๐Ÿ’Œ Steemit Comment Challenge #23 - $5 SBD + 2 x 200 SP (1 Weeks Delegation) - Comment like a Champ, Grow your blog like a Champ!! ๐Ÿ’Œ

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Steemit Comment Challenge #23!!!

Steemit Comment Challenge Number #23 is here!
This week I have an interesting post from one of the founders of #newbieresteemday, so please prepare yourself to deliver some awesome comments and show @mudcat36 some love. The prize structure will be the same as the last round. 1st prize will consist of 5 SBD + 1 week 200 SP delegation and the runner-up prize will be a 1 week 200 SP delegation.

IN CASE YOU DIDN'T TAKE NOTICE: the challenge now ends Friday morning and the winners will be presented Friday evening, based on UTC Time.

The partnership with the #newbieresteemday initiative will continue. I'm happy to have them by my side and I try to do my best to support their users. The Newbieresteem initiative is an excellent community for new Steemians. Their motto and this challenge is meant to strengthen interaction skills, to support and motivate better participation. And what better way to interact with others than through excellent comments.

Get ready to deliver some magnificent comments! Polish your keyboard and sharpen your mind, I wanna see those comments rolling in. Please show me what you have got!

It is important to get followers, but you also want the correct type of followers. Followers that are truly interested in your blog and what you write, and not the โ€œI-follow-you-if-you-follow-meโ€ kind of type. And to attract the right type of followers, you need to write godlike comments.

This challenge is all about writing godlike comments.

  • In each challenge a post from a fellow minnow will be featured.
  • The challenge is to write an amazing comment related to that post.
  • I will resteem the post.
  • I will give it a 100% upvote.

This will be part of my campaign to help other Minnows. The #minnowsupportproject helped me and I want to help others.

Join the challenge and practice your skills.

Please join the fun! ๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’“

That will be me reading your entries...

Challenge Instructions

Write a comment linked to the content in the section below "Post To Review"

Write a comment that will intrigue the reader. The comment should be interesting and create an urge in the reader to click through to your blog.

The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.

Please resteem to help promote this challenge!
Tell your friends to come and vote for your comment!


The prize money for Challenge #23 will be 5 SBD + 2 x 1 week 200 SP delegation.

We will have the following prizes:

  • 1st prize - 5 SBD + 200 SP 1 week delegation.
  • 2nd prize - 200 SP 1 week delegation.

Rules and conditions

  • The comment should be relevant to the content below in: "Post To Review".
  • Please mind the length of your reply. I don't want to have strict limits, but remember that your tasks is to write a comment and not a chapter for a book. ;)
  • The entry needs to be written as a comment to this post.
  • Entries limited to one per person.
  • I will reply to your comment confirming it is a valid entry.
  • The challenge ends Friday morning, 0600 UTC time.
  • The winner will be presented Friday evening, UTC time.
  • To vote for an entry, reply to the comment with the words "vote or voted"
  • Upvotes are allowed to make the entry more visible, but the upvotes themselves play no role in the challenge.
  • The Top5 entries with the most votes(i.e. replies with the words "vote or voted") will be potential winners.
  • The judges will pick the winner from the Top5.
  • For the 2nd Prize, the judges are free to pick any of the contestants.
  • If the judges can not reach a consensus, they will each pick one candidate and flip a coin. @dorabot will be used for this in MSP's Discord server.
  • If the winner is not a Minnow, the prize will be split in 2 and the other half paid out to the best Minnow. After all, this is a competition to encourages Minnows, so hopefully that will be fair.
  • The definition for a Minnow from #minnowsupportproject will be used. A Minnow is someone with less than 5K SP. (I have removed the followers requirement as I don't see that as relevant.)

Post To Review

Here follows the post for you to review:
Challenge #23 Post - "MOTHER NATURES MEDICINE CABINET", by @mudcat36.

@mudcat36 presents an interesting post in the Homesteading category, a post about natural medicines, how herbs and plants can be used to replace or complement some of our more common medicines.

What do you think of natural medicines? Do you have a lot of experience yourself and have you tried something else not mention in this post? Are you sceptic and think it doesn't work at all, are you like: "better take an Aspirin to get rid of that pain"? Please check out the post and let us know what you think.

Remember that a valid entry is a comment written below, but please feel free to add the same comment to @mudcat36's post.

Guest Judge

Would you like to take part and act as a judge?
If you are interested, please indicate it in the comments or send me a message on Discord (@danielsaori).

Please donate, please help a minnow

If you like this idea and would like it to grow. Please feel free to donate and I will add it to the Prize Pool. Mention #steemitcommentchallenge in your memo.

History of donations:
@zeartul 10SBD
@destinysaid 5SBD
@dray91eu 8SBD
@tech-trends 10STEEM
@fishmon 10SBD
@destinysaid 5SBD
@fishmon 5SBD
@nanosesame 10SBD
@amariespeaks 5SBD

Previous Comment Challenge Winner

Here follows the list of all the previous winners.

List is from oldest to newest:
guyverckw, stephcurry, timeshiftarts, dray91eu, digitalking, fatpandadesign, fishmon, kslo, learnandteach01, cryptobychirag, japh, brandyb, stellastella, amos-robinson, lucyc, bridgetnnenna, adesojisouljay, teekingtv, donnest, vonromulobalsamo
...will YOU be next on the list??

The Steemit Comment Challenge now follows a fixed schedule.
A new challenge will be released every Sunday evening (UTC time).
The contest ends Friday morning and the winners will be announced Friday evening (UTC time).

Thank you for reading!

Proud member of #minnowsupportproject, #newbieresteemday & #teamaustralia

Click HERE to learn more about Minnow Support Project.
Click HERE to connect to our Discord chat server.

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thanks so much @danielsaori for giving such a minnow like me a chance.
The herb based article is a very interesting one. we so much believe in herbs here in Africa .

The best thing that interest me is the plantain herbs. For the fact that its edible and can be used in salad will make it easy to use unlike some herbs that comes with irritating smells.

we have a leaf here in Nigeria too that prevents diabetes and measles. It will be squeezed and the water gotten out from it can be put in clean water and drank. For solving Measles,

the leaf will be squeezed with liqour that alcoholic content is not too high, The water gotten from it will be taken and used to rub the body of the person with measeles day and night. The best thing is that the leaf is edible too and can be cooked as vegetable.but!it bitter when first tasted but after some seconds it becomes sweet.isnt that great?

When using herbs, Moderation should be put in place,very importantly

Here is bitterleaf image
Webp.net-resizeimage (11).jpgImage source

Here is my entry and will like to know if am in the running@danielsaori

ย 6 years agoย (edited)

@michaeljerry0 nice work bro...i love the way you broke it down with an image as well.

@danielsaori bravo ๐Ÿ‘....love your support to the minnows. Voted

nice article love thank for the this article, i have learnt from it

Herbs are a very good healing remedy


Gi so much beliwve in your vision jf makimg impacts. I believe if you canwin this ,minnows like me will be made to laugh. Whitout being a whale you arw greatly helljng out. VOTED! and thanks for the measles cure.

Thanks so much sir. I can see your curiosity to help me win was reason for much mispelt words in your sentences. Thanks so much. Keep winning


Confirmed! Thank you Michael.




This is lovely!

Congratulations to the 1st prize!
Enjoy your 5 SBD and the 200 SP delegation for a week.

I'm happy to comment in this contest, you are a Man of high intellectual faculty @danielsaori Thank you for upgrading people's interest in herbal medicine by organising this contest.

Here's my entry @danielsaori sir.

Thanks @mudcat36 for this very informative article.
I read every line carefully not to miss anything.
In my village it is believed that herbs administration works in sinequanon with proverbs.
Here is one...
Until the rotten tooth is pulled out, the mouth must continue to chew with caution.

It's high time people learnt to appreciate natural medicine. I'm a very big fan of herbs and roots for medication.
I may not know their botanical names but I knew a lot of herbs through my grandfather and I cherish all.

When I saw PLANTAIN in your post, my eyes opened wide just for me to see a difference in specie.
But for the WILLOW TREE, I must commend you for adding immensely to my God-given knowledge about herbs.



Thanks for your comment. I'm learning a lot this week and I wish I knew more of what nature has to give.

Excellent choice @danielsaori! I'm impressed at how you find such a wide range of interesting topics each week! Awesome!

Here is my entry:

This is a very good post @mudcat36... I'm glad @danielsaori highlighted it... He does manage to find some interesting topics that people post about.

I didn't realize that in addition to your crypto skills you also had a bit of nature savvy in you. I'm very impressed. Now don't get me wrong, I'm easily impressed by something I'm not familiar with! :)

Seriously, that is very cool and I love to see the different pieces of knowledge you have shown us... I particularly like the willow tree as we have many of them and that sounds better than aspirin!

Good job and great post.. I'm glad to see you get some good recognition on it! :)

Cryptos and natural medicines are an interesting but cool combination.
Headaches from a 60% Etherum drop, the willow tree can come in handy. :)

Confirmed! And voted too! Hahaha

Congratulations, this newbie nickel is sponsored by #steemitcommentchallenge this week!


#newbieresteemday highly recommends this sponsor!

hahaha... funny @danielsaori! You should enter your own game, you'd get my vote! lol

Actually, I have no rule preventing it... ;)

Ok I am voting for you! :) I'm going there right now!!! (good luck, and I hope the judge is fair with you) ;)

Your right not every ill needs a pill. Herbs can be just as effective in some cases. You just need to be sure that you are taking the right plant... maybe have somebody with proper knowledge with the first few times.

Yes, having someone to learn from, to correctly identify the plant is probably the best way. Reading about it can make us make the wrong conclusions.

Great post it is very interesting

Great pick @danielsaori!

This is what i commented on the OP:
Such great information here! I absolutely love the Willow tree, just for the looks! I never knew it had medicinal qualities. I dont think Id ever heard of Tansy before but you can bet I wont forget it now. Texas is terrible with mosquitoes. Im definitely going to look into getting some planted, hopefully theyll grow good in our area. And Plantains?!?! Ive heard of them being good for tummy issues but ever actually tried them out. Will have to keep that in mind when the times arrived. But my favorite out of them all, has to be the GUELDER ROSE! Where was this at for me 3 years ago?! ;)

Thank you for this post. Sometimes its easy to forget that nature sometimes has the best medicine!

Great comment and thanks for sharing some additional tips.

I tried :)

I am not familiar with most of these plants. We have some willows that I see in the city. I didn't know it has medicinal benefit.

Growing up in the mountains and to parents who came from a family of farmers, natural medicine is not new for me. I have the same comment in one of @joalvarez' posts about medicinal plants. I grew up with books like Healing Wonders of Herbs and Healing Wonders of Water and lately Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies. Although I don't know the content by heart but it comes in handy when we are struck with something. Through the years, these have helped us avoid being hospitalized.

Prevention is better than cure. It helps much more to grow plants in our yard naturally. To have a ready source of such plants in our yard will give us more benefits.

This post gives us additional knowledge that what we consider as weeds and ornamental plants can be a source of remedies too.

Thank you for helping others. This is what I love about steemit and this is what makes me stay. Everyone has a lot to offer and are ready to help.

Thank you leeart. Happy to have you here.

Thanks for having me :D

Here's my entry sir @danielsaori

Hi @mudcat36. Your post is very ineresting and a lot helper for those who needs alternative medicines. I dont know much of the herbs or plants you used in making such medicine but what i found interesting is the information that you provid, especially on the benefits of these plants.
Here in our country, Philippines, we have this "malunggay" or so called Moringa Oliefera. It is also a plant that has lots of benefits. It can be a covรจr for a sudden little wound, a herbal drink too. Other scientists too produces a herbal capsule that contains malunggay.
Overall, doing such things is quite helpful for us just staying ho,e, and also useful in our daily lives. I guess that's why we had this phrase "survival of the fittest", which we need to do something that help us live more of our lives.
Keep posting such useful and helpful post @mudcat36. Godbless and long live.

Thanks Vontot.

Hey @mudcat, love to see what other handy herbs and plants you come up with. This was great! I can tell you put some effort into this. The one I was surprised by was actually the Tansy. I didn't know that could help get rid of intestinal worms....gross, but cool! I'd be curious to know which kinds.

As far as the nature's "toilet paper," I specifically recall a camping trip my parents took us on. My mom forgot to pack toilet paper, so she went around and foraged for soft "toilet paper" leaves, is what she called them. They looked like this:

Image result for toilet paper plant

As a kid, it was humiliating, but I'll never forget how soft those leaves were..... :0)

That was a great story about nature's toilet paper. :)

This contest is already over, ended last week Friday. But a new one was posted Sunday in case you are interested to join. Take care and see you around.

Great article @mudcat36 Your right there,you defiantly don't want to mistake Ragwort for Tansy!!
Here in the UK this time of the year as I am sure you are, I'm patiently waiting for the nettle and the cleavers to give their precious springtime tonic ๐Ÿ˜Š

Interested in that springtime tonic, do you mind sharing it? Or maybe make a post out of it. :)

Heres a link to the post about the springtime nettle and cleaver herb tea tonic @danielsaori
Its hot off the press and was a pleasure to create for you


Have a nice day ๐Ÿ˜Š

Amazing Speedy Smiley Man :)

Sure @danielsaori why not, I will make a post about it for You and post you a link to it ๐Ÿ˜Š
Have a wonderful day ๐Ÿ˜Š

I miss the abundance of nettles and cleavers. Most of all I miss the opportunity to stick cleavers on peoples backs as we walk through woods. Never grows old.

My thoughts on why clevers cling onto us as we walk in the springtime in the UK is because they are subtlety telling us of their benefits @riverflows ๐Ÿ˜Š

Like... drink me in tea, drink me in tea, drink me in tea?

Yes yes yes ๐Ÿ˜Š

You doing good a job sir ๐Ÿ˜ . Keep up the nice work.


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