We are what we repeatedly do - Ramblings on Life #12

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
~ Will Durant

This quote is often attributed to Aristotle, but it really is Will Durant paraphrasing and summarizing Aristotle's seminal thoughts on the importance of habits. Habits are what help you build temperance to reject what is not good for you and embrace what is good.


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Power of Repetition

So much has been written on the power of good habits already that there may not be much to add, really. Or is there?

I think there always is something. Just as a habit requires time and repetition to build when it is beneficial or reject if it is harmful, repeated reminders I think are required for those who tend not to be able to start or maintain this cycle of repetition. Even for those who are already working on building a good habit, a reminder definitely gives a positive fillip.


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In the Steemit Context

Why do I suddenly remember this quote today? I was actually listening to a philosophy podcast on Aristotle. The podcaster, in spite being very learned in philosophy, attributed the first line of this quote to Aristotle. Whether it was really a mistake or it was just that he used Will Durant to summarize Aristotle's thoughts, I do not know.

But hearing this line, I immediately remembered Steemit. I could connect with Aristotle's argument instantly. Repetition has a momentum of its own.

It's because of the power of repetition that, come what may, I am making sure to write one article per day on Steemit. As soon as I miss a day, I go back a step. It makes me more susceptible to missing a post on another day.

I do not want to go down that drain. I have done that mistake plenty of times in my life. I am sure you have as well. But this time, I want to actually build this habit of writing.


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Habit is the key to success, not the platform

If Steemit succeeds greatly, I will see success here along with all others who are dedicated to this platform. If Steemit fails, no matter, as I would by then have built a habit which will help me in my life's journey. My habit and my connections here will take me to some other platform, some other media.

The key is the habit, not the platform. In spite of the fact that the platform is central to our success here, it is not central to our success in life.

No matter how successful Steemit becomes, if you do not grow with it, you will not benefit from its success. Repetition and habit are our biggest friends in our journey towards any meaningful success here on Steemit or anywhere else in life.


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It was really a motivating post. Persistency, consistency, and determination is something very important to be successful. I'm not sure if that will help you grow well in steemit but I'm sure it will definitely help us grow as a good person in life. Thanks for this nice post.

thanks for visiting, I think it will help grow in Steemit as well... only thing is that it will take time

This is totally my philosophy - and thanks for reminding me of it, because it's something I forget when I'm busy and stressed. It's so easy to slip into habits like "It's lunchtime again, I've been working hard and therefore I deserve a treat." Suddenly you're "treating" yourself with a creamcake or a bar of chocolate twice a day! I find that if I replace these kind of thought patterns with "I deserve a treat once a week" I can train my subconscious mind to believe it!

Treating yourself is something that even I do. Good to see some like-minded people here. :)

regarding eating habits, I have not mastered it to that extent but I am trying :) thanks for reminding me that I should apply this in other spheres of life as well

Spot on. I agree with this 100%. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer for the exact same reason. Habits, and the beliefs that form them. Adopt the habits and beliefs of a rich person and in time you will become rich. Adopt the habits and beliefs of a poor person and in time you will become poor. This is why lottery winners go back to being broke more often than not, because they did not develop the habits and beliefs necessary to maintain or even grow that wealth. This is why a rich person can lose everything over night but be able to rebuild their wealth in a short period to levels that would take the average Joe 10 life-times.

Consistency is the only currency that matters.

If you want to maximize your physical fitness, it is not one individual workout session that will give you the body of a Greek god, but rather it is the cumulative effect of all the sessions being done on a consistent basis.

Skipping a day is not advised, but if you do it isn't the end of the world. Research shows that if you miss one day you more than likely will not quit. Having said that, if you miss two days in a row, you are most likely not going to continue where you left off (i.e. you will quit). So don't kick yourself for taking a day away, especially if it allows you to come back with fresh content...

this is a great comment. I am especially encouraged by the research you cite. I don't think I will miss two days straight :)

You make a great point about how rich people are able to regain their wealth even after going broke. That's the power of belief and that of habits.

Have you read the book - The secret? It is a great inspirational book Thanks for the motivation

no I haven't read. by whom?

thanks for visiting :)

No matter how successful Steemit becomes, if you do not grow with it, you will not benefit from its success.

This resonates so deeply with me! it's the repetition and it's the active learning of the mind that helps you improve and achieve success! It may sound cliche but it's not the platform but the journey of growing with the platform that helps us get to the destination of success. Thanks for this! :)

oh yes, that's the crux as far as using habits to improve our Steemit journey is concerned

Repetition is key and not making excuses but we're only human (another excuse). lol

Just don't beat yourself too hard when everything doesn't work with the way you want. You can always work back.up. Think of how this platform can help us in the long run and enjoy what you do. ♥

I understand what you say but because I know myself is why I am strict :)

Make sense too. I'm pretty lenient. ^^

"Habit is the key to success, not the platform
If Steemit succeeds greatly, I will see success here along with all others who are dedicated to this platform. If Steemit fails, no matter, as I would by then have built a habit which will help me in my life's journey. My habit and my connections here will take me to some other platform, some other media.

The key is the habit, not the platform. In spite of the fact that the platform is central to our success here, it is not central to our success in life.

No matter how successful Steemit becomes, if you do not grow with it, you will not benefit from its success. Repetition and habit are our biggest friends in our journey towards any meaningful success here on Steemit or anywhere else in life."

Loved this paragraph. This is something I have always felt and tried to follow. Investing in yourself - the rest are just things that sometimes will click and sometimes might not.

All life gurus also teach the same. Spend a part of your income on yourself towards improving yourself.

Thanks for visiting. Yes, conscious self improvement is the key to success.

Mind blowing post keep steeming my frnd
Thanks for sharing it here

thanks for visiting :)

It is when we establish a healthy routine of doing things regularly and retaining the quality that we become the best at what we do.

yup, exactly my point. hard thing is to maintain the routine

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