The Old Dog Reports: Learning to See Things The Steem Way!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Is it just me or is  Steem really everywhere? On the land, on the sea and in the air?

We had a late night flight out of Tenerife arriving back at Milano Malpensa airport at 1:30 this morning and after driving home we finally hit the sack at about 4 a.m! 

Check Out The Buns That Were Served With Our Airplane Meal!

As soon as we saw them on our trays we all said in unison "Hey that's the Steem logo!"  We quickly arranged the three of them on top of one of the provided blue napkins and voila. Steem really is everywhere!

Here you can see how we arranged the shot. The blue of the airplane lights added to the drama!

Of course we were decked out again in our Steem gear as we took to the skies! 

That's me flashing the Steem logo! And yes, the food was terrible!

Steem Can Help You to See Things Differently!

As a blogger earning Steem you likely have the tendency to look at everything as a potential blog post. This helps you to find beauty and interest where you never did before! It also gives so many of us an outlet for our hobbies, interests and artistic abilities! 

The bonus is that we are earning this really cool crypto currency called Steem for our efforts and it's getting more and more valuable all the time! To find out why check out my article here.

Would You Like Some Practice at Seeing Things Differently?

If so then why not check out and enter my contest on The Mundane as Art! It's an exercise in doing just that! In our latest round we're looking for beautiful pictures of rust!

How Has Steem Helped You to See Things Differently? Prizes!

  • What do you do now that you didn't do before?
  • Are you approaching day to day life a little differently?
  • 10 Steem in prizes to the best comments about how things have changed for you
  • The prizes will be awarded upon pay out of this post

I hope that you enjoyed this article on "Learning to See Things The Steem Way! "

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Steem is changed my life too. I joined steemit one month before i have no idea about blockchain , cryptos what they are. After joining i get to know about cryptocurrency and i invested in currency called ETHland by reading blog and experts advice here , now it is 10x than i invested so get huge profit ...i was jobless and now i'm making money ...i'm making money on steemit is not too much but it is sufficient in starting ..all thanks to steemit...

So great to read your experience!!


I think I drive my kids insane a bit because I see most everything as a potential blog post! I am always taking pics and taking notes. I actually believe it is a way of brain exercise!

It's a nice hobby for we old guys!

what steemit can achieve with people is magical, just go for a walk and see a beautiful and colorful flower you regret not having taken the camera to take a picture because you are thinking about the red challenge of Monday, or you you find a large tree and you stop to take several photographs to publish on Tuesdays, or a building with beautiful structures, think about the architectural publication, everything you see and touch, is thinking about steemit, you only talk to the family of steemit, you take a remis and the whole trip you come talking to the steemit shipper, you even dream with steemit that you publish a post and they paid you thousands of steem and your post is vulve trend.
So magio is the life that steemit provides us
excellent material dear friend @ kus-knee
I wish you a great day

Steem has been great for you in a difficult time and situation. Blessings to you @jlufer!

Steemed buns 😀

Funny!... no bun ( pun) intended?

Hahaha! It's not just you my friend! Looks like it's catchin' on! What's up with the big boys these days BTC and LTC? Both pulling back hard no?

Yes things are changing!

Hi friend thanks for sharing, yes the logo should be unfurl in the the sky one day. Feel very proud to be a steemian's. My life was very boring and monotonous before joining steemit. But after meeting you wonderful people life has changed greatly. Through I have not achieve much success in financialy,but the love and support which becomes the treasures of my life. I have the hope and expectations that one day I will definitely come out with a most beautiful smile of the world. Thanks for giving the opportunity to share with you my friend, wish you a very happy New Year. to

A very nice comment. Thanks for sharing!

Your post was a fun read! :)

I have been active on steemit for less than a month, so I'm not sure how it's changing my perception of things yet, but I'd say it's making me vaguely more optimistic. It's nice to see some monetary rewards for the photography I'm producing and it's nice to be a part of this new platform. The biggest change so far is that I've started spending some time here looking at other people's posts and interacting with people which is starting to become a habit already.

I'm glad to read that you're seeing some success!

Oh my god! Steem is everywhere!
Even buns look like steemit logo! :d

Hahaha yes!

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