My Worst Surfing Injury - A True Story

in #story7 years ago

"Turn your wounds into wisdom."
- Oprah Winfrey -

This happened about fifteen years ago. I'm writing about it on Steemit for the first time anywhere.

It's an absolutely gorgeous day.

I'm spending some time at my home break, my favorite surf spot in Carlsbad.

I'm south of the power plant, the cove with the long flight of concrete stairs. The place where the houses end and the bare cliffs begin. That place where everybody knows my name.

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It's a gorgeous day.
Image courtesy of woodrow walden and

Big smiles are in order.

Although there are plenty of surfers out, the break doesn't feel too crowded. This swell is delivering waves from a few different angles. The reefs and sandbars are distributing lovely A-frames and beautifully peeling rights and lefts all up and down the shoreline.

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The break doesn't feel too crowded.
Image courtesy of Austin Neill and

I'm riding my tri-fin, banana-shaped "fun board."

It's a thick and slightly stubby thruster, another blessing from my co-worker Walter.

I don't know what I ever did to deserve a friend like Walter, but he's the one who gave me my first surfboard, a 6'8" home-made, single-fin egg. And, though he didn't give me this board, he may as well have... Walter spotted it at a yard-sale, decided that it was time I had a "new" one, and got it for me at the exorbitant price of ten bucks.

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A tri-fin banana "fun board."
Image courtesy of H. Hach and

When I got it,

the banana had one of those nasty, sharp points on it - you know, a dagger that looks as if it could penetrate oak. I've never cared for sharp points on surfboards, and so I rounded the point with a saw, and fiberglassed it over to make it less threatening.

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It used to have one of those nasty points.
Image courtesy of Amanda Napitu and

Everyone is in a great mood.

We're all slapping high fives, grinning from ear to ear, and chatting happily between delightful rides. I see dozens of people I know. Then again, I know pretty much everyone who surfs this break, and everyone knows me. After all, I'm that crazy bearded guy who surfs in trunks all year long.

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I pick a line and cruise along the crest.
Image courtesy of Cameron Kirby and

I'm hovering just south of the Terramar point.

I've had a few good rides, and really enjoyed chatting with the other guys and gals that are out today.

Looking over my shoulder, I see a wave rising with no one else nearby. It's definitely my ticket to a great ride. Sure enough, I'm in the sweet spot. I take off, get to my feet, and crank in a bottom turn to the right.

I enjoy a delightful ride, swooping up and down the face, then picking a line and cruising along the crest. The wave carries me all the way into the cove, where I dismount by falling backwards into the foam.

I have no idea what is about to happen.

I'm in the shallows, perhaps chest deep. I don't realize that my banana board is aimed straight at my head.

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I dismount by falling backwards.
Image courtesy of shane becker and

As I rise to my feet,

the short leash yanks on the board and drives it, nose first, into my face.

After a perfect wave ride,

the shock and the pain are startling. At first, I don't realize how badly I've been hurt. Reaching up and feeling the wound, my fingers are now covered in blood. Even more interesting, when I breathe, I can hear and feel bubbles exiting out through the wound.

What a bummer!

This means I'm going to have to interrupt one of the nicest surf days in recent memory!

I head up to my Surfmobile, drawing a few curious looks as I climb the stairs. I guess my face is kind of a mess.

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The side mirror shows all.
Image courtesy of Kalle K and

Looking in the side mirror,

I get a clear idea of how bad it is.

Even though the nose of my board is blunt, the impact split my face for an inch along the "smile crease" above my lip to the left side of my nose. Air from my sinus cavity forms bubbles in the blood that is still seeping out of the split.

I guess my sinus bones have been slightly crushed; my left upper jaw is numb, sort of like when the dentist injects it with novocaine.

Now I'm really disappointed!

It's become clear that there's no way I'll be getting back in the water today. Why couldn't this have happened on a poor surf day?

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What about the Emergency Room?
Image courtesy of Steve Buissinne and

After washing the wound,

I find a band-aid to hold the edges together temporarily. Reluctantly, I clean up and stow my banana board, climb into my Surfmobile, and head for home.

What's that you say?

What about the Emergency Room? Doctors? X-Rays? Stitches?

Truth is, I don't have much use for doctors. I might go see one in a real emergency. If I'm ever unconscious, I suppose it's possible that I could wake up and find that some do-gooder had taken me to a doctor. But why would I do such a thing voluntarily?

When I get home,

I wash the wound carefully with colloidal silver, and start dosing myself on it - eight to sixteen ounces a day for a week or two, just to be sure that things don't get infected. I use some small band-aids as "butterfly stitches" to keep the edges of the wound together.

We don' need no stinkin' plastic surgeons...

If you never heard this story, you'd never know I was injured. The scar is nestled perfectly in my "smile crease."

Seriously, I'm very grateful that my injury was not worse. God kindly spared me from needing more serious attention. And, as far as I can tell, after a number of years of numbness, the nerves have mostly grown back!

Visit my Library Surfing Shelf for more great surf stories.

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@creatr @creatr @creatr

The heads up at the start on when this made me laugh. When you were talking about the modifications on the board though, I started getting the ominous feeling that this post will involve an injury by the board. >.< true enough. Ack! I'm glad it wasn't worse than what happened though it was bad enough as it was. You must really have bad experiences with doctors though? To have cleaned the wound on your own.

I just avoid doctors whenever possible. I got tired of paying them $100 to tell me I had a sinus infection when I already knew that... just needed their signature so I could go pay the pharmacist another $100 for antibiotics...

Ever since I discovered colloidal silver, I've been able to take care of most of that stuff on my own. ;)

Sorry to hear that. I'm in a few fb groups for my disorder but I've noticed many are complaining about their doctors not caring and how difficult it is to get appointments and treatment. I suppose a lot in the field are there for the money :|

Hello @creatr

I am grateful to God that you took the initiative to dull the edge of the surfboard or your Injury would have been worse.

Your story is touching yet somehow vivid and interesting, Nice use of Imagery.

Like you I don't like going to the Hospital, maybe that is why I rarely fall sick, it is a good thing you treated the Injury well or it would have been infected.

Thanks for sharing.


Thank you, friend @ogochukwu, for visiting and for your kind and thoughtful comments.

Yes, it would have been far worse if I hadn't already blunted the tip of that board!

And, I have used colloidal silver for some 25 years now for all of my antiseptic needs. It is really excellent.

yeah...I'm not going to say anything your mother wouldn't have said, and I'm sure you'd have another bruise on your head

I can't recall for sure, but don't think my mom ever new about this one? Probably all for the best! ;)

for sure ;)

🌺🌺Feeling sad for you🌺🌺
Get well Soon💐💐💐💐
voted and followed from me wish you the same.I tried some poetry hope you like@funnystuff
Takecare :)

Thanks, but I'm just fine... this happened many years ago.

wow.... i'm surprised i never heard this story before!!! you're so funny - you have air bubbles blowing through blood in your sinus cavity and all you can think of is... "man! this means i can't surf anymore today!"
i'm surprise you didn't tape it up and go back in ;)

(post is past time for valuable upvote - so comment on this so i can give you proper compensation hehehe)

" i'm surprised i never heard this story before!!!"

That's what happens when you don't read my blog... ;)

Yeah, it was a bummer... Sorta like the time when a longboarder broke my ribs and I couldn't surf for more than a month! :O

I didn't read it because Steemit and I.......

No worries bro - squeeze a bit of lime, stick a plaster on it and get back out there! YEWWWWWWWWW!

Hmmm... Lime and plaster? I haven't heard of that remedy before! ;)

"when I breathe, I can hear and feel bubbles exiting out through the wound." That had to freak you out, surely?

Yeah, it wasn't the most pleasant experience ever... but I pretty much knew exactly what was wrong, and so I was never in any kind of a panic. ;)

Thanks for reading and interacting! :D

Ahhh!! The visual of blood bubbles forming because you were basically breathing through a new nostril makes me cringe!! Glad you loved to tell the tale but yikes!!! Ouch!

Yeah... I was trying to find the right balance between impartial reporting and sensationalism... Hope I didn't gross you out too badly! ;)

Nah I can handle it but yikes I can't believe that happened to you!!

The embarrassment of the foolish avoidability of it all was almost more painful than the injury! Talk about feeling stupid after doing that to myself! Great ride, over... injured standing in the shallows... :O

You and I see the world the same way. Grateful to God almighty and we don' need no stinkin' doctors. I'm glad you still have a handsome face. Steem and Surf On my friend.

Thanks, my friend.

I suppose doctors serve their purpose at times, but in most cases I think they are far too highly revered and overrated...

I am so jealous of this post, you put SO much effort into it! Although I live along the coast I'm no surfer, prefer the dry land :) but your story is very intriguing! Thanks for careful out there! Much love, @sweetpea

Hello, Amie, so nice to "meet" you here on Steemit!

Thanks for your kind words. As you do live on the coast, I would encourage you to give surfing a try! It is really one of the greatest experiences I've ever had; I'm sure you would love it! :D

Thanks again for your visit and comments.

Hmmm, ok, I'll add it to my bucket list! :) Nice to meet you too!

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