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RE: Steem Silver Coins 2017

in #steemsilvergold7 years ago

Awesome post! There was really so much passion from everyone to make this a reality. Your design is really amazing and I really feel it does capture the 'community' here on steemit! These are definitely going to be highly sought after for years to come and as for an investment with the limited supply they will likely continue to gain significantly in value.
PS if you want more I've been watching the secondary market closely and I think @mattclarke from down under may be able to help you out ;).


Thanks bro :) It was a great group effort and such a huge learning curve for me so thank you guys for all this knowledge!

@phelimint... I've been sitting here wondering how I was going to talk someone into parting with 5 from their stash.... :D I swear someone up there is listening to me..

@mattclarke BUDDY!!! Have I told you how big a genius you are lately??

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