Reduce Anxiety With A Worry Journal

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)

There are different causes of anxiety and each type may require a different treatment. But what is common to all types of anxieties is that they make you feel miserable. Even worse, they can also lead to bigger illnesses and that is all the more reason to ensure that anxiety is treated as soon as possible.

This post is dealing with the most basic form of anxiety. The good thing about the initial stage of anxiety, if you can identify it in time, is that it can be easily cured at home.

Be Organized

Let me tell your first - it really helps to be organized. I maintain a written list for everything. For example, the bills that I have to pay every month are listed in my computer file with all the details needed. The excel sheet has the usernames and passwords for each website where I pay all my bills. There is a separate row for each payment and each row has all the details like the date of payment, amount and due date. The existence of this single record makes me pay all my bills on time.

Similarly I have lists for short term tasks and long term projects. Almost everything is online with only the daily tasks being offline on my smartphone. That is a lot of stress and anxiety that is gone from the building with just a few lists!

Worry Journal

But what can be most effective is the Worry Journal.

Other than being organized with every task being catered for, the biggest element of anxiety is the feeling of losing control. This is accompanied by irrational thoughts of something going terribly wrong. Unfounded fears of accidents or nightmares about scary topics that may occupy your mind are some other symptoms. I know many people who cannot sleep till late because these thoughts keep bugging them. Many wake up due to nightmares and cannot go back to sleep.

The Worry Journal is a book where you can write down your fears and anxieties. It could be any notebook but make sure that you can carry it with you while traveling since you will be using it everyday.

Write Them Down

Simply write down your fears, worries and concerns in the Worry Journal. Imagine that you have a good friend and all that she does is to listen to your worries. Write those things down as you would say to this friend. That is it - so simple isn't it?

It could be one page or three but once you have written it all down you will feel your worry dissipate instantly. You will heave a sigh of relief the first time and every subsequent experience will leave you free of anxiety.

I know this because I do it every day and it works!

Over the long term your Worry Journal will significantly decrease the instances of anxiety attacks and increase the feeling of happiness.


What time should you do it? You could do this exercise first thing in the morning or before going to bed. It depends on when you feel most anxious so that you can apply the solution at that time. Some do it in the afternoon when they think they are ready for writing down their worries. Do what suits you best. But once you choose a certain time try and stick to the same time every day.


The Worry Journal is a simple tool that can cure you of anxiety and make you feel happy. It doesn't cost much and you can easily spare a few minutes a day to maintain it. When it works for you you will be also relieved that you did not need to spend money on any form of medication!

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Image sources: Giphy, Canva, Pixabay


When I am unorganised my anxiety is at it's worst, I find writing lists helps me reduce the fear I will forget them and the myraid of other fears and worries that could happen if I did forget them. It's a vicious circle. Knowing your own triggers is very important as it's the first step to reducing them. I haven't written my worries down but am a huge list person and have excel stats to boot. My panic attacks have subsided for now but next time I feel them rising I will have to remember this technique.

Thank you for such a thoughtful comment that actually adds to the original post!

Knowing your own triggers is indeed the first step towards reducing anxiety. Glad to hear that you're already using lists for your benefit - that's half the battle won. :-)

Your article is very insightful. most of those steps are quite helpful. another thing also is consistency. new habits can be difficult to form.

True, new habits are difficult for some to get going for the long term. But if you practice your new habit for a few weeks it helps, especially if you fix a daily time for it as mentioned in the post.

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