STEEMIT Weekend Camp Fire Series! Weekend 4: We are Steemit Family. Come Visit Around the Fire with your Family Every Weekend!

in #steemitcampfire7 years ago (edited)
STEEMIT Campfire BD Branded Template Cover 850x500.jpg


Weekends are slow, meant for Fun, Relaxing with Family & Friends, and this is what we are here. Leave the Flags & Problems at the Office. Meet up for Anything Goes, Friendly, Encouraging Weekend Fun, Talks and Friendship here every Friday Nite through Sunday Nite.

Blogging on Weekends can be slow. Around the Campfire here we will be respectful to each other, have some fun, play some games, eat some food, have some drinks (Hydration is super important!) - and treat this EVERY weekend series like a nice weekend getaway from the race.

Goals: Encourage each other. Kindness. Community Building. Welcoming all Steemians with no Class Distinction. Friendship. Relationship Building. Food. Fun. Music. Campfire Shenanigans.

Visit my Page Fridays through Sunday and poke around, chat with people, have fun!!

1 Post on my Page Every Friday Nite runs for the whole weekend - Share the link on others pages where you feel you can and invite people. New people! Older Steemians! Everyone is welcome!

1 page to visit. | 1 simple Hashtag to find/use/share. | 1 Platform. | 1 Family.

HashTag / Tag: #SteemitCampFire

What I'm sharing in replies on Steemit so it does not offend or spam people

I started a new Weekend Steemit Campfire Series ! - it just was posted.

Check that out, I am trying to still find ways to build community and love and kindness here.

On my page every Friday nite - Runs for the whole weekend til Sunday nite,

#SteemitCampFire !!

Link Dropping Diverting People Elsewhere:


The last while of everyone dropping links on the #SteemitCampFire - is getting a bit much. I do not mind the odd one, but this kinda can deflect the purpose here - gathering people in one place and not too much diversion elsewhere.

Hope you are not upset but last weekend was bad and this week is too. We all do it from time to time, but a high engagement post is more prone to this. Please keep this in mind.

Link to the First Week/ Run in this new Every-Weekend -- All-Weekend series! -


Link to the most recent #SteemitCampfire post:

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???

If you feel my posts are undervalued or you want to donate to tip me - I would appreciate it very much.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

How has your week been? How are you doing there??? We have your favourite food and drink right here, so grab it, and a seat, what's on your mind Steemit Family???


Hello dear friend @barrydutton this week I worked a lot a few days I did 17 hours, but I feel good and very happy, I join you and wish you a good weekend and let the meeting go around the campfire, rest

Helllo! Jose my friend!

Good that you got those 17 hrs, you must be happy for that, like you said.

We are here again all weekend if you want to drop back in anytime for food and fun mi amigo

I am doing my walk around the ### #SteemitCampfire to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

@barrydutton I'm calling out the big players right now. I'm exposing the truth about our origins.

I'm on a 16 hour stretch myself @jlufer. I'll finish up tomorrow though.

With all the comments you have in your post I do not know how you do in less time, I have much less than you and it consumes me a lot of time, I truly admire you.
Have a bun weekend and greetings to all your loved ones, at any time I go through your post to greet

I am checking in Papa to see how your work hours and weekend is going, around your fire, or this one here at the


Have a good week if you cannot make it back for s'more s'mores!

Actually, we still had four stores to cut yesterday when I got a call from mama pepper that she had some excessive bleeding and a big headache. I was about two and a half hours away but made it to meet her at the hospital. All is well, it was just some post pregnancy issues. So far today though we are enjoying ourselves.

I am glad for the update man, I am -- and happy to hear things are OK.

4 stores to cut??? ( IDK what that means or refers to, sorry)

I run all over the state of Missouri cutting Lawns for my job right now from about 6 in the morning till 10 at night so that's what I was talking about.

OK man, good to know, thank you dude.


Don't you LIVE in a state near there, LOL! Arkansas is a whole state south of there!

I just found out I won a cool #Crypto handmade shirt by @papa-pepper! - He is giving 5 more away this week. Maybe he will visit us here again!

I made it. What other shirt do you want Barry, Bigfoot or Steem Mon?

WAIT WHAT? There's a Bigfoot one? I missed that.

That's just me when I don't shave.

You look good my friend!

Wait, am I bigfoot and noone told me?

Hey man, thanks again! This is exciting.

Originally you were sending me a bigfoot shirt but I vaguely remember seeing the Steem On shirt, wasn't it reggae based / Jamaican colours? Which if I am right, strikes a chord with my backstory and hip hop and JA / Soca beats etc etc.

Would you mind posting a link to that shirt here?

I will also google or steem search it and try to find it when my replies are caught up.

I was sure you had a JA coloured shirt you made months ago LOL!

The DREAD guy?

Maybe that was it.....

Have you made any Bitcoin ones with something on the front/back you can use for awareness like I do with most of my other shirts I try and wear in life? (Answered Matt in this post on that elsewhere)

I am doing my walk around the ### #SteemitCampfire to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

The week has been amazing. My wife and I loaded our beagle into the car and drove 800 miles to Ohio to see my family. There's nothing like reconnecting with family. Tomorrow, we head back so it'll be an emotional day. Lots of great things to look forward too though. The meditation book will be launched in a few weeks! I hope you all had a great week!

How did your final day go with the family, did you cry with the beagle when you left? LOL

I am doing my walk around the ### #SteemitCampfire to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

The final day was a short one but it was nice. We were on the road by 10am. I'm sitting in a hotel room in Elgin, IL now contemplating a new post. : ) I haven't invited anyone yet but did resteem!

I was hoping you were going to say you were standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona for a second EVW.


Have a great week, I am certain you will for sure!

And I thank you again for taking time for us round the latest -- I do appreciate hearing from you.


800 mikes is a good stretch! My folks just drove 750 to meet the new grandson.

That's a great reason to drive 750 miles @papa-pepper! How's your son doing?

He is doing great! We had a little scare with @mama-pepper earlier, but all is well and we are blessed! Thanks for asking!

Very good to hear! I'm glad all turned out well and, again, congratulations!

I missed this news on the latest pepper until this post, so it is good for gathering people and chatter and news for sure!

I think that is great man.

It is really nice you took some time to come check in with us around the



with all that going on my man.

I do not really have any family but I know what that means to most people.

Give your family a hug and tell them Canadastan says

Hello, eh?


Do my best to arrive on time my friend lol....looks like a great way to get to know more of the community. Resharing directly on our Steemit Blogger Central so more people are aware

Pass the link around, we need more members and LIKES:

Hang around, grab some food, meet some people, tell us your stories!

Soon as I can I shall return, just a few things I gotta finish up with the page to drive in some traffic lol. Oh man you guys will hear some stories from this guy, I have lived my many stories to tell lol. Be back shortly, also reposted for you

I am doing my walk around the ### #SteemitCampfire to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

Hey there buddy, sorry it ended up getting really busy my way...but I been working on gathering us some new users. Getting some progress done but I sense it will be a slow going on my own, might get me a team going on the endeavor lol How has the weekend been treating you guys?

I welcome you and your stories back soonish and we will feed you here - what do you want?


and thanks!!!

I eat dollar bills for dinner, jk lol. I will return, really appreciate all the help you have given my friend, really a great thing you do for Steemit

#SteemitCampfire will always be here for you -- Bring the Purple PIVX family


have a good week and thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it man, a lot.

I will do what I can to bring you some of the PIVX family my friend. I been on vacation but I do need to get over there and see what is needing to be done for them. We been chatting between myself and a few of the core members and I believe they want me to get more full time we are in talks about figuring a place I can manage and still focus on the household stuff.

Great update -- I do like knowing what you and the gang are up to there for sure.

I have 14 Grad parties for my Senior tennis/football players and Spanish students to go to. I'm going to gain 10 pounds.

Hahaha, your own version of the Freshman 15 lol.

How has your week been??

Busy with stuff for this weekend maybe?

Prepping students for finals weeks, building electronic version of new football playbook, winding down tennis season... a tad busy. :)

Yep, you sound it.

Where are you located, ballpark?

Well, we will be around here again all weekend if you find time or get bored LOL

We can be your 15th party this weekend hahahaha!

  • have fun!

How is your crazy 14 party weekend going? LOL

I am doing my walk around the ### #SteemitCampfire to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

Well, we had an incredible Thunderstorm run through here, but still made it to our first 8 parties today. I'm too full for s'mores.

Nice update man...

So what you are saying is...

No More 'Smores


Are you alive, did you make it thru this crazy wkend of yours??

#SteemitCampfire is here for ya!!!

Finally home for the evening after walking a dog in a downpour. Done for the day. Yay! Hoping for clear skies tomorrow so I can get on with my planting and firepit project. Just relaxing tonight and waiting to see if any last minute entries pop up for the story slam.

How's you doin', bud?

I am doing my walk around the


to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us?? How is your husband?

Had some dinner, some aspirin, and plan on chillin' out the rest of the evening. Haven't been here much TO invite anybody the last few days. Hubby chuggin' along. One of these days I'll convince him to sign up.

How was your day?

Had an early dog walking visit, so I got an earlier start than usual on the project. Turns out it was a little more involved than I'd bargained for... Lol!

Eddie, I did my limp by that house for the 5th time trying to find the car home w the plate on it for you. It is ticking me off now, LOL.

Uh oh... we don't want you ticked off. Maybe he drives it to work or has it stashed in a garage somewhere...? You watch, it'll show up when you're not looking. ;~D

.... That is 2 passes a day, 45 mins apart, with a phone I have to lug around when I want to travel light. I am one.... step away from just knocking on the door one day to say

"Look, when is the car gonna be here again w the pet friendly license place so Debbie can get her surprise"...


ROFL!!! You're too much, bud!

I limped by the house looking for a pic of that plate again, twice, no go yet Eddie lol

I know when you're determined to do something, it'll get done. ;~D

I cannot go too fast these days so I also was stuck in the rain but nothing I can do really so I just limped in the rain -- I was nearly done anyways, so I missed about 5 mins of "physio" is all that I try to do daily

I was walking Kaiser. Had just woke him from a nap & had to take him out a downpour. Poor lil dude. He appreciated the treats (chicken jerky - his fav!) he got, though, for being such a trooper.

Hopefully, that rain wasn't too cold for you. At least the temps here are coming up some. That helps.

It was refreshing lol

It poured most of this week here and I got in a great nite out in the hammock the one nite it rained from 10 pm on. I love being out there in the rain.

That can be one of the most soothing sounds to sleep to.

It really is. Clearly you get it.

mallow.jpgRock On / STEEM On fellow Steemians! Ooo...will there be ghost stories too??! Need a post for that me thinks!

I am doing my walk around the


to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

That post is all about you man, good idea!

Yes spending weekend poolside in sunny Floriduhhhh! How about you? Thank you for the follow up good sir Barry @barrydutton I will work on the ghost story post for #SteemitCampFire - trying to rub diwn a short & intriguing ghoulie but true tale for the opening post! Any tips 'n tricks are always welcome! Rock On / STEEM On man!

#SteemitCampFire - we are here for you and ready to be scared lol, so if not this week, remember next weekend, all weekend long we are here!!

A BiG Foot Story For The Campfire

Thanks for doing this, I have always wondered how Bigfoot combs all that hair.

lol, just like Chewbacca

You know I was scared doing this, kicked my fear in the ass! Now we are friends again, me and my fear are unstoppable 😉💀😂


Bigfoot rubs his hide on trees, just like bears.

#SteemitCampFire check ins.... thanking you for your video and stepping out and I still think tons of people want to hear your voice.... in writing or otherwise (:

Omg, thank you, I should try writing out and illustrating my campfire stories too😻

It is NP sister.

There has been too much link dropping on that series and it was getting worse, so pls. keep that in mind.

I had to make an edit to the format this weekend as such.

Have a nice week!

I thought that's what the project was about. But I see now, it's all about commenting and interaction with the community. I leave the campfire stories out of the loop next time! Thank you for being so patient and kind @barrydutton.

If you check the wording I added in near the end of the post, I basically explain it really well, and pretty much as short as possible.

People are dropping way too many links as this series has gone on, it pulls people away from the page and gathering because it has a lot of eyeballs and engagement - so you kind of know what I mean.

I am doing my walk around the


to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

Ready for the long weekend here in the USA!

Hey, yes, I have heard about this coming since last week, we had our first of the season here, last weekend in




How has your week been???

What is on your mind?

It's been a solid week. Revising a screenplay at the moment and in talks with some distributors for my debut feature film. On my mind at the moment is cryptocurrency. Trying to figure out the lay of the land and how the whole thing works. Have an awesome weekend!

#SteemitCampFire - check in, how has your weekend been??? We are here every weekend!!

I am doing my walk around the


to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

Very cool, thanks for stopping around and sharing with us!!!


Long holiday weekend with friends and family and a nap or two!

Yes, you are in the US I guess???

Do we need to get you some camp food here???

I am waiting to see what our friend @neoxian wants to eat this week. He is a busy whale so I usually feed him around the fire here so he can focus on whaling stuff.


I have not fed him fish yet...... Hmmmmmmmm. Irony.

Yes, the Jersey shore USA and food is always a plus!

I am doing my walk around the


to see what else you might need or how your weekend is going?

Have you invited anyone to chill with us??

How is your long weekend going my #SteemitCampFire friend!

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