Steemit Sandwich contest week 3. The kitchen sinksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitsandwichcontest7 years ago (edited)

I'll admit this may come out sloppy cause I'm currently laying drunk in a tent with my family freezing

image.jpgfucking beauty, eh? Realize this post will take forever cause I'm in 3G

Started with frying some honey oat bread with butter and Tex mex seasoning

Then frying a couple slices of black forest hamimage.jpeg
wilst slathering in some red pepper jelly to my Tex mex toasty.

^next we tar

And then I passed out, leaving my phone on, killing the battery. The post continues as I have snuck off in my canoe for some privacy.

Nope, never mind. 3G is so slow loading photos I'll fall asleep in the canoe.
This photo took 3 minutes to load :/ (and on second look hadn't actually loaded at all, readded for context)
(And also sent me five minutes downstream adding 15 minutes to my paddle back.)

Finally I'm back to civilization to complete my sandwich entry, which by now has already returned to nature.

Where was I?

image.jpegEggs. Over hard, because if I wanted my sandwich to spill down my chin,(insert nsfw joke here, if it's really good submit it to @artwatch's contest)

image.jpegAged Swiss cheese? How bout some Raclette imported from Geneva in our suitcase? Aged? It's been in the fridge since April, so was about damn time to enjoy

image.jpegJust let that cheese melt down to full awesome

image.jpegHeres where we go super international. To the ham we add some Norwegian peppered smoked salmon packaged in Greece that we bought at Costco in Brooklyn. Did I mention I'm a internationalvore? The carbon footprint for this sandwich would make BP blush.


image.jpeggood sandwiches are all about layers, if captain @jaybird taught me anything in back in 'nam, it was a great sandwich has many layers... And that she's not a lady with a penis, she's a dude with tits

image.jpegI guess I'm trying to say a sandwich is like an onion, or add onions to your sandwich next

image.jpegDon't forget to add some green crap to give it the modicum of healthy. I chose mixed greens. You should use iceberg, it's just a better lettuce.

image.jpegand there you have it.
'The Kitchen Sink'

Hmmm, looks lonely...

image.jpegNow that's better, a little bit of potato Salad to pull it all together. I know this isn't a salad contest though, so take it for what it's worth.

image.jpeg Delicious.

Well, this is perhaps the longest contest entry, in both timeframe to write and complete process. But I hope you have enjoyed it. I think I have remembered everything this time, it runs till Tuesday so I'm well within the deadline, I've listed my ingredients still feel like something might be missing.

Gadzooks I've got it

image.jpegNot the first time I forgot


Good luck to my fellow contestants, I mean, my sandwich was fucking delicious, a prize in its own right. I think that is the true meaning of this contest, to brag about how good of food we get to make ourselves, so enjoy that warm love that only a truly great sandwich can fill you with.



WoW - This has got to be the most epic entry in the history of this contest. Don't you agree @jaybird ??? I mean, it was worth the wait for us @bleedpoet !!!

Thanks. I aim to please. I'm glad the rules laxxed up to make mighty exciting adventure sandwiches. I was thinking about the sandwich all weekend, but the internet and close quarters made it implausible. You remain the quality and quantity champ. I had to be very creative to even compete with this weeks awesome creations.

Boywich no longer! Wouldn't it be funny if people kept upping the anty of where they make these sandwich contest entries. I was thinking maybe Nyotaimori sandwich platter next. I kid-- I actually don't have randomly naked people- I can randomly place sandwiches on and then take shots of for steemit.... one day maybe.

Have you never tried craigslist 'gigs'? Sure there is a starving artist who would be the bread in your erotic eating.

Yes - but you sometimes get that cracked out hobo after taste with that method of preparation.

Everybody knows today's hobos are popping the oxy their doctor over prescribed them.

Holy mother of ..... wtf ! lol.

Dude, most hilarious post award definitely get's stamped here.

Cannot believe you came up with an entry in this situation either. You and Steemit-foodie are the legends of Steemit Sandwich Contest! You're conviction here is truly to be admirable.

And oh i almost forgot. Fuckin' epic sandwich Bortha! Who cares if they aren't pretty right... It's how they taste and fill ya up that matters most! I mean a dude with tits is not a great sight, yet it's a dude with tits..there is a wow factor there ;)

How'd that smoked salmon work out? Sometimes when I put it with certain meat things it clashes a bit...

And is that a side of potato salad? or... something else lol

I got to get me some of that red pepper jelly, I think I saw it beside the "Ease" at the grocery store... sounds like it's awesome for breakfast sandwiches.

I'll have to buy you a jar next time I go to the market. The smoked salmon with the black forest half and egg/ racket the cheese was actually really nice. I was afraid it may overpower the sandwich so I stuck to one layer and it proved to be the perfect little addition.

Was pretty close to being a null entry, remembered the sign one bite in.

Potato salad fo sho. I had some leftover from a weekend picnic, and as this was a late lunch sandwich, needed to round it out and make it mighty.

Ya mon! Scoop some of that pepper jelly up for me lol & Pass it off to Dan for next week, he's coming in to TO I think. You wana Join...(not sure if you can escape so easily, but would be good to meet ya and hang out a bit)

Glad the smoke Salmon worked out. It's a dangerous game in the sandwich world to collide for example, hot bacon and fish... more often than not... the world is .... Ewwwww lol

Either way, Your sandwich rocked! Glad it was a NUll as well! That always breaks my heart. There were 2 again this week... new entries too... READ THE RULES DAMMIT!!!!

If i had happened to be drinking something while reading this post, said drink would definitely be all over my computer screen right now. That sandwich looks pretty great man. I could never in my life eat potato salad - something about the consistency, but I know loads of people (including my poor husband who will never ever get me to make it for him) like it. You do you. And keep on with those great stacked 'wiches.

Potato salad I can manage, macaroni salad is the one I can't do. My wife has a good recipe, this was just store bought. Good consistency, little tangy, may have been in the sun :/

It's because she hates

You know There are different kinds of potato salad out there without mayo Jaymore!

Enjoy you crazy sandwich person you!

I did indeed. Finally back to civilization and decent voting power, so I'll be round to show some love sooon

Omg laughing so hard reading this! Love your narration style! I too can't help but swear all the fukin time! That sandwich is EPIC! 😍 I'm taking a trip to Costco tomorrow for supplies and assembling one of these bad boys! 😋🤗 Thanks for sharing and I hope you win tho I would rename it "Everything but the kitchen sink". Kitchen sinks are dirty and not tasty. That name doesn't give justice for this wild creation 😉

I put the kitchen sink in the backdrop so it truly does have everything, including the kitchen sink.

A lot of people put love in their sandwiches, but my secret ingredient is disdain, for my health and my wealth. Go all out, if it feels good, do it. Carpe fuckin sandwich. I'm afraid the red pepper jelly is a farmers market specialty and I wasn't kidding about the cheese coming straight from Switzerland, if you can find raclette at your Costco your doing better then me.

Would be honored to see a copycat version pulled off, but I think you could do better.

Thanks for the kind words😊

I'd like to see your carpe fuckin sandwich!! 😂 and your right I have never heard of red pepper jelly but hey i live in Cancun. Im sure I can make my own!!

Peppers, pectin and sugar, pretty sure that how jams made, Pinterest probably has a good recipe. I like your Can Do Cancun attitude😄

a few things sounded strange to me like salmon and ham together but i bet it tasted great :) it made me hungry so you get my vote!

They actually coalesce quite well, the smoking of the salmon with the black forest flavoring of the ham are quite complementary. It was a risk, but I found the resultant quite rewarding. On the weekend camping I tried again, this time with smoked salmon and thick cut peameal bacon. Amaze balls! Highly recommended.

Most amazing entry in any competition I've ever seen my friend! Nothing beats this one, just too good! The sandwich as well as the funny side of your explanation!
I just love The Kitchen Sink and that imported cheese in the suitcase! hahahah!
Great one man!

It's all true, I mean aside from captain @jaybird in 'Nam. That was artistic Liberty.

Hey Bud thx for your donation for week 4! I think everyone involved really appreciates!

I hope you know it totally isn't a bribe. Gee, that makes it sound more bribey.

Definitely did. Don't worry you're not gona win anyway mwhahahaha ;) j/k

Seriously I do appreciate you supporting, and I figure if you were only in it to win it, u'd probably not have donated anything in the first place.

Your entry this week was pretty dam epic! I really enjoyed it. Made me laugh too!

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