Enjoying "#CryptoArt - Lazy @workshops Sunday" at the 9. Wiener Steemit-Stammtisch – So. 08.04.2018

in #steemit-austria7 years ago (edited)

How to spend better a Sunny Sunday than with the sunlight of the smiles of our steemian familly! As every first Sunday of each month, I am back from the Wiener Steemit-Stammtisch!

Today, even if I came late, I thought, lets send a message to @manncpt who offered me to pick me up to go together to the @meetup. I presented him my excuses as I was too late to go with him, ..and thought, lets take some @opt2o stickers, paper to make the list of participants, some @silkroad40 and @generationeuropa goodies and....

.....I forget something!

I should bring @ccommons.art & @globalschool with me!

So, before to go, I asked @wolfgangsieberth who was ready to leave to a meeting if I could take some equipment of @frameworks and from past @generationeuropa @workshops which the @globalschool is using to go at the @meetup and improvise a little thing. After an encouraging yes, I took textile painting, some t-shirts, a coffee (to wake up) and went to the the metro direction Spittelau!

Let's experiment together a first #CryptoArt @workshops co-creation.

This 9th edition of the local Viennese @meetup as usual is organized by our lovely and encouraging steemit ambassador @nicoletta and with the contribution of all participants (see the digitalized list below)!

The meetup was probably the smallest in which I have been participating. However, again the best of all! Yes, I think it is even more enjoyable when it is in small scale as it enable to have a real priviledgied moment with the most of the steemians present.


Arriving upstairs, I was really happy to meet again @reconnectnature, @komischername, @artpoet, @vieanna, @brickster, @nicoletta, @manncpt, and many other steemians who were already there.

As from tomorrow 9th of April we will be organizing DAILY steemit @meetup and @workshops with the @globalschool supported by @commons.art & friends, as well as for sure @opt2o, @generationeuropa and @solidarity! But not only! Yes it is amazing, I am happy to announce 4 new supportive cooperations that you'll discover in the "outcomes" section below.


@thermoplastic enjoying the menu. :)

Eating & drinking :))))

Exchanging & talking =D


@sciencevienna & @thermoplastic

Enjoying time with friends & newones!

@globalschool notable outcomes

This time, I didn't get the occasion to exchange as long as previous time with @mundharmonika. However, Hans offered us to join the "com-lab" organized all this month (every day) by the @globalschool to explain us the opportunities of the steemit-bar (I am not sure I remember well the name) and how it can help new users and any stemians to be visible and get replies, comments and feedbacks on their posts!

@mundharmonika will share with us his own experience and explain how it is possible to reach a steemit record of comments with up to 900 replies under one post!

@smartcoins working on @austroboost explained us the dificulties of dealing with curation and the notion surrounding community resilience and participatory governance. @smartcoins offered his help in building the next generation of participatory bots to support community orientated projects such as @creative-commons, @ccommons.art, @innovations,@frameworks, @workshops and @solidarity.
I was so happy to just meet him again, I can't say how excited and happy I am now that I get to hear from him he will join the @globalschool to build the technological part and understand how to implement these autonomous rewards systems to facilitate, moderate, guide and self sustain community projects for the prosperity of the community, members, neigborhood and others. Systems which can be autonomous and self replicable such as @frameworks definitely need the involvement and participation of such great mind and heart!

@smartcoins & @manncpt

I am extremely proud to count on a friend such as @smartcoins to help handling the technological aspects and sharing his experience for the ethical part on these participatory bottom up @innovations.

Very open and novator, a @limesoda team member exchanged with me on the various touchpoints of potential cooperation between them and the @globalschool. Their exceptionally cool and original communication agency is already working to support education in their field and invited the @globalschool participants to join in their office as well as explaining their will to cooperate further in the future.

Let's be honest, I can't wait to see how we can put in place profitabe synergies which can benefit both, their company, people, steemians and @globalschool participants.

One of the idea is to eventually cooperate to make a part of the "com-lab" need assements to oversee which kind of rewards systems we could put in place to engage and motivate contributors, participants, students in order for them to get for example steem power delegated. Another idea is to exchange know-how, learning material.

Who ever you are, you can be sure, so much more opportunities and challenges can be envisionned with @limesoda, and as the @globalschool aims to provide and continuously a co-create a self replicable multi sided work environment (see @frameworks), kind of incubator to empower creativity, entrepreneurship autonomisation as well as social impact with networked organisations, social entrepreneurs, experienced people, creatives, artists, businesses, and collectives aiming to cooperate and help improve community empowerment marking their social responsability in this human centered era towards which we are traveling together.... (thats a really long sentence!,...).... then, I think we can find some nice cooperation points. =)


@mammasitta, probably one of the most experienced and supportive of all steemians we get the chance to meet. By her initiative and warm presence for all the community, the inspiring steemit icon announced her will to join and to share her 2 years of experiences on the platform! A unique occasion for all of us to explore the evolution and future of steemit from an engaged insider perspective.

I couldn't resist to give @mammasitta the present of the t-shirt created with all the steemians present to the @workshops of today.

As usual, I was extremely happy and feeling priviledgied to meet @mammasitta and hear from her the words and gesture bringing the sun and smiles. It is an incredible gift for me and I think or all of us to have her presence around. It makes feel that indeed Gods are real. They are not hiding. Some are walking among us and wish you can access love, trust and empowerment, what the community is really about: people carring about each other, - a new paradigm in participatory governance?


Below you'll find a list of the participant digitalized. =)

I went early and didn't see notably @smallstepschange neither @infinitelearning, maybe they came later. Hope they are doing well and we will see them soon! =)

What's next?

What about joining one of the next day, let's say Monday, Tuesday, Wedensday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday? Yes, it is true, the @globalschool plans to hold everyday steemit @workshops and @meetup at @framworks.

Check the @globalschool Agenda - Vienna 2018 (new dates and updates in next posts).

what's the plan?

From aound 13h Cooperative Kitchen & Table Monday. Who's there can help cook or eat pizzas, or whatever you'll find the idea to bring or share and eat together before the intro session around 14h.

14h on Welcoming, roundtable and intro session "com-lab", #blockchain, #steemit, #crypto-education, #creative-commons, #ccommonsart, #cryptoart, #iotday, @frameworks & @silkroad40.

Related posts

#steemit & #eos "com-lab" @meetup, @workshops & @hackathons


You have no idea how proud I feel right now, more than ever!

I remember our first meet up with just a few people and look at this growth! Wow!
What an amazing group of beautiful, creative and lovley people!

I 💕you ALL and as I just wrote in a short article : Vienna would not be the same for me without this wonderful Austrian community.

It makes me feel really and particularly honnored to be part of this together with all of the Austrian Community and have the priviledge of your presence, witnessing the evolution of our talented, amazingly supportive community and its creative and lovely people.

Thank you @mammasitta for supporting our communities, collectives and members! 💕 A lot of love

To know you!

plénitude to be together...

..., to gather the full feeling 💕

You have a very special spirit in vienna for sure! Nobody can resist ;)

Na du bist aber ein Schatz!!! Danke Dir!

Die Jungs machen alles so toll!

Das freut mich zu hören!

Very nice and diversely structured!

Thank you Alexander, I really appreciate your empowering message! I'll do my best to continue to make quality contents to share with our lovely community. =)

this was a cool meeting - I enjoyed (and sort of got carried away) painting the t-shirt. The glass with a bit of water in it where we rinsed our brushes got quite dirty, so I took the long trip to the bathroom to clean it and get fresh water, but by the time I came back, you packed it in already! I would have been ready for another shirt!
You got a pic of me "enjoying the menu" - well, I figured it would not taste too good, so I had a pretzel instead 😜

Good morning my friend! Sorry to read the food was not as good as expected, it re-ensure me in the idea of organizing meetups in which we are cooking food together as we will start from today and nearly everyday at @frameworks in the 20th district doing our best to hold a maximum of free creatives @workshops and activities indoor and outdoor with the steemians and @globalschool participants joining. Hope to see you around when you'll find sometimes. =)

As always a great post about the meetup! I feel like I would have been there ;) Thanks for the update Jean!

Thank you @lizanomadsoul, nothing would happen without your support and presence in all what I and the @globalschool and all its +10 community accounts are doing to support the community and involve newones with daily steemit meetup and @workshops! For us you are there in a way or another, but we definitely will be happy to see you around! All the best in what you are doing Liz!

great Post about the meetup :) Thank you.
Hopefully i can be there next time. :D

=) would be awesome! Don't hesitate to come to the daily steemit meetup and @workshops we are organizing in the 20th district at @frameworks. Looking forward to see you! :)

Great report @jnmarteau! Now I will take some time to write something, too. ;)

Thank you my friend! I already read your article and it is a really good one, thank you for never forgetting to mention me and continuously show your support to the @globalschool! Upvoted and resteemed as soon as I saw it! =)

Thank you for your continuous support! Your engagement motivates me to post here with you. :)

Very nice post and so much details, thanks ! Great idea for the T-shirt. Also thanks for showing the list with the steemians, i will make sure to follow the new ones that showed up ! :)

Thank you for your encouraging message and glad the list is useful (please let me know if I made a mistake or omission, it could happen ;-))!By the way, I didn't see you today, hope you are doing well and will get the occasion to meet you one of these next daily meetup or at least next monthly meetup to make some other T-shirts together! Maybe next time I'll find more material to bring and enjoy creativity. =)

I couldnt join the meeting today, because i had some other plans and also its the Bulgarian Easter today :))

Good to know you were busy and doing well! Ah I didnt know about the Bulgarian Easter, thanks for the info! Hope to see you around soon =)

Very nice.

I always wondered what people do on steemit meetups.

(Not telling I’m not confused.)

Hi @janikmoody, thank you for your message which brings I think important questions in organizing inclusive steemit meetups! =)

Hallo @jnmarteau,

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Nice crypto art workshop good post my favourite pizza looking Delicious.

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