Steem Silver Coins 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago (edited)


2 months ago Phil from Phelimint mentioned this competition on PAL Discord. At the time I didn't really think anything much of it, figure it'd be fun to design a coin, so why not?

Being an energy worker the thing I was most concerned about was the Alchemy side of this project because Silver has metaphysical properties according to Love is in the Earth.

Silver brings one "the advantage" throughout life. It can be used to improve ones quality of speech and can bring eloquence to conversations.

Might come in handy seeing that we all do write a lot..

Silver is used extensively with gem stones because the metal is able to both attract and retain, unto itself, those qualities which are emitted by the stone.

In this case we don't have a stone but a design and I programmed the design's intention into the silver, so that whoever holds it will be inspired to build a future where our commitment to community and each other as human beings is magnified, and the belief that all can be achieved if we worked together, solidified.

That's why community is all over the design from the word community in - English, Latin, French, Tagalog; to the minnows, dolphins and whales - all swimming around the Steemit logo. This IS a community coin and the fact that pulled this project off proves we can achieve greatness together.

It has been an emotional and very busy week for me so I was kind of aware the Steem silver coins were making their way to people after reading Phelimint's post "Now all the Steemit rounds have been shipped." and it seems 3 days ago the parcels started coming in!!

@sevinwilson 's Unboxing Video (full post here) really brought it to reality for me. Seeing him just stacking all those coins and everything - I was like... Ohh it's happening! lol

You have to watch his video 👇

I'll be honest and say it didn't even occur to me to buy them. At the time this all went down we were still saving for our house and didn't know if we could afford it. If it wasn't for @immarojas (thank you lola!) who pretty much nagged me to get them I would be sitting here crying right now. I started off with wanting one, then upped my order to 5 then days before it was all selling out and I could have gotten 5 more, making my grand total to 10 coins, I held back because at the time we were saving for our house.. I'm so stupid!!! I should have sold a kidney to get more coins! 😜 Hubby said to buy more... and he's right.. but lets not tell him I said that.. 😜

It kind of gets worse for me from here after reading @Phelimint's post and then what @mattclarke wrote..

It's the Wild West, you're sitting at a table in the saloon, and someone walks up and offers you a key.

This is for that homestead up the next bend in the river. I need money, how much will you give me for it?

You offer him a dollar, just in case, but you're not confident he actually owns the place.
He pulls out a deed and points to the name - Jeffrey Example.

It comes with a deed in my name, I'll sign it over to you and it's all yours. What will you give me for the key and the deed?

You offer him $10. It's a big property, and you're a bit more confident that it may be legitimately for sale, although you're still not sure. He may not even be Jeffrey Example.

Come over to the registry office with me. They'll identify me, and change the registered owner of the property from me to you, and I'll throw in the key and the deed. How much will you give me for all that?

You offer him $100, because the Titles office will only record one owner at a time, and you know this.

He may have an accurate key, and an official looking document, but there could be dozens of identical keys and documents claiming to bestow ownership over that homestead, while each property only has one owner recorded in the Titles office, and you know that's going to give you the best claim to exclusive use of the homestead.

If there wasn't a Titles office, just the deed and the key, the property would only be worth $10.

It's only worth what people will pay for it, and they'll discount their estimate substantially in the face of uncertainty.

(Even attending the homestead in person wouldn't offer definitive proof. The real owner might be away.)

Building a Titles office would therefore add a massive amount of wealth to the community, driving up the price of registered land, and even increasing the value of the remaining unregistered land.

Maybe the homesteader who lives on the unregistered land doesn't want his name in the office; but he'd be glad, when the time comes, to sell to somebody who does.

The buyer, knowing he can establish himself definitively as the first, registered owner of the land will happily pay more, knowing he'll have the option to sell for more.

We don't actually know how much the uncertainty around counterfeiting (both of coins and certificates) has depressed the value of silver coins, because there's never been a Titles office.

I sort of get it? Does this mean our coins can be worth even more than what the price of silver is?

Hubby's gonna kill me..... I can hear the 'I told you so" -s, plural - for the rest of my life...

So just when I think this coin is going nuts @papa-pepper does his unboxing in his car. I'm sorry but that is KEEN AS. I'd have done the same thing Papa! Check him out, checking it out! 👇

Bless his big heart... He's giving some away. Head on over to his page now and find out how you can win one.

And just when I couldn't be fan girling any harder... I found this..

@goldmatters you LEGEND!

Seems the Steem Silver Coin is a HUGE and historic deal and I am just so proud & honored to be a part of it. Massive thanks to @phelimint, @sevinwilson and everyone involved with this project what we've done is finally sinking in and WOW you guys!

Learn from my mistake people. Make sure you get yourself some of next year's Steem silver rounds.. I'm placing a yearly recurring order for a min of 5. from here on in lol

If you missed out on coins, check this post.

Video credits to @sevinwilson & @papa-pepper.
Photo credit to @goldmatters.
Image credit to me.



Very nice design @bearone, might pinch your design and see if Perth Mint can stamp silver or gold with it, .. might go for silver for now cheaper :)

I have been stacking gold bars before but sold it and put some on steem. Might start again with a gold/silver coin with your design .. but then again I will probably thinking "shall I put this on gold/silver coin or shall I just put it on steemit" hehe

Anyway, great work.

Sorry mate. No such thing as pinching this design. No bloody pinching nothing off me sorry. This design is strictly for for the exclusive production of these Steem Silver rounds.

If I see any replications or reprints of these coin not authorized by myself or any of the co-producers we will be having some problems.

I am however open to the idea of design another coin for Perth Mint.

ouch.... No worries no pinching your design... since you threatened me with legal action with your co producers .... what's that called plagiarism hehe...

In seriousness can keep their silver coins because they might be selling it at a value not by weight and could be at limited coinage so yeah will not impose on their business schemes.

Keep doing what you are doing... great designs and hopefully those designs will get you up there and succeed.

Hey dude!

Glad you changed your mind about reproducing these rounds, that's very bad taste dude, there's more than enough for everyone and I'm sure you could find one on the secondary market if your interested.

I'm not sure if your purposely trying to troll or just one poor word chooser but your comments about our price point and 'business schemes' are also quite offensive.

Die creation, small mintage runs and the premium touches we included are not free and we released these as close to spot as we possibly could. We are not 'scheming' anyone to support our business here man. We are truly appreciative to be part of the 'community' here and wanted to be part of bringing this project to life.

Anyways I know you have already spoken with @bearone, and I'm not going to flog a dead horse.

Be cool dude not trolling nor trying to get those silver minted designs. Just a poor choices of word aiming to be a joke but did not come out right and @bearone got offended .

My word "scheme", I did not mean to be in a negative way. What I meant on the "business scheme" is a set up business plan. Same thing when a coin is minted to a limited amount.

I know silver or gold mint bars or coins is more expensive than the spot price due to how its made and what the demand for a particular coins.

So don't worry dude I am not after your coin designs or something like that.. If I do I will not even put it here so yeah a joke that back fired that is all.

Honestly tho. It was just rude for you to even suggest it in the manner you did.

You cannot and should not think you are entitled to take whatever you want and just go ahead and reproduce it.

I realise I have created many graphics for the community and released rights to them but this is not one of those graphics.

As for business schemes I dont know anything about any of that.

I am purely offended because you dont seem to grasp the true importance of this coin which is it was a group effort from everyone and here you are going.. yeh I might go pinch that and get perth mint to print it.

Nahhhh mate.. NO.

And thank you. Designs are good but community service works better.

woo relax mate no offence meant and I'm sorry if you got offended especially in the early hours...

Yeh don't start me especially if I havent had me coffee! 😜😜😜

Yes I think it's coffee time... thought you were a tea lady only... Anyways, I hope your day will be good from now despite of the bad start of day, no thanks to me 😟

I usually am but now you got my ass on the coffee 😜 far out what a way to jolt me awake 😜😜

haha nah youre all good 💕 have a great day mate! Hope u have an awesome weekend!

Such an amazing project all around -- and fast!!!
Holy smokes, although i have not seen one live yet i am eagerly awaiting my order. And already excited for 2018 -- not to mention seeing what happens to the secondary market! Good fun and great way to exercise the power of Steemit and bring good honest money to good honest people.

Yeh it all happened really fast didnt it? What is this secondary market everyone is talking about?

Well the coins sold out for their list price at Pheli Mint. Now, people are reselling them. They have gone at $40, $45 and i think maybe $50 already -- hence the "secondary" market.
Also, as you noted, there's some fun contests going on. I won one from an @raybrockman contest a few weeks back! Can't wait to see it :) and @papa-pepper has a wild and dynamic contest going in which he's giving away sbd and bonus prizes of the 'Community' coin. High times here alright!

Going forward, this round could become a highly collectable piece: and not just for Steemit fans, but silverbugs too and the wider confluence of crypto enthusiasts and pm stackers.

The sky's the limit @bearone!

Cheers! from @thedamus

OOOOH That's the secondary market!!!

@sevinwilson has some choice numbers for sale for $60 on his page.

I don't even know how much my rounds cost to be honest LOL That's why I'm like.. I'll just get 5... :D

And I did notice all the contests! Yeh man, money and coins flowing everywhere! I love how we share wealth like this here.

That is insane!!!

My mind is blown @thedamus

Indeed sky is the limit! The very 1st Steemit'll be huge!

Excellent Arly, thank you for your post, nice to see this has all materialized. We are the people. Resteemed. Resteemed.

Cheers @lucky.digger 💗 We are the people!

You called me a legend! That’s awesome ! :):)

Haha thats cos you are! That photo of you, Ned and the coin = Priceless! I'm so happy you did that!

I also admire the work youre doing promoting gold holdings. I dont know much about it yet but Im excited to learn especially now that Im a stacker ;)

Thank you for the kind words :) Ive gone back and edited your name into that article, apologizes for omitting it originally! @Ned loves your design, he was staring closely at it for a long time :)

Thank you! 🙏 No need to apologise I was just happy to wake up this morning and see that awesome photo. Made my day ❤ It really did.

Aww I'm so glad he did! That's so amazing to hear. Thank you for sharing that with me. It really means a lot to me. ❤

See? LEGEND!! 👈

Awesome post! There was really so much passion from everyone to make this a reality. Your design is really amazing and I really feel it does capture the 'community' here on steemit! These are definitely going to be highly sought after for years to come and as for an investment with the limited supply they will likely continue to gain significantly in value.
PS if you want more I've been watching the secondary market closely and I think @mattclarke from down under may be able to help you out ;).

Thanks bro :) It was a great group effort and such a huge learning curve for me so thank you guys for all this knowledge!

@phelimint... I've been sitting here wondering how I was going to talk someone into parting with 5 from their stash.... :D I swear someone up there is listening to me..

@mattclarke BUDDY!!! Have I told you how big a genius you are lately??

i hope one vote or follow me...

I told you to get 10 momi will forever hear me say "i told you so" ahahaha
1 oz is huge..geesh the anticipation.

Hahaha I know!! Next year I'll get 10! I should have listened to you guys!

I'm just hoping @mattclarke ... The Man.. The Genius... The Philanthropist .. The Legend from Adelaide... can do a sister a favor.... 😁

Why didn't we get at least 1 each?haha.
We need to save up for the next wave.
Congrats on the epic coin @bearone.

Haha thank you @luvabi. Yes we do!!

Ay nag-ingay ako lolsss
Are u back lola? Did u see the "cookies for a cause" fund-raising by @pjmisa?

Haha ingay - yes you did lola ❤

this is waaayy too cool! I found out about this a little late. I mean, I saw some posts written about it but I did not mind. Then I saw @papa-pepper's unboxing post. Awts. I'm green with envy.

Oh, and your signature on the certificate! How cool is that?! Great job momi @bearone. I'm so proud of you. 😍

Lola and I were promoting it a bit on discord every now and then, and before we knew it, it sold out. Everything happened very quickly!

Awwww thanks so much @arrliinn!! 💗💗💗

Ahh so awesome XD Wish I could have spared the money for one just to have a coin Pheli made with a design by you on it :)

Aww thanks honey ❤

... Just a note guys!! ...

There was one more edit before the final product when we changed the font.


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