The Old Dog Reports: I Asked And You Told Me. How Has Steemit Changed Your Life?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Just over a week ago I wrote the artice: "The Old Dog Reports: Learning to See Things The Steem Way!" wherein I asked for your input with the promise of 10 Steem in bonuses for the most inspiring answers. I can't wait to share what you had to say but first let me briefly tell you my story!   

This Old Dog has been changed by Steem and so, it seems, have you! 

Steemit is without a doubt the best hobby I've ever had and it has enriched me in many ways:  

  • Everything I see is a potential article.   
  • After being educated in applied arts and working in design for many years that side of me had gone dormant due to a job change. Now I again have an endless outlet for my artistic side.   
  • I've dropped some other past times that cost me money, time and energy and taken one up that has paid me handsomely.   
  • I've had the immense pleasure of mentoring others towards success on Steemit and seeing them reap the rewards!   
  • I've been able to participate in the Steem economy paying others in Steem and SBD for collaborative tasks using @surpassinggoogle's steemgigs initiative.   
  • I've "met" people in every corner of this globe.   
  • I've received a practical, real world education on blockchain technology and have been able to use this knowledge to improve my financial situation.      

Enough About Me Here's What You Reported!  

These are some of the gems that Steemers wrote to me about how Steemit has changed their thinking! I hope that you will find them as motivating and inspiring as I did!


  "I definitely think Steem and Steemit does change your mind. For me it especially helps to boost my creativity. All the different challenges and post on here allows me to get my daily dose of inspiration."  


"Steem is changed my life too. I joined steemit one month before i have no idea about blockchain , cryptos what they are. After joining i get to know about cryptocurrency and i invested in currency called ETHland by reading blog and experts advice here , now it is 10x than i invested so get huge profit ...i was jobless and now i'm making money ...i'm making money on steemit is not too much but it is sufficient in starting ..all thanks to steemit... " 


   "I live in the middle of nowhere, I have LONG, cold winters that I have spent blabbling on the internet for years, why not do it here, right?
I did not even try to learn about crypto, but being here sort of forced some understanding upon me. Now I have some SBD, some ethereum, some litecoin and yes... umm..... I have cryptokitties. I love them...
That is not really the big change though. The very notion of currency has always centered around "scarcity" for a currency to be viable. It is so well drummed into our heads that even crypto enthusiasts will try to explain how bitcoin (for instance) is rare because they will only mine so many of them.
I used to think the crypto folks did not understand that division is also infinite, but now I don't care. That ability to have infinite currency is HUGE. It is the paradigm shift that can lead us from a world of haves and have nots to a world of abundance for all. A scarce currency will always mean scarcity of access to resources - poverty. All cryptocurrencies, but especially steemit with its social media platform, is the path for people to reclaim their lives. It means taking away the power source of the banksters, Jesus himself would have loved it.
The big change for me is really believing we can make this a better world. This is not just as a matter of faith, I log on every day and see people being kind and generous and loving, being the change... " 


  "what steemit can achieve with people is magical, just go for a walk and see a beautiful and colorful flower you regret not having taken the camera to take a picture because you are thinking about the red challenge of Monday, or you you find a large tree and you stop to take several photographs to publish on Tuesdays, or a building with beautiful structures, think about the architectural publication, everything you see and touch, is thinking about steemit, you only talk to the family of steemit, you take a remis and the whole trip you come talking to the steemit shipper, you even dream with steemit that you publish a post and they paid you thousands of steem and your post is vulve trend.
So magio is the life that steemit provides us"  


  "Steem has helped me to become a better writer and more thoughtful in my communication with others. As someone mentioned recently in the comments for this post, I also have a more keen sight for details, especially after learning about how to properly format my posts and what others look for when upvoting content. I am looking for alternatives to the norm, and I generally have a more positive outlook since I have seen how crypto currencies have helped others become financially free. I have learned more over the last two months actively engaging the platform than I have from any other social media network. I am also thankful to be a part of this community!"   


   " I just joined Steemit more than a month ago, certainly, the people around me noticed how much change i made on how look at everyday things around. True, everything seems to be a potential blog post. If you happen to see my feed, my posts seems very random, hahaha. Before steemit, i dont even take photo of my fancy meals, and now i'm documenting my cheap meals into a bog post. I just want to share the good things, unlike before i cant be bother appreciating even the best of things."  


"Steemit is helping me come out of my shell. I am getting better at setting goals and actually achieving them. I am learning about a whole new world, cryptocurrency, and its very exciting for me. I approach life with more optimism - I mean, I have always been pretty positive and sprinkling that ish everywhere...but it feels more tangible now if that makes sense. I am healing my relationship with money and learning to better manage my own "current". I don't have as much anxiety when I think about the future. I haven't reached the level of "fully opening up" yet, but knowing that I can immerse myself here with an abundance of loving and truly caring people, comforts me. I feel like I have found the right soil for my growth :) "


  "After I became an active member of the Steemit family, every day I raise my level of knowledge. When you look at those people, those posts that really can teach you something new, give you a new experience, allow you to grow above yourself - it changes you from the inside for the better.
Here, people are open to communication, ready to help and support, and I really appreciate it.
In particular, now Steemit m has changed me a lot. Now I see opportunities in everyday things and I can teach it to others. It's also a great way to invest in this progressive platform, and for Steam the future and many will soon realize this."   


" Steemit has changed my life drastically. Although, I'm relatively new to this platform and have only been here for a few weeks now. I post and comment just about every day. This is not only a better use of my time financially but offers a better way to learn about topics/ideas from other users due to the overall quality of the content. Thus, Steemit has become the number one platform I use as a source of reliable information now that I've come across it! Thank you steemians for all your support and information :) "


"Feel very proud to be a steemian's. My life was very boring and monotonous before joining steemit. But after meeting you wonderful people life has changed greatly. Through I have not achieve much success in financialy,but the love and support which becomes the treasures of my life. I have the hope and expectations that one day I will definitely come out with a most beautiful smile of the world. Thanks for giving the opportunity to share with you my friend,"    

Thanks so Much For Your Great Comments! I'm Sending Each of You One Steem! 

I hope that you enjoyed the article: "I Asked And You Told Me. How Has Steemit Changed Your Life?"

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)


Steemit saved me medically and has enabled me to do only 4 hour a day jobs instead of 8. 'Nuff said.

You're awesome @darthnava and part of the history of this great community! I have great admiration for your courage and your positive spirit!

Thank you very much! May God Bless you for your generosity!

I really enjoy upvoting great photographs by other Steemians, especially photos of sunsets/mountains from other countries. I just open my Steemit feed and I can see a fresh batch of images - it's awesome.

It's opened up a door to something that you love! Great!

Steemit is just a vehicle that changed and saved my life literally by making me afford medical attention that could otherwise be impossible for me to get had it not been for the money that I earn from this platform to sustain myself with my expensive medicine for my rare bone and parathyroid gland condition.I may get a possible transplant if all goes well too.

Your story and journey are very inspiring!

I was thinking to write an article about how Steemit changed my life, but you asked that question before! Here my answer:-
It helped me in few ways!

  1. Financial help to make a decent income - I was in a huge financial trouble and I had a dark future, but STEEMIT gives me the light to see how beautiful it is.

  2. Freedom, I have 10 hrs per day job. So if this goes well, I will leave my job and will be a full time Steemian. Hope you all will support me like you do now.

  3. Found a Hobby as photography. Yeah all credits goes to @onceuponatime! Without him, I never find my #untalented-photography skills! So, it changed my life as well. As I said before, all credits goes to @onceuponatime!

  4. This is a learning curve. Actually my native language is Sinhala, now i am reading, writing in English. Not in fluent yet, but I do my best. And also i could see the world here. Your experience, others experiences wow this is a university of all kind of studies.

  5. Most important thing is I could find great friendships here! That's the most important thing in my life!

Finally I would like to say, yeah STEEMIT changed my life style and it changed in a good way! I wish it will change more and more and more! After all I found people like you, and @onceuponatime! genuine people, genuine thoughts, genuine actions! And I wish one day you two (you and @onceuponatime) will visit my country Sri Lanka. (I know you are good friends)
I will facilitate! No worries, you will see the beauty of this small island very well!


Great testimonial. So nice to read that Steemit is giving you an economic boost in Sri Lanka. There is a huge Tamil community in Switzerland and so I know a bit about your beautiful country.

The war separated mos of the from their mother land! We had around 30 years war against terrorism and now we experience the great peace than ever! Don't forget to make a visit, I assure it will be amazing!
1 USD = 154 LKR, my monthly wages = 350 USD, just imagine how this platform helps me to survive! Now I could see a future with confidence! Thanks for your great response! I am really appreciate it!


The way that Steemit has helped you is very exciting! I would like to interview you one day if you would be willing.

It's a honor for me! You can ask anything, coz I am trying my best to live a life :)


Now I feel myself a completely different person. Steemit liberated me in the literal sense of the word! I worked hard and worked a dressmaker and sewed all day long until I spoiled my eyes. Now I can do very little sewing, only for the soul. And the main time to devote to Steemita, through which I discovered a good writer's abilities and now I'm writing small stories! I did not know that I can write like that! I am attaching my friends to this remarkable world of Steemita and I am happy with their first earnings and successes. There is a lot of interesting and informative for your curious nature!
Сейчас я себя чувствую совершенно другим человеком. Стимит раскрепостил меня в буквальном смысле слова! Я много и тяжело работала портнихой и шила целыми днями напролет, пока не испортила свои глаза. Сейчас я могу очень мало заниматься шитьем, только для души. А основное время посвящать Стимиту, с помощью которого я открыла в себе неплохие писательские способности и теперь пишу маленькие рассказы! Я вообще не подозревала, что так умею писать! Я приобщаю своих друзей к этому замечательному миру Стимита и радуюсь их первым заработкам и успехам. Здесь много интересного и познавательного для своей любознательной натуры!

What a lovely comment. Thanks for sharing!

I get what you mean about point 1: when I see interesting things my mind immediately begins to put together how I can present this information in an entertaining and evocative way to share with others. I think it's an incredibly creative mindset as it works as an automatic analytical process that strengthens rhetoric. :D


Great to see you@shayne! Thanks for your interesting points!

Thank @kus-knee

I did not know what steemit was. but i google open to find out about steemit in google. and I learned and understood. I used to run steemit first. I am like a lost person who does not know where to go.
and in terms of my current economy is very different. first I got to know steemit. i have no money to buy internet package. and ever money to buy internet package from sweat i work in workshop. my income in a day work in the workshop is only 35 rp. and the money I use to buy internet package. I was very sad because I do not know what it is the pleasure of steemit. day by day in steemit. month after month I am in steemit. but I just now know what pleasure in the world of steemit. and now I have so many other people who sudsh I invite into the world steemit. and now know what steemit is. day I now spend in the world of steemit.
I am very grateful that I can still enjoy steemit. and I will continue to promote steemit around me

Thanks for relating your experience!

Yes, you are welcome. I will follow you every day. upvote and resteem your post every day

Thanks for sharing. Steem has actually changed my life positively by giving me additional income. I follow and upvote you.

I'm so happy to read this!

Yes @kus-knee, your fourth point applies to me as well. You helped me a lot to be successful at steemit. Your support is priceless!

It's been a pleasure interacting with you and your wonderful family!

Awesome idea for a post, very inspirational! Keep up the good work Old Dog!!

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