What's in a name? Steemit Name Challenge

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)

What's in a name?

This song wont get out of my head now!!!

I guess it really depends on your beliefs, some believe that to know someones true name is to hold power over them. This particular challenge not only wants the what and how of your Steemit name but your real name as well...

How much would you be willing to share with the world?

Myself, a challenge has been set when I was nominated for the Steemit Name Challenge and I am pretty open about who I am so sharing some links to connect the dots is fun for me.

I was nominated by @hitmeasap a few days ago who was nominated by @coolguy123 who was nominated by @c0ff33a all initiated by @felobtc.

The Rules:

  • Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
  • Tell us your real name!
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge


Who are you???

My real name is Erin, Insideoutlet is a play on words, over ten years ago I fell very ill and lost my large intestine. I say lost but I not so much lost it as in it was killing me so it had to go. Long story short, I had twelve surgeries over three years and ended up with a stoma and ostomy bag for life. My full story can be found below in the links section.

About year nine I grew some confidence, A nude cruise will do that for a person. and started a blog called InsideOut Ostomy Life as I felt my life been turned Inside Out both figuratively and literally and I was finally ready to talk about it. The aim was to help other people that have had to go through similar things know that a full happy healthy life is possible, even with an ostomy.


While I was and still am super appreciative of all I can do on my Ostomy blog, I found that writing and dealing with so much chronic illness all the time made me question every ache and pain and fear a flare up or remission, so I needed another Outlet. One that let me be more creative without fear of losing followers because I wasn't focusing on a niche.

My hubby @shai-hulud, who was also nominated but is not generally a joiner found Steemit and suggested we give it a try, giving birth to Insideoutlet, a way for me to reconnect with my inner teenage creative writing style and random thoughts. As my hubby will not rise to the challenge I will give you a quick rundown on him too.


Real name is Peter, he is a huge Dune fan wanted @muaddib but most frustratingly it was taken by another user that has never posted, so he chose @shai-hulud instead another character from the book. Fun fact, he has a tattoo of a quote from Dune on his ribcage.

The sleeper must awaken!

We both like our names have become know by them so we are happy to keep them.


I would love to know a bit more behind the names of these five Steemian's should they have the time to play along

@erodedthoughts (HUSBAND)
@imaginedragon (WIFE)

The @asapers (I nominate my hubby @shai-hulud to write one for the @asapers) plus these new members:

Power Up and Steem ON!

Want some inspiration, a hint or a maybe a laugh, I'm pretty funny I have been told. CHECK out these posts, all brought to you by @insideoutlet!

Whats in a REP? @curie raises some unexplored questions.
WARNING: The Ficus Tree and The Booty!
Good Friday, The Good, The Bad & The Ficus!.
Foosball fun for a Good Friday eve!

My hubby is also a great steemian worth a follow, check him out @shai-hulud. Below are some of his:

Steemit Week 1: Who Are You
Don't get hooked by a Phishing scam. Actual steps you can take to protect yourself.
Steemit Day One #2: Why lock an Empty House
Welcome to Steemit. Day one: Get ready for the learning curve.

Don't forget to follow us so you don't miss a thing!

Shai & I.jpg

What to know more about @shai-hulud and I Check out these posts: If you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.

Butt naked with 2500 other cruise line passengers! Featured in @qurator & @asapers
Love isn’t always shit free. Featured in @thesteemengine and #themagnificentseven from @catweasel & @enchantedspirit
How I got flipped Inside Out... For REAL! Featured in @thesteemengine

Did YOU know that your upvote needs time to recharge? If not check out this post below, if you like it please consider upvoting a more recent post as this one has now paid out.
Steem & Voting Power, how not to waste it!

asapers 2.png

One last thing! @asapers a new curation team has started a profit-sharing curation post promotion, follow @asapers to check it and more out!

The STEEM Engine

Team Australia Banner - @insideoutlet.png

Steemit Bloggers

Upvote follow resteem.png

Team Australia Banner @bearone, @asapers by @shai-hulud, @steemitbloggers by @zord189


Hi Erin!!! Thanks for the story behind your steemit name. It is beautiful and inspiring, which is what I always feel about you, @inside outlet. I saw a lady who sews pretty covers on her ostomy bag the other day and I I thought of you too. Not sure if you are interested, though.

Anyway, thank you for nominating me and wanting to know why I picked such a Steemit name. I actually did a similar post for a similar contest 7 days ago. Hahaha what a coincidence. But back then, I didn't know there's this challenge which I learnt after I posted it. So I edited my post and added the tag in :P

Here's the link to it:


My best friend makes me bag covers and sells them too through my webpage. 😁 This is one of hers. We cant sell these ones as they are branded but I love them.
I will check out your post and am sorry I missed it earlier. I just checked it and it has 7 hours left to payout but wont accept my upvote. Ill find another post to share the love on. Thanks for stopping by. 😁

I so need those. Maybe not the wonder woman though

haha check out my webpage there is a section that had them for sale :) https://insideoutostomy.life/bag-covers/

So much about you in not so much a long write up, wow you are a strong woman and a winner , i admire your courage, doggedness, i know so many are getting encouraged from reading this am resteeming straight up.

Am liking the sound of your name, #ERIN am not sure am getting it well though lolz
Am so missing @asapers group on discord

Thank you for your kind words. I like my name to lol. Its more common now but when i was younger there was only one girl I knew with the name and what was even weirder was her brothers name was the same as my brothers.

Oh that's awesome and after reading this post i want to name you as an "FIGHTER" because you faced some tough times in life which can break many people and it's really amazing to watch that, your husband is playing the role of support system effectively. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you. It was a tough fight for a while. Now life pretty simple and getting better by the day. Im excited and nervous for the future but what ever comes together we will survive it. I appreciate you taking the time too read it.

Welcome and thank you. 🙂

I totally love your tagname and how it relates to your message - you're a great example of someone who has embraced a life-altering illness to inspire others and make yourself even stronger. And not only others who have the same condition, but for everyone! Thanks for being a positive person on this platform - I really admire it!

Thank you that's really sweet off you to say. I aim to be positive most of the time. Life gets in the way sometimes but I'm glad im here to live it either way. Lol.

Thats a great story behind your name, it has a deeper meaning that you thought it would have, if you had not explained it i would have kept thinking that you really liked Pixar's Inside Out!

Haha, I do like that movie. I even lined up for over an hour to get a photo with Joy and Sadness but no the name has no connection. Lol. I hadn't even put the two together lol.

That's the first thing that popped into my head when i read your name :-D i really loved the movie too.

I still love that post about the nude cruise one of the best reads ever thank you for sharing the info.

Thanks for stopping by @crazybgadventure. I think you would love that cruise :)

Thanks for sharing your story. It's good that you reached the point you could talk about it and you even reached the point of making a blog aiming to help others going through it or other similar things. It's helpful when going through things to find other people's stories and other people talking about it because it helps people cope and realise it is not just them and they aren't alone in what they are going through. You are doing a good thing. On the other hand though, I can completely understand that you wouldn't want to write about only that too, and would want to write about / create other things, which I guess is where something like Steemit is good for you. Good work.

Thank you. I do love Steemit for creativity and branching out. I appreacite you taking the time too read my post. 😁

Interesting story @insideoutlet I love that you have a website dedicated to this. Enjoy your day

Thank you. I just got my first advertiser too which is huge.

You are such an inspiration and a strong woman! I love the name you have chosen and the meaning behind it. I recently read your post about the naked cruise and you never cease to amaze me with how wonderful you are. You are beautiful and I am so glad that you see that and embrace your beauty.

Aww shucks. Thank you that's nice to hear. The cruise was a real eye opener. Lol well worth the courage needed.

Always cool to find out about the "rest of the story"- thanks for sharing so intimately! I'm glad you're still with us to inspire everyone!

Thank you. I'm very glad too be here too. Nothing like losing it all to know its worth living.

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