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RE: We are what we repeatedly do - Ramblings on Life #12

in #steemit6 years ago

Spot on. I agree with this 100%. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer for the exact same reason. Habits, and the beliefs that form them. Adopt the habits and beliefs of a rich person and in time you will become rich. Adopt the habits and beliefs of a poor person and in time you will become poor. This is why lottery winners go back to being broke more often than not, because they did not develop the habits and beliefs necessary to maintain or even grow that wealth. This is why a rich person can lose everything over night but be able to rebuild their wealth in a short period to levels that would take the average Joe 10 life-times.

Consistency is the only currency that matters.

If you want to maximize your physical fitness, it is not one individual workout session that will give you the body of a Greek god, but rather it is the cumulative effect of all the sessions being done on a consistent basis.

Skipping a day is not advised, but if you do it isn't the end of the world. Research shows that if you miss one day you more than likely will not quit. Having said that, if you miss two days in a row, you are most likely not going to continue where you left off (i.e. you will quit). So don't kick yourself for taking a day away, especially if it allows you to come back with fresh content...


this is a great comment. I am especially encouraged by the research you cite. I don't think I will miss two days straight :)

You make a great point about how rich people are able to regain their wealth even after going broke. That's the power of belief and that of habits.

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