"Thank You For Being" - @noki-power!!!!

in #thankyouforbeing7 years ago (edited)

We have a  blessed opportunity to honor someone we find great appreciation for,
and to put it on the blockchain for all time!

#ThankYouForBeing is becoming a very contagious game
that amplifies the juicy feelings of gratitude we feel,
while also giving energy to the positive side of building community
here on Steemit.

I invite you to join in on the "Thank You For Being" game.
This is my fifth "Thank You For Being" post.
See my other post links below.


I dedicate this post to @noki-power!!!

I have so amazing photographs of Noki.  
She really is one of those beings that is so indescribably wise and cute,
and truly an exceptional human being,
that every moment with her is worth remembering. 

These are photographs I have taken of her at different stages of her life
since the day she blessed us with her presence on this planet!!

Noki was born at the @gardenofeden in the bathtub -
a peaceful, graceful birth - true to her nature.

Noki is now 4 years old, and may be the youngest person here on Steemit.
@noki-power's introduction post.

Her amazing life as a child raised in freedom
is being a shared through an account dedicated to her
as an investment in her future,
created in trust and managed by her father, @quinneaker.

Get a taste of @quinneaker's perspective on parenting and education
(which is, of course, the foundation for Noki's amazing life).

When you tune into the profound implications of the childhood that Noki lives,
you’ll see the potent and important ramifications of this quote:

“I believe that all problems in the world begin with parenting,
and thus all solutions lie in New Paradigm Parenting.”... @quinneaker


Dearest, most beautiful, kind, loving, wise

You're raising my standards and challenging me to become
the being of unconditional love I wish to be.


You are the cream of my BFFs.  Juicy love just drips off of you, as you are more noble, sweet and tender hearted than anyone I know.  You always take the high road, even when others are showing their most devious, annoying or ugly side.   You are indeed a shining light in the darkness, and you do it with such ease and eloquence, because that's who you are!!

Giving gifts from her nature-found treasure basket.

You are a lover of nature like I am, spending  hours on end playing outside on the @gardenofeden land
alone with your  ponies, sticks, flowers and dirt.  

I've never known another child (except your sister, @qiqi-power) to be so aware of and familiar with the herbs, vegetables and plants grown straight from the earth as you are.  I love that you share with others what is edible and inedible, what the sprouts look like, and even what the plants/herbs are used for.   Your connection with nature is really astounding!

It's beautiful to witness how comfortable you are in your own skin.  Whether you are naked, donning layers of earth, or dancing in your sparkly gowns, you always wear your own expressive, personal, authentic style.

You engage life in such a simple and down-to-earth fashion.  It's beautiful that you need nothing to be happy, in fact making sure that others have their first pick of things, looking out for the well-being of others, their physical and emotional needs, meanwhile you're so satisfied and fulfilled through your own generous presence.

Seeing your adorable face everyday sets my heart on fire.

I wish I had recordings of all the wisdom you drop so casually,
as if everyone already understood the ways of divinity!
You're an incredibly wise child,
seeing and knowing things that are way beyond the experience
of most humans I have ever known.

Thank you for all the solutions, for being the one to take up the slack,
for showing people there is another way, and for living true to yourself.

Thank you for always being real, for always telling the truth,
for being an example of presence and unconditional love.

Thank you for dong the Noki Poki with me, for jumping with the bouncy stuffed Hello Kitty on the tramp with me, for sharing your food, your treasures, your feelings, and your heart with me.

I am eternally blessed to know you, to be best friends with you, to have my days light up with the joy that you exude, and to know that through your example, there is hope for the world through the expansion of true love.

Noki in her element - playing alone for hours at a time amongst the plants, bugs and birds.

You have changed the way I view the world, the way I look at myself, the way I look at children, and the way I look at humanity.  You're such a divine creature...I don't know how I will every repay you for the constant blessing you are in my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, @noki-power.
Thank you for coming into my life and being all that you are!

Thank you for simply BEing!!


Here are two of my favorite, memorable video moments in time with @noki-power!

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A walk through the @gardenofeden harvesting "pick-me's!"

<div style="position:relative;height:0;padding-bottom:56.25%"><iframe src="

" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;left:0" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

It's amazing how present and focused a small child can be--never wavering!


I hope to have inspired you to write a
"Thank You For Being" post of your own.

Share some love around.  
Why wait another moment to show your appreciation?


- How you too can play the "Thank You For Being" game
- "Thank You For Being" @quinneaker
- "Thank You For Being" @qiqi-power
- "Thank You For Being" @saramiller
- "Thank You For Being" @alexandravart
- "Thank You For Being" @everlove by @saramiller
- "Thank You For Being" @everlove by @jr11
- "Thank You For Being" @gardenofeden by @jr11
- "Thank You For Being" by @olawalium
-"Thank You For Being"  @teamhumble by @dayleeo



NOKI!!!!! What a beautiful post to a beautiful being!
She is truly so so sweet and I am grateful to know you both. You have such a special relationship - it's awesome & heartwarming to see you two BFFs together!!
This is a great game that gives us all so many warm fuzzies. Thank you @everlove!

Mmmmmmmm...I love warm fuzzies too! That's part of why I love that Noki so much...she is definitely a warm fuzzy!! I love having such a remarkable being so close in my world! Blessed beyond measure! Love you too....and thank god for Sara!

Thanks gods for Shellie!!!! Yes Noki is a yummy warm fuzzy for sure!! What a sweetheart.

Three of the most amazing kids I know - and I'm a children's entertainer.

They are truly remarkable!!!! So glad you are blessed to know them as well--our lives will never be the same. I love having you here @snake73!

@everlove beautiful. Awesome that you're keeping the game going too.

So very much to be grateful for. May we continue to see the beauty and pass it on!

Absolutely. I love the game so much.

Love my Noki hugs. Soothes the soul.

Like no other!!!! A REAL gem!

What a blessing!!!!!!!

Love with care. So loving! Such a nice sharing.

So so so much love. Glad you can feel it @majidawan.

My pleasure! :)

Smile of my children


Cute they are. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for appreciation.

Well constructed writings, beautiful child... Feels nice to come across this

So glad it makes you feel good @aice20. I'm sure someone else would feel great too receiving a #thankyouforbeing post from you!

I'm inspired to carry on from here ma'am. I'll like to do great writing as yours for real

I would love to see you express your appreciation on your blog. If you'd like, come back and post a link here for me, so I won't miss it.

Alright ma'am, i will.. Cheers

This is the symbol of childhood and innocence, the symbol of inner beauty and nature nurture. I am not surprised if she's the youngest member of the Steemit community.

Thank you for this refreshing perspective.

It's truly a delight to share with those who can see the magnificence. Thank you for taking the time to comment @sungbojus. I'm grateful to share with you.

She is a really lovely girl! * - *

I'm in love with her story! Thank you so much for sharing @everlove!

She is a dream for certain!!! I hope you'll check out her blog and be further inspired @lord-faustus.

Wow! What a beautiful and amazing young lady... See that happy laughter on her face. Seeing her smiling is tempting me to go and father such a beautiful daughter like her too... Smile
I will come out with a new entry #thankyouforbeing @everlove

#thankyouforbeing! What a way with words you have. Incredibly sincere and overwhelmingly warm-hearted. Thanks for being you @emmakwisequote. And thanks for finding me.

Noki is really an incredible being. I'm glad you can feel her spirit shine through--it's hard to describe such a blessing from the Universe. Everyday I am so grateful. I hope when you are a father, you will exemplify the father role like @quinneaker. I've never seen a parent so full of love and honor. May we all be blessed by his example. I truly appreciate your comment.

No doubt about @quimneaker being a great father from the pictures above. Those pictures speak volume about him. Look at the way he gives so much attention to Noki even right from birth. I'm sure Noki would be proud of him too.
What an amazing friend you are @everlove ,despite the distance,i can steel feel the true love you are expressing not to only me but to everyone that have connection with you.
#thankyouforbeing @everlove

I'm truly blessed to be surrounded by awesome human beings. @quinneaker holds major space in the love vortex, and his children are the testament to his awareness and ability to share it so profoundly.

I've made some really amazing friends here on Steemit with such an incredible family vibe, living appreciation. Grateful you're one of those @emmakwisequote. Like attracts like!

Oh yea! Like i said the other time,no one can find it difficult to connect with you. I'm happy we both enjoy this connection together. You are a great friend from the other side of the world. The feelings from the @gardenofeden is strongly radiating to us in Nigeria. Smile

Oh so glad love can reach far and wide. Blessed are we to stand together to be the change.

So much blessed...

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