
Yeah, after we all broke up I tried once again by teaming up with @senseiteekay and @verbal-d.

We did click, but it just wasn't the same without @dwinblood and @sandstorm... I hope that you all understand.

LOL I love this guy.

Remember this one?
Once the OG ghost pepper, now the pepper jack slicer
He ain't stacking kraft singles, na his cheese is nicer
Left the thug life behind but still rocking a swag chain
The family friendly hip papa makin bling off his brain
Still doin some wild thangs, out catchin some critters
When takin mama-pepper out, needs two baby sitters
Living large and in charge of the whole steemit game
Got da street cred cuz @papa-pepper a household name

That must've been that spring break tour where things went sideways for a minute! The enigma wrapped inside of a riddle, Enter the @Sandstorm:

Click "Upvote" if @Sandstorm isn't a robot!

Top remix! :)

top follower count too

Top everything! And DUDE, I grabbed this screen cap a couple days ago in case you missed the chance taking it yourself:

clayboyn - 333 followers.png

If you look hard enough online, you can find my roots to the rap game and some of the people I know.

I am in the clear for now. Hip Hop community is targeted by the police state for a few years now policy wise.

But I do not abandon my roots or my friends!

Barry I'd put out a mixtape with you fam. We can jump on the out for a rip remix. I'm still waiting to see what @dwinblood says when he finds out I found this picture.

You didn't share our hit single... "Crack on my chin"...

I went down to Mickie Ds and ordered a big mac
Went to the bathroom and started smoking crack
My sister walked in
saw it on my chin
And said fool
I know where you been

Or how about the Dead Dog one when we were trying and failed to break into the country scene... you know they lose their truck, their dog, their wife. So we thought this would be a good segue into their scene. This was our one backfire... too much crack I guess.

Dead Dog
Dead fucking dog
Dog splattered on my hood
Just like I knew it would
Dead fucking dog.

The PIMA people really came down on us for that one too. The video we did I guess kind of really ate into our funds for the legal proceedings. We tried to sell the rights to that video to the guys who made the Jackass movies, but even they thought our dog video was a bit too extreme...

Those were the days.

Upvoted for good content
Followed, as I am happy to be on of your followers
Have a nice sunday

Thanks for the support :)

Looks like you blew our cover and spilled the beans on us! :0

The only photo I could find had you battling the enigma himself. This is the closest proof I have that @sandstorm isn't a robot.

Epic post, my friend! Gonna go to sleep now. Miss those rap days! 😉

:) 2020 reunion tour? We'll have to see if the boys can give it one more go. Night.

I'm in if the other dudes are in! It'll be huge!!!


I can crank out some Djent maybe to lay some rhymes over... :P

Cool! Sounds like some good times! 😎

Looks like some have the same std.

Well we were all drinking out of the same canteen when we went to Joshua Tree.

Yeah.... that must be it ;)

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