The Old Dog Initiates: Testimonial Tuesday! Share, Encourage And Earn! Week 1

in #testimonialtuesday6 years ago (edited)

I have been so moved, so inspired and so touched by your testimonials in these two posts (One and Two) that I would like to facilitate our great community in sharing them on a regular basis! Let's build each other up as we "Succeed Together"!

Testimonial Tuesday Begins Today!

Yes, I know that it's Monday but I'm too excited to wait until tomorrow so let's get this party started!

What do we Want to See With Testimonial Tuesday?

It's simple: Please let us know how Steem has benefited you recently. 

  • What did you learn? 
  • How did you grow? 
  • What new friends have you made? 
  • How has the Steem blockchain impacted you financially? 
  • What goals have you reached? 
  • What dreams do you see yourself grasping and turning into reality?

You get the point but to help you out I've included a whole bunch of them from my recent post:

The Old Dog Reports: I Asked And You Told Me. How Has Steemit Changed Your Life?

You can find them right below the rules for this contest!

How Will Testimonial Tuesday Work?

  • Write an  article about your experience using the tag "testimonialtuesday" and put a link to it in the comments here.
  • If you don't want to write an entire post just write your experience in the comment section  for this post!
  • Testimonial Tuesday will close each week as soon as the post pays out.
  • Video testimonials would be great as well!
  • I will select the most inspiring experiences, reward them with Steem and make a summary post with the best ones!
  • How much will the prizes be? That could change from week to week but I LOVE giving, sharing, and distributing the wealth! We all need to succeed together!

Here Are The Best Testimonials From last Week!

Each of the following testimonials will receive 1 Steem!

@darthnava @jlufer @silviabeneforti @olga.maslievich @cryptopie @yaan @enjoywithtroy @okean123 @theguruasia @nnajmull @merej99 @tanata @shayne @inna-yatsuk 

We Look Forward to Reading Your Highlights on The Steem Blockchain!

Thanks for having a look at our latest project: "Testimonial Tuesday! Share, Encourage And Earn! Week 1"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Let's Succeed Together!


I would start a "testimonial round" about how much @kus-knee did and is doing for Steemit and it's community! I guess a lot of people would have to say something about it! ;)

Just having a good time @paolobeneforti!

you are far too modest, Old Dog! ;)

Steemit has been my salvation, an immense thanks to the creator of what it is for me to open my eyes to the world for the first time, without faults or mistakes. I learned to share what has been placed in my hands in a meaningful way, to be generous selflessly, as they do with me. Personally, it has allowed me to grow as a beautiful flower that opens to give that endless beauty and warmth, giving the best of me to this great community, in every step I try to be better.
Steemit has allowed me to meet many people, before I used to think that I was fine with the friends I had, but it is incredible now, the friends are not just the ones from childhood, I know, in the time I have in the community I met many online and personally to many users, a unique experience was through the meetings held with the promotion of the platform, that there is even a whatsapp group, and to date we are (76) users who support each other.

This question if you have marked me: How has the Steem blockchain impacted you financially?

Friends, my country is going through one of the worst moments in history, so as I said at the beginning Steemit is a blessing. Steemit came to make me show the best of me and feel valued, in addition to allowing me financially get a stability to find calm, how to start: Steemit has fed me, although they can not believe it, it's true, and I appreciate it enormously, but what helped me the most was getting enough money to pay for an operation that I received on December 19, 2017, gallstones.I was completely full of these calculations and if they were not eliminated immediately, it could cause my death, I did not have the necessary resources to be treated, then one day, Steemit, who are all of you, allowed me to pay for the operation.
More than a goal is a satisfaction, the achievement of being able to bring many people this great help as it is Steemit, that they feel loved, valued and developed in whatever they want and how they want.

Great post and great project @kus-knee ;-)
What is my experience?!?
I learned to live with a mannequin... to be a lot more creative... to "meet" a lot of other creative people. I feel inspired here on Steemit... and I'm excited about blockchain-based projects :-)
2018 will be a great year!
Lucas and Steemitri

So nice to see the two best buds together!

due gocce d'acqua! :D

Haha... il mio gemello!

Thank you @kus-knee for this great opportunity to tell about my own experience on Steemit. Here is my story

Thanks so much for sharing this!

First of all, I want to tell you I got your reward prize! Thank you very much for that generous help! Now I am going to answer your questions today!

  • What did you learn?
    I am learning about 3rd Generation blockchains now.

  • How did you grow?
    Decided to give a try and build apps on STEEM blockchain.

  • What new friends have you made?
    A lot, a lot valuable and respectful friends made here.

  • How has the Steem blockchain impacted you financially?
    No words to say, it gives me freedom and specially this money helps me to make my family lives better.

  • What goals have you reached?
    My goal is making 3 figure rewarded posts (by using valuable contents), still not reach that goal. But I wish I will do.

  • What dreams do you see yourself grasping and turning into reality?
    I want to leave my job and need to be a full time Steemer! I am trying to make that dream true!


You have listed some very nice goals and accomplishments!

I tried to contact you at the! Thank you for your nice response!


I have made a ton of new companions here couse.

the general population here are genuine and legit and have influenced companions and I to have learn numerous things like how to compose how to converse with individuals .

also, steemit help me a ton in my money related issue......

furthermore, now what objectives I have achieved the objectives I have achieved I got new pc and numerous things . what's more, this is stunning I am adoring this..

Carry on dear..😊😊😊😊

Wow. Great to read this! Blessings to you @nnjmull!

Thanks a lot my friend..And actually I like your every post..Cause your every post create extraordinary...

I will wait for next post...😊😊

Steemit changed my life literally because i want to buy a house for my mom because that's her dream and my dream too so with the coins i earn with steemit i'm saving them to buy the house although it will be small but own. In colombia a house has a price of 55000 USD and i'm sure that without steemit that dream can't be truth quickly now i have 8000 USD combined my saving with steemit and money saving from my salarie and i think in 2019-2020 my dream will come true. Regards

What an amazing opportunity we've all been given!

Yes friend :)

as a newbie here I've learned a lot of things because of steemit. It is a way why i meet new friends that i could share my thoughts and idea which helps to boost my self-confidence and that thing is more than enough for me.

"i could share my thoughts and idea which helps to boost my self-confidence"

This is an interesting point and it should not be overlooked!

There came like a timeline; before and after steemit. Was it before steemit? :-) and then we mean your own time you got to know steemit. For me, this was half Octobre 2017, I heard about it on the radio, while we drove in the car, and I thought, writing and showing things going on in your life and earning money with it? I have to try and so I did. Now I must say the beginning was like absolutely dream time, I came in, I think steem was 0.92 and I saw my dollar going up so fast, and then I learned Steem dollar was even more worth converted to steem! In December even nearly 6 times as much, so I had the benefits of a quick growth I think. I started telling everyone about it, but no one seems to listen! only my daughter @wanderingkells my son @james-hugo his friend who has a account, but does not do anything yet. And my best friend @vee2180 listened and came to joy me on steemit. I told people around me, djee steem is going up in euro it is no this much... and their answer was keep quiet I still cannot by a bread of steem! I proved them wrong! I wrote over to dodge and from dodge to euros in my account, only 20 euro, because I see investing in myself still the biggest earn. Could not live without it, this moment of my life. But not for that reason! I just love the new people that i met, all the contests, going on, all the pictures, + the joy of searching your own pictures again :-) I am writing again in freewrites, things I did not feel free to do at facebook, because all your friends have their own opinion. I thought I would write it as a comment because how nice I find it on steemit, can be said in a few words, but it still took a bit more than that!

What a nice experience. What was the radio show about? I know your friend @vee2180 because of this platform!

That's a good story Janine-ariane, but you are so well in telling story's, i struggle so much, if the question comes ...story... i block, because the organisation in my head is not existing and i leave with chaos.
About my experience, i like it to share my pictures and my art, about earning money on it, i think that's future and not really present time.
The comments i get on my posts make me happy, also to give comments on the pretty post you find here, just like oasters with a pearl,and for now that's the reason i'm in :-)
Always nice to meet new friends, and i have been lucky so far, ...
So my gratitude go's to all of you

I'm glad that you are enjoying your journey and that you've found a place to share your art and photos!

Thank you, yes i do , and you are such a inspiration to me :-)

I know you know vee :-) we have her in common. hahaha I think her hair gets straight when I say we HAVE... This platform is right her cup of tea! She is ever so creative :-) The radio show, was something less important, just someone got phoned to tell about his choice of music when the presenter asked him about his work, he had no work, but made money writing on social media, and from there he started explaining about steemit. It was like not even 5 minutes, but because I love social media it was stuck in my head. :-) I wish I knew who it was then I would be able to thank him. Although I would wish steem would be more like the end or middle December, it is still doing well, but growing does not go fast now, still, the main thing is the nice contacts, not because you are friends but because you have the same interests. Is it not?

i have made a lot of new friends here couse .. the people here are real and honest and have made friends and i have learn many things like how to write how to talk to people . and steemit help me a lot in my financial problem .. and now what goals i have reached the goals i have reached i got new pc and many things . and this is amazing i am loving this

This is really good news!

you are an amazing person ...just followed you

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