Everything You Need To Know About Sneaky Ninja
Everything You Need To Know About Sneaky Ninja

This post is super simple.
This is just a helper post. A way to find any current information about Sneaky Ninja that is available all in one place. This way everyone can always find things easily.
This post contains links to the most up to date informational posts such as rules, abuse policy, how it works and so on.
As major updates happen new Everything You Need To Know posts will be linked back to the single link I'll leave in his vote comments and posts.
Finding the most up to date info will now be as simple as following the single link in any of his recent voting comments or posts.
Hopefully this will streamline things a little.
Everything you need to know about Sneaky Ninja
Other Important Information
- Rules
- Abuse Policy
- How Sneaky Ninja Works and How to Use
- Sneaky Ninja and TARC
- Sneaky Ninja and You Are Hope
- Sneaky Ninja and The Alliance
- Curation payout for anyone that wants to delegate to @sneaky-ninja is 70% and is paid out daily. Meaning that 70% of liquid produced from all bids made from your delegation amount goes back to you each day.
- Currently the remaining 30% is split between .25% each to #thealliance bots @themothership and @a11y, 1.5% to @youarehope and .5% to @tarc and the remaining 27.5% goes to @michaeldavid.
- These numbers will likely change from time to time.
If you think of any information I should add to this page let me know.
If I think of anything else I will add it.
Many thanks,
Kozeni (小銭)
Sworn defender and protector of Sōsharumedia (ソーシャルメディア)
Trained by @michaeldavid,
Supreme Jōki (蒸気) Master and warrior for @thealliance
All Sneaky Ninja artwork by sararoom

Hello, I bid 0.5sbd to @sneaky-ninja it's been over 13hrs ago yet I have gotten no upvotes, pls kindly refund me.
Please read this post.
Hello @sneaky-ninja please review my account thank you