Master Baking Class with @ albertocotua ( Weekly Series) Issue no 9 Mother Yeast !!!!

in #steemkitchen6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers, today I bring you a post about the Mother Yeast Sourdough Starter, in this post we will learn its composition, its manufacture, its handling and its correct storage.


What is a Mother Yeast and how is it composed?

The Mother Yeast, is a crop of microorganisms that are in a symbiotic state, is achieved by mixing wheat flour bakery, rye flour and water in exact proportions, also influence other features that we will see later and so we will get our protagonist Saccharomyces cerevisiae From this Mother Mass we can elaborate Liquid Natural Mother Soak or Solid Natural Mother Soap using another formulation in its refreshing. The strains of sourdough are resistant to low temperatures, for this reason we can store them "alive" in the fridge by feeding them with flour and water.

How is a Mother Yeast composed?

Its composition from the beginning is very basic, but we must be careful because they are very weak microorganisms and the smallest bacteria from the outside can kill our entire crop, by this I mean that all the utensils that have contact with our mother yeast must be perfectly sanitized and sterilized with water at 25°C - 28°C, this is because what we are going to grow are microorganisms present in the flour and mainly in the bran and to privilege their awakening, growth, multiplication and development we must create the ideal conditions.

These are:

  • Humidity.
  • Food.
  • Hot.

And if we do not take care of hygiene, the wrong microorganisms can be created within our crops.

To make a sourdough we need wild yeasts and bacteria. Wild yeasts are found in the husk of seeds, cereals and fruits, these make the bread grow and the lactobacilli give the characteristic taste to the loaves of mother yeast. That is why many bakers recommend strengthening the masses when they have lost their potency with fruit juices such as grapes or fermented apples, this juice brings yeasts and food to those without strength.


We understand that temperature control is very important. If there are no ideal conditions, you have to create them. Whether cooling the place if it is very hot or creating a temperature controlled fermentation chamber. Simply turn on the oven light and measure the internal temperature and verify that it is appropriate we could use a good approach to a fermentation chamber.

The temperature favors the growth of certain microorganisms and others simply annuls them. Then depending on the temperature at which it is decided to work the crops will favor one or other microorganisms. Each of these crops will have different behaviors and will provide different yeasts and lactobacilli that will give the loaves a unique flavor, this is where things start to get a little complicated, because each one in your home or work has different temperatures. But at the same time it is a characteristic of identification that your crop has and that they are unique and unrepeatable so it is not all bad.

Not only is it the temperature, it also depends on the flours, the origin of the wheat, the amount of water in relation to the flour, the modification of one or several of these factors results in a different mother mass and we go further: yes microorganisms are allowed to develop in the presence of oxygen or in the absence of oxygen, for example, submerging the sourdough in water or in vacuum-tight containers, these conditions make the microorganisms that are grown only anaerobic, aerobic or both. And again, each type of these "bugs" has different behaviors when it comes to providing flavor and growth of the breads.

Bringing life to a cradle of microorganisms from flour and water.

In this step I am going to show you how I gave life to my mother yeast 3 years ago.

To start creating our mother yeast, we must follow these instructions to the letter, all in order following the sterilization norm and be careful with the temperature.

When we have everything in order, and ready we start on day 0.

Day 0

We are ready to start our sourdough.

We are going to need:

  • 25 grams of wholemeal flour

  • 35 grams of water

  • Clean glass container

  • Napkin

  • League to hold

  • Teaspoon to remove

Today it is only to mix and let stand at a temperature between 25 and 28 degrees Celsius for 24 hours.


What happens in the first 24 hours?

By giving the ideal conditions, humidity and heat, the process of activity of the microorganisms begins (it is as if they wake up). If everything goes well in the first 24 hours, it will show weak activity samples. It shows with tiny bubbles and maybe some growth of the mixture. At this time the crop is very fragile and any disturbance ends up spoiling the work.

You begin to see activity about 24 hours after starting, it is time to reinforce with more whole flour and water, here a natural selection is produced and the strongest yeasts and bacteria are developed.

Monitor this stage is very important because it is where you notice if we are on track or not.

Second activation.


Day 1.


At this point it is time to change flour.

So far we have placed 25 grams of wholemeal flour at the start and 25 grams of wholemeal flour at 24 hours and has been mixed in each case with 35 grams of water. So in theory we have about 120 grams of mass. Assuming that part of the water has evaporated, we will work on the basis of 100 grams of mass, in addition, the accounts are not complicated.

Now we are going to feed with 50 grams of bakery flour and 50 grams of water, maintaining the same hygiene care. Even this incipient mass is very fragile.

At this time should be evidence of high activity and large bubbles and after consuming all the available food is a collapse of the swelling of the mass. For this reason glass jars are used to observe the trace left by the activity in the dough.

It has been 36 hours since the beginning.
Add to:

  • 50 grams of water.
  • 50 grams of bakery flour.

Mix well, cover with the napkin and fasten with the elastic band.

We continue to monitor the progress and review in about 12 hours.


Day 2.

12 hours later we have bubbles. Indicative of activity of wild yeasts.


Step by step, the community of microorganisms develops. We need CO2 generators and acidity generators. During the feeding, development and multiplication processes, lactic acid and acetic acid, CO2 and alcohol are produced.

Then between what we can perceive in the masses mother are aromas of white wine, beer, fruits, but also to lactic ferments (yogurt). If sugar is added then aromas are generated to rum, typical aroma of the talvinas with which Andean breads are prepared.

"Young cultures have many yeasts and few lactobacilli this makes them very powerful to grow the loaves but they do not generate complexity of flavors. This feature is achieved in more worked crops." - Master Baker Jeffrey Hamelman

As we are already reaching a significant amount of mass then for the next crop feed we will discard half. If we did not do it this way and we maintain the scheme of placing half the weight of the dough in flour and the same amount of water we would end up with an unmanageable amount of dough in a short time.

At this moment we have 200 grams. To continue this way we would have in each feeding: 400 gr, 800 gr, 1600 gr, 3200 gr in just 2 days doing it every 12 hours. By the fourth day, feeds become more frequent and can be up to 6 times every 24 hours.

When a large amount of mother yeast is needed, because our production requires it, we use this method and sometimes even more food is added: 100% dough, 100% flour and 100% water.

I clarify that this method for me is very easy to work from the point of view of calculations is very simple. But, you can make mother yeast using 60% hydration, 80%, 100%, 125% In some cases when you need a lot of mother yeast you can quickly "sow" a small amount, for example 100 grams of sourdough in a mass of 1000 gr of flour and 1000 gr of water and let it work until all the 2100 grams are turned into sourdough.

12 hours after the last revision, I removed 100 grams of mixture and placed 50 grams of bakery flour and 50 grams of water. it only showed few signs of activity. Only about four bubbles on the surface.

In 8 hours we review your progress. While it continues at rest at about 26 degrees Celsius.


Day 3.

After 8 hours only that centimeter is what the mass has grown, but do not be discouraged. He is behaving as he had told them, the change of flour produces that effect.


Time to refresh the dough. Removing half and adding more bakery flour and water. I'm going to remove 100 grams of dough and add 50 grams of flour and 50 grams of water again. For this I mix the dough vigorously before removing the 100 grams.

Ready the refresh of the dough.


If we do some calculations we start with 25 gr of integral, then 25 gr more and on the second day we added 50 gr of bakery flour, that is to say until that moment there is 50 gr of integral and 50 gr of baking.

Yesterday, at night, 100 grams of dough were removed, that is, 50 grams of water, 25 grams of integral and 25 grams of bread. And 50 bakery and 50 water were added. Adding are left in the dough 25 of integral and 75 of bakery.

Today in the morning 100 grams more of dough were removed and 50 of baking and 50 of water were incorporated. Doing accounts and there are only 12.5 grams of integral and 87.5 grams of bakery.

As we can realize, we are slowly transforming the dough into one with almost no wholemeal flour. And every time we do soda, half of what was integral will remain. After a few days the integral content will be insignificant. This change can be noticed in the color and aroma of the dough that is slowly clarifying and changing.

They go about 4 hours since the last refresh.


As of day 2 in the morning, the start mark is the same since 100 g are extracted and 50 g of bakery flour and 50 g of water are added. Shaking vigorously before removing 100 g causes all the contained gas to be released and when adding "the soft drink" the result of the mixture occupies the same volume in the bottle.

As I see the progress of the mass is already beginning to respond with greater activity. At this point it is time to change to a larger capacity bottle. On many occasions, the mass reaches three times the volume and there it will be short of the current packaging.

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Refreshed and changed to a larger container.

That's about an hour ago and you can already see some growth.


Day 4.

This is how the mother yeast should start, very active.

He's already a refresh, he climbed almost an inch in just 20 minutes.

As you can see the impetus of youth. This mother yeast barely started it 4 days ago. They were only 25 grams of wholemeal flour, 35 grams of water. Carefully fed and watched your progress.



This is how it is today, with almost 3 years it continues to live and leaving its characteristic flavor and smell of dried fruits such as Merey and hazelnut.



When we see that it has enough strength, we take it to the fridge and feed constantly with the proportion that we want, can be 100% 80% 75% depends on the consistency of the dough they want, putting it in the fridge we prevent it from dying because it is Mother dough supports temperatures up to 0°C.

If you want to learn how to perform step by step correctly, you can review these links with my post or you can hire my fully customized courses by discord.

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This is perfect for a noob! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and process! It’s a bit too advanced for me now, but I’ll tag and come back to it when I have more ability! It’s stressful knowing how sensitive the culture is!

📌🥖 Mother Yeast.

Thank you @steemkitchen

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