time did awesome job!

We did didn't we. How time flies.

Great to read about your progress and overcoming your challenges. Happy Steeming.

Great Article. This one may shock and amaze though.
Donald Trump IS Biff Tannen!! Congrats on your success.


As much as I hate links inside my posts, I have to agree. However, both presidential candidates are shills.

I can remove the link if you like. Is that a bad thing to do here? I'm still a little wet behind the ears when it comes to this stuff. ...and yeah agreed. I'm Canadian, glad I don't have to put up with that.

I'm Australian so I'm with you there.

But yeah, it's a bit frowned upon because it's considered hijacking a post. Because I mentioned Biff Tannen here your link remains relevant so you can leave it. Be careful posting links in the future, some people are less kind than I am and will flag you for such.

Good to know. I thank you for that. You probably saved me a few headaches in the future. We should all give Biff Tannen a round of applause. Without his help today, I'd still be in the dark.

On a serious note though, thank you very much. Really appreciate it. Won't happen again.

Hey, it's cool. Steemit is communal place where we help each other out. Do you part and out someone else out in the future. Peace!

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