My Sublime and Beautiful Sunday. 'Christmas Lights.'steemCreated with Sketch.

'Christmas Lights.'

Summer storms prevented me from getting out and viewing the wonderful Christmas Lights displays in my neighbourhood for two nights in a row, but thankfully the weather was kind to us last night. And below, you will find some awesome images to get you into the Spirit ofChristmas if you've not quite got there yet.

(This is my entry for the #beautifulsunday challenge, hosted by @ace108 and for #sublimesunday hosted by @c0ff33a)

Our first venue was the Uniting Church in Redcliffe. A beautiful nativity scene was displayed behind glass windows and as some of it was obscured, I only managed to get these first two images of Mary and Joseph and the three wise men bearing gifts for the baby Jesus.



Outside the church were many well lit displays.



An eight storied group of apartments is situared not far from the Uniting Church and they are very popular with the locals as all the residents decorate their apartments with colourful, Christmas themed lights.


The expected crowd of enthusiasts gathered on the footpaths enjoying the festive atmosphere and beautiful displays.


There was also a long line up of children waiting to see Santa in the foyer, so much so, that I couldn't get close enough to get any photos of him.


Aussie themes were evident along the front fence.


And a pod of dolpins swam along the opposite side of the fence.


Delightful scenes were being photographed outside a residents home in Redcliffe.


And kids lined up waiting for an opportunity to sit in Santas sleigh.


The entrance to this home was charming.


The owners had put hours of work into preapring these Christmas scenes.


A snowman, a teddy bear and three penguins waved at the crowds.



Interested onlookers made great silhouettes against the flickering, fluorescent lights.


Our next port of call was another Uniting Church but this one was situated in Deagon a few miles from Redcliffe.


Their displays were truly spectacular.



And more Aussie icons felt right at home amongst the glowing glitter of millions of lights.


Huge Christmas bells hung from palm trees.


Angels lifted their trumpets towards the skies to herald in the new born King.


Messages of Faith Hope and Love relayed the Christmas message to all.



Gifts wrapped with golden ribbons waited to be opened.


And the ginger bread family sang Christmas carols in the garden.


Koalas, kangaroos, emus, cockatoos, bilbys and pelicans joined in.


A wise man halted in his journey to seek further direction from the bright star which illuminated his way.


Before too long, he reached a humble manger which was his intended destination.


And there he found Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus.



Children ran from scene to scene with youthful exhuberance and people stood in awe of the sights all around them.

Whatever their beliefs, faith, or ethnic background, all took advantage of the warm invitation to appreciate the effort that had gone into creating this welcoming and embracing Christmas Light extravaganza.





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Haha... glad to see the dolphins come up to support the decorations.

Thanks @ace108 it was great travelling around seeing the different places with their own imaginations being displayed as to what Christmas means to everyone. Have a merry christmas and thanks for your support over the last year.All the best for 2019.

You're welcome.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.

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What a wonderful colorful full of Christmas spirit post , i enjoyed every second of looking at this post very nicely done my friend :)

Thank you @hangin so glad you liked it. Comments like this are so rewarding.

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Wow, simply stunning festive illuminations - such an amazing collection of displays - loving the gingerbread family especially.

It's been wet wet wet for us lately, but Christmas eve has been crisp and frosty - I have not yet looked at the weather tomorrow but we will have a good time whatever.

#thealliance #witness

Many thanks for your kind support @c0ffa33a I'm sure you had a great Christmas whatever the weather dished up. Enjoy the countdown to 2019.

What gorgeous displays! You must have had a lovely evening.


Oh.......thank you for the beautiful pohutakawa trees @kiwideb They are so beautiful and it only makes us more determined to cross the ditch next year for a visit back our other home.Can't wait!

Yes, it was a very pleasant evening Deb. I was reluctant to go out but I'm very glad I did.

We have a lovely big variegated pohutakawa just in the front of the house. But sadly it seldom flowers :-(

Yes, yes, you have to come over!

The pohutakawa probably needs more sun, says the woman with pink thumbs as opposed the green (lol) . It's a pity we can't swap some of our sun for your rain Deb. Friends of ours have just returned from N.Z. after spending 3 enjoyable weeks over there rained most of the time.

It is our hope that we will be over later on in the year and I don't really mind what the weather is like as long as I can catch up with friends and family and go fishing. Oh.......and take lots of photos, but for that, I will need good weather. Greedy aren't I?

The funny thing is that trees just down the road from us are flowering ok. I think it's something to do with the varigation. It used to flower, but has hardly done so since the arborist gave it a good trim. Thinking about it, before the trim it had some plain green leaves as well as the varigated, but now it doesn't, so maybe that has something to do with it.

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I think you did the best job of capturing photos of Christmas lights of any that I have seen so far! Nicely done. And what a beautiful display. Thanks for your help tonight, I'm still very confused but I will wait until after the holidays and take a look at it again and see if I can figure it out. You may be hearing from me!

Many thanks for your wonderful comments dear Melinda. It was a real pleasure to be of assistance. I'm thankful to John who enjoys taking care of that side of things for me as it allows me to work on my blogging etc.

I'm in the queue! 66 minutes. I'm quite excited!

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