Vacations & Your Mental Health

in #steemstem6 years ago (edited)


I haven’t written anything for a while now and this is my first post for over a month. I tried to be offline as much as I can and enjoy some vacation time with my family. Some of you may know from my introduction post that I have a little baby boy at home. He is seven months old now and sadly he is not keen on sleeping long hours at night (or day). That is why we are both awake every two hours at night. Thus my vacation was mainly focused on getting some sleep in the afternoons. And this is the time when I use to read your posts on Steemit and write something myself. Unfortunately, I can’t do all of them – sleep, read and write. I don’t have these superpowers. Yet!

So, this is what my vacation looked like – sleeping an hour more every day. Yey, what a party! Please, don’t feel sorry for me! We also had a lot of friends visiting us. And we traveled a bit. But I don't remember very much of it - I was sleeping :)


I feel great now – battery fully recharged!

As a trained psychologist I often observe my own emotional world so I noticed that I was feeling somehow guilty for not writing anything on Steemit. I have been here for a relatively short period of time but I feel already committed to the Steemit society and especially to the SteemSTEM community. I have already met so many interesting people here! And all of them have been so kind to me! I was feeling like a fake Steemian or something…

I suppose that a lot of people feel uncomfortable when they have a vacation. That is why I decided to check out what science says about vacations.

Are they important? It isn’t a big deal if we skip them, right?

It turned out that vacations are actually important. Just as friends and family are.

If you don’t have any -> life gets miserable.

It looks like business and governments in Europe are way more vacation-friendly than in other parts of the world like China, Canada, Mexico or the US (you can see some charts here). I know what you are thinking – Europeans are just too lazy! Yes, I agree with you – especially those who live in Southern Europe with their siestas, their wine, and oh! their sea (no offense, I live in a lazy country, too! :P).
But life is unfair as we all know. So this European laziness doesn’t result in an ineffective economy. Exactly the opposite – EU GDP is one of the world’s highest GDPs (if you like statistics, you can check some here).

However, I am not even close to an expert in the world's economy and (relax!) I am not going to analyze EU productivity. I am only a psychologist who knows very well that conditions like burn-out, anxiety, depression, panic disorder are often associated with too many working hours and no days off.

Mental health is more important than your job. (Lee, K. 2018)

Not convinced? I will put it straight: no mental health - no job, nor joy. Something more: happy rested people work better! Look at Europe! Still not convinced?! Let’s see what science says about the health benefits of having a vacation.

We all have heard about stress, right? It is the new black :) Everyone is stressed out about everything. Sometimes I wonder if our ancestors who faced death every single day were so stressed as we are? Actually, I have an answer. Most of us are not endangered by a hunting lion during their workday as our ancestor were but still, an e-mail could make your pulse go up as if you are face to face with that hungry lion.


No, this is not a lion. This is an e-mail.

We live quite a different life compared to the first homo-sapiens but we still have the same bodies. Therefore our bodies respond to stress in exactly the same way they did thousands of years ago – fight, flight or … die?! So an e-mail is not the new black. It is the new lion. It can definitely eat you alive! How many e-mails do you have daily? Oh, now you see - the whole pride is coming after you!


An e-mail box waiting for you.

Stress is associated with a long list of physical illnesses and if it doesn’t cause some of them, it definitely makes them worse. When you are stressed it is more likely to have high blood pressure, poor digestion, and persistent headaches. You are more likely to get an infection, suffer an accident, experience poor memory, exhaustion, depression, burn-out, anxiety, and sleeplessness. You will probably be irritated which can result in relationships problems. You can read more about the subject here and here.

Chronic stress endangers your well-being and taking a vacation is one of the ways to deal with it. Westman and Etzion, 2001 examined the impact on job stress and vacation on a strain on 87 blue-collar employees in Israel. The participant completed questionnaires before and after vacation and again four weeks later. The result showed a decline in burn-out symptoms immediately after the vacation and a return to the prevacation levels four weeks later. The same pattern was observed in regard to absenteeism meaning that the participant attended work more right after their vacation but then occasional absence occurred.


A regular day at work.

Now you will probably wonder what is the point of taking a vacation if you will be as stressed as usual four weeks later? Yes, the heavy workload could exhaust you again shortly after your return to work. However, there are other benefits to having a few days off. Fritz and Sonnentag(2006) discovered that people felt more satisfied with their lives after having a vacation. They experienced a decrease in health complaints and exhaustion. Furthermore, the participants put less effort to fulfill their daily work chores.

No surprises here, right – if you are well-rested, you will be more productive at work. This is great for your job and your career, isn't it? So great news - vacations help you fulfill your potential!

Of course, being off work is not enough to feel relaxed. It would be so easier if it was, wouldn’t it? But, one must try to calm his or her mind in order to rest and regain resources. If you engage in negative thinking about work during your time off, you will probably feel more exhausted when you come back. Non-work hassles during a vacation also contribute to feeling overwhelmed and exhausted instead of relaxed (Fritz and Sonnentag, (2006)).

Not a surprise, hum? So in a conclusion, if you want to deal with the stress, you should avoid arguing with your spouse who booked this crappy hotel. And it is also strongly recommended to cease feeling sorry for yourself for having the world’s most awful job and leave all this reflection for later.

Another trick to reduce your stress levels is to have an active vacation. For example, you could play tennis, ski or hike. In this way, it is less likely to engage in thinking about your job and the tasks that are waiting for you.

Why am I bringing up this issue?

Obviously, most people like having days off work. Surprisingly, if you work for yourself as many people on Steemit try to do it takes much more effort to take a vacation. My husband and I work for ourselves for some time now and it turns out that it is much more difficult to let it all go and just leave for a few days. You don’t see it coming, but all of the sudden you not only skip vacations because you have a project to work on, but you start skipping your weekends. And if you try to be offline, you can’t stop imagining the emergency emails you have in your mailbox. It is really easy to start thinking: “It is not that important to go for a few days in the mountain now, I will do it later when I finish this thing”. But “later” never comes.

Ironically, it takes a lot of discipline to relax and rest.

And it is tremendously important to do so! Stress could do a lot of damage to your physical and mental health and one should learn to cope with it on an everyday basis. Vacations are fine but they can’t do all the work. Their effect fades off in a few weeks (Westman and Etzion).
I am saying this because I have experienced it personally. For the last few years, my husband and I were like school kids. We took long summer vacations, but we worked on most of the weekends during the rest of the year. Don’t do that! It is exhausting! So now, we are trying to create a brand new work routine in an attempt to cope with the stress better and have more time with our little one.


So, what about you? Am I the only one who feels guilty for having a vacation?

Created by @insight-out, Valeria Sim.
All rights reserved.

de Bloom, J., et al., Effects of vacation from work on health and well-being: Lots of fun, quickly gone. Work & Stress, 2010. 24(2): p. 196-216.
Strauss-Blasche, G., C. Ekmekcioglu, and W. Marktl, Moderating effects of vacation on reactions to work and domestic stress. Leisure Sciences, 2002. 24(2): p. 237-249.
Westman, M. and D. Etzion, The impact of vacation and job stress on burnout and absenteeism. Psychology & Health, 2001. 16(5): p. 595-606.
Fritz, C. and S. Sonnentag, Recovery, well-being, and performance-related outcomes: the role of workload and vacation experiences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2006. 91(4): p. 936.
Susan Krauss Whitbourne, 2010, The importance of vacations to our physical and mental health, Psychology Today
Kristen Lee Ed.D., LICSW, 2018, Your Mental Health Is More Important Than Your Job, Psychology Today

Images (Under CC0 Creative Commons):


Great article! I was working in a corporate office for many years and I was hunted by e-mail lions every 5 minutes. I was getting hundreds of e-mails every day and I was so stressed out that I got sick. I've quit my job a few months ago but I'm still not completely healthy.. it takes time to heal what was being constantly damaged over the years. Stress is a silent killer and not all of us realize that. Thank you for spreading the awareness.

Thank you for the meaningful comment! Stress is definitely a silent killer and it really takes a very long time for our bodies to recover. But I believe they sooner or later do so! 10 years ago I was close to burnout and all the stress damaged my digestive system. It took me a long time to fully recover - something like 3 or 4 years. I actually didn't believe that I will ever recover. But I did. I am perfectly healthy now :D I can eat whatever I want :P But I am still on a healthy diet. It has become a way of living.

It also impacted my digestive system and I'm feeling much better now. Well, if you say 3 or 4 years then I have still long time ahead of me! :)

Congratulations on your recovery! It's great to hear that you made it!

I'm vegan and I try to eat as plantbased as possible. I feel much better now and I'm not planning to change my diet as I can see huge difference to how I was feeling before...

Sounds like you had a very busy vacation. I was so happy when my child slept 6 hours for the first time. With all the interrupted sleep cycles I say catch a break where you can.

I came over because @roleerob featured you in his pay it forward curation entry for this week.

My friend @headchange is also being modest @insight-out and not mentioning she submitted your post for @c-squared to consider and it looks like they have also noticed your good work! 👍

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I did not know if they would take it or not. I am so glad they came by. Congratulations on a job well done @insight-out.

6 hours! Wow! I can only dream about a 6-hour sleep for now. I hope it happens soon! :D

Thank you very much for the support, @headchange! It REALLY means a lot to me!!!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank you very much for the support!

Good evening (here) @insight-out. Working to do my small part in support of the great @pifc community, I am writing to let you know I have selected your post as an entry into their weekly contest.

I hope will find encouragement in learning this, to continue all you are clearly doing to add value to our Steem blockchain. Please follow the entry link above to find my supporting comments, to the PIFC Community, for the consideration of your efforts here.

All the best to you @insight-out, for a better tomorrow!

Thank you so much for the support and the encouragement! It means a lot to me! I followed you and the @pifc community in order to support other authors on Steemit. I hope I will see you around. Cheers!

Happy to do it @insight-out (love the clever name ... 👍)! And encouraged to hear you'll take a closer look at what the @pifc community is doing.

The "story" of first the investment of my "treasure" and then followed by the more valuable (to me) investment of my time, into this particular community, can be found in my "Chapter Two ..." post link, at the bottom of my post featuring your work here.

Full disclosure: YES, I am trying to "sell" you on this community, as I think you are definitely a great content creator yourself. And, therefore, will likely have a "good eye" for others of our fellow Steemians waiting to be "discovered!"

Until we "meet" again, all the best to you for a better tomorrow!

P.S. If interested in how I found you, the great little bot- @trufflepig - "rooted out" your nice work here. I just finished my latest "business review" post this morning, featuring this brilliant creation ...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for the nice words! I will try to contribute to the community! :)

Very interesting post, Valeria!

I know what you are thinking – Europeans are just too lazy! Yes, I agree with you – especially those who live in Southern Europe with their siestas, their wine, and oh! their sea (no offense, I live in a lazy country, too! :P).

Guilty as charged. I usually take a little nap after lunch. I feel horrible when I don't.

“It is not that important to go for a few days in the mountain now, I will do it later when I finish this thing”. But “later” never comes.

I know that feeling all too well. So well that even reminds of a song:

The title translates to: "Tomorrow is always too far away."

But over the last years, I've learned how to plan ahead... and I usually book a flight months in advance. Then, since it's already paid and the hotel reserved, I feel obligated to go! 😁

PS: I've found your post because @roleerob featured you in his entry for the Pay It forward Contest

Hi there, @trincowski! Thanks for spending your time to read my post and to leave a comment! It means a lot!

I will hear the song later (my baby is sleeping next to me and I don't know where my headphones are :/ ). But I definitely know the feeling of "tomorrow is always too far away".

But over the last years, I've learned how to plan ahead... and I usually book a flight months in advance. Then, since it's already paid and the hotel reserved, I feel obligated to go! 😁

This is a great strategy! I should do the same with I trip I want to go on in April :D Maybe the key to a happy life is to find how to outsmart yourself in such ways :D

Yes, it's been working for me. I try to visit at least one country per year.

Nice one @insight-out. And welcome back.
Sometimes, we tend to sideline the importance of rest. But you know, when faced with work (and some of which could have a deadline) you might be tempted to go on and on.
But from personal experience, I've come to understand that taking rests actually increases productivity. So why then do we work our asses out without rest? (As if we're the executive director of the entire earth, lol)

Hey, Sammi! It is soooo nice to see you! Maybe it sounds a bit awkward given the fact that I have only been on Steemit for two months but I really missed the interaction with all the people I follow.

But from personal experience, I've come to understand that taking rests actually increases productivity. So why then do we work our asses out without rest? (As if we're the executive director of the entire earth, lol)

LOL. Yes, this is exactly why I wrote this post :D

See you!

though I have no kid yet, but Sleeping during the weekend is my vacation and sometimes the out of town duty also my vacation, well couldn't agree more with you @insight-out, we need a "vacation" depend on how we consider a vacation is. but I never feeling guilty to have a vacation, I can take it anytime because I'm a full time housewife with no kid, so.. I can take "my vacation" anytime.

Thanks for commenting, @cicisaja. It is great that you don't feel guilty! :) It is not a real vacation if one cannot calm her or his mind :D

You're right.. I don't think I can enjoy any vacation in any other place except my home and the library😊 because When I go for vacation to a popular tourist destination, I feel guilty when I get home 😂 because I can't buy more souvenirs and my wallet is empty then it will raise my anxiety.

Yeah, the crazy world we live in makes us think that vacations are all about spending money BUT they are not.

Welcome back! :)

My husband finds more difficult to stop than I do. I have learnt to just set daily targets, only like that I am able to take the time to shop and prepare healthy meals, keep up with my exercise routine and, hence, sleep well.

I am going to print and give this quote to him in the evening ;)

Mental health is more important than your job. (Lee, K. 2018)

Pretty the same here. When he starts working he can't stop. He works like 16 hours a day, 7 days a week and I barely see him. Then he becomes a zombie - an unhappy and an evil one :D

I hope the quote works. Unfortunately, my husband doubts any advice I try to give him :D

Hello to you and welcome back!
Sleep is the most precious thing while having a little one.

But life is unfair as we all know.

Very wise. We should never forget about this. There is no natural law where it says it's otherwise:)

I am working all day, actually. But not for a payed job. My pay job is about 15-17 hours a week. The rest I have time for other things like social life, my son, man and things which do interest me a lot. This is changing once in a while over the course of my life. I will never ever work a 40 hour salary job but I probably have a 50-60 hour week when it comes to productivity and creativity. I never get tired of working. Barley am able to stop :-)) LOL

But I don't feel stressed at all. I was way more stressed during my young adult and professional years and the beginning years of my motherhood. That was huge!

I like it a lot that you say that there are other things way more important than a job. Even income, I would add is not that important. But that is of course, a very subjective view.

Have a good nights rest. It soon will be over and then the nights will be yours again.

P.S. Laziness has too bad of an image. Me too, giving it another praise!

Hey, Erica! Nice to talk to you again!

I will never ever work a 40 hour salary job but I probably have a 50-60 hour week when it comes to productivity and creativity.

I am pretty sure that your productivity is exactly because you don't have a salary job. Amazing things happen with one's work capacity when he or she is doing what he (she) wants in the way he (she) wants it!

But life is unfair as we all know.

Yeah. Sadly this is a very tough lesson. Especially when you learn it due to someone getting ill :/

It soon will be over and then the nights will be yours again.

I hope he starts sleeping more soon. But I try to have the right attitude. I say to myself that I have been sleep-deprived so many times before because of heavy workload, stress, ext. Now I have the sweetest reason not to sleep and this is so much better reason to lose my sleep than stress is for example.

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