🎩⚙️STEEMPUNK-NET: a RPG game you can play on Steemit! 🎩⚙️ Let's all install this and battle eachother RPG style! ⚔️🎲

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


I just found something amazing!! STEEMPUNK is a Chrome add-on that you can install, and it adds a Role-playing Game (RPG) to Steemit.com! Go look at @steempunknet!

It's based on a Steampunk world, and this RPG will add a game-element to Steemit. If you have this installed, you will gain experience from using Steemit and while browsing you may stumble on special items that will help you in your adventure. You'll also be able to battle other players!

You can look at @steempunknet's account to see all the recent updates and developments.

The chrome add-on adds a little screen to the right side of Steemit that looks like this:


It shows your current stats and inventory, and the buttons at the bottom will let you attack others and see the battle history.

The world is divided into two factions, the Aristocrats and the Adventurers. Being the rebellious type that I am, I chose to join the Adventurers!

I think STEEMPUNK is an awesome idea! I love Steampunk, I love Steemit, and I love the idea of playing a RPG while using Steemit. Why not? I'm using it anyway, and I might as well battle some of you guys while doing so!

So go and install your STEEMPUNK-NET Chrome add-on, and let's battle eachother and gain experience!! ⚔️😀

Click here for a great post on what STEEMPUNK-NET is and how to install it!

Click here to forego all of that and just go to the Chrome app store to install the plugin to start playing!

P.S. Only squares join the Aristocrats!!!

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⚙️Level 2 Steempunk Adventurer ⚙️
Come battle me through @STEEMPUNKNET!

Edit: P.S. Wow, thanks so much for these massive upvotes!! Didn't see that coming, but I super appreciate it!!


Did already!!! But I still cannot find any battle :-)

You dare challenge me to a duel?!?!? Have at thee, filthy Aristocrat!

I recieved your challenge! Apparently we have two hours now... not sure what happens next, lol!
I found some loot though! GPU's and wires.. not sure what to do with those either, but they may come in handy in battle

me too...let's see what happens

We fought! I won!
Not much info on the battle itself though. I think in the future we will be able to see a descriptive log of what exactly happened. But it's in beta still.
Got some XP though!

Congrats!!! really don't understand what happened but looks funny :-)

I don't either. I think it's random, and somewhat based on the stats and items that you have. But it's very hard figuring out what does what and how everything works. There is no documentation anywhere. Will keep playing though. With those Cryptokitties being worth a lot of money, who knows what are items I may find :D

follow you from now on, will see if can fight again LOL

Haha! I will follow you back!
I can't fight anymore right now, it tells me I am too tired and need to rest before I can fight more.
I found a shotgun though so you better watch it lol

sharpens blades

I've just seen you!! great!

I dare you to challenge me. If enough people take the bait, I may actually gain a level while I'm sleeping!

You'll regret this after you've met my chastising shotgun!!!

Thanks for taking the challenge, and congratulations on your win! I still earn a little XP even when losing.

Yep! It's all in good fun, nobody actually loses anything when you lose, everybody gains some. But you gain more if you win!

So the best way to level up is to get many people to fight you! As you are limited in how often you can attack someone yourself

5 for a loss and 20 for a win against relatively equal players. My loss to you may have given you more and me likely 2 to 4 XP.

WOW!!! I was just bested by a level 3! Now, THAT is something to be proud of @pandorasbox! I really think the advantage goes to the person doing the attacking. Perhaps especially if they have a rifle?

Oh my, you're right! I didn't check your stats and I was going to say 'But my stats are pretty good I think!'.. turns out your stats are definitely better! Especially with all those vests. So I too am surprised to have won! I think it has to be sheer luck... you have more guns, more vests and more stats than me in everything except the shotgun.

I wish we could see the combat logs, that should tell us a lot about what's going on behind the scenes!

p.s. Us adventurers shouldn't be fighting eachother! It's those dirty Aristocrats we need to worry about! I've been seeing a lot more of them than Adventurers! Those snobby bastards!!

Oh, I just realized they have some sort of algorithm. If you post/upvote/etc more in the two hours before a battle, you have better chances of winning. Maybe this is why I won? I was steemin' harder than you? I think how hard you Steem is part of how well you fight, anyway

17 battles fought, 12 won. Only really lost the first couple..

My SPF is at 0.9, just .05 below yours. BUT you could be correct there. I'm losing every fight right now. I just woke up, so have not been posting much yet.

I still need to figure out what the SPF stuff does, but doesn't seem like 0.05 should make much of a difference.
I must say my SPF has never been any different than 0.95. Does that mean I am a power poster? A mighty Steemian indeed!

LOL... yea, for sure. Mine was always at 9.5 before, but today is at 9.0.

This Steempunksnet stuff is kind of good for Steemit too... I'm hanging out on people's blog pages much more than before.

Like just now I visited yours, and saw you are running a zombie rpg campaign?!?! Totally awesome! Are you still accepting signups for new players? I've been looking for something like this on Steemit!

I've posted a sign-up for a new zombie game if you are still interested in joining.

Yeah, thanks for mentioning it. I'm really honored and I'm glad you like it.

To avoid some confusion, the game is called steempunk-net. If you want to write more posts about it, you can use the tag steempunknet :-) then other people find it, too.

Ok, I will use the -net addition to make it more clear! Why is it not just Steempunks though?
I will keep spreading the word!

steempunk-net ... without s.

Why the name? First we wanted the name steempunk. But once the net should show that it's a network and the name steempunk had someone else.

But we can call the players steempunks :-)

Oh!!! Good call, I thought it was SteempunkS!! I updated the post to reflect the correct name, thanks for pointing it out!

  • ... sits alone in the aristocrats lounge, twirling a pocket revolver & sipping tea in a genteel fashion ... *

*loads up her Ponzis Shotgun of the multiplied Chastisement *

I think I smell aristocrat scum...
These GPU's are mine!

(so hard doing proper emotes when the formatting distorts the *'s)

fashions net out of the copious rolls of collected wire to throw over sneaky adventurer, thusly thwarting any escape plans ... and twirls parasol in satisfaction

I do hope my tea didn't get cold.

Escape?? * laughs *
I'm just resting, but once I'm done.... I'll be coming for you!!! 😠⚔️😠

walks off nonchalantly ... until around the corner then hurries home to check arsenal, and earn more supplies

I guess the tea shall have to wait.

I just found two nanofibre vests! On YOUR steemit page, muahahaha..

Hey...pssst... wanna buy?

Wish this were possible! I foresee great things for this game

aw, man - talk about insult to injury! throws parasol on floor I want to find a vest!

I'll trade you for a slightly dented parasol? :D

p.s sorrynotsorry about kicking your adventuring backside in the challenge .. hehe

Haha, I wish we could trade! I think it may be possible if they use SMT's which Steem supports.. would be a totally awesome usecase for it too.

Next time you won't be so lucky! I've got a sniper rifle now!!! and I think my nanofibre vests give me +24 defense!! that sounds like a lot since I only have 9 defense by default

I am loving this game so far... if any reading this cares to fight me, I welcome the challenge... Bring it on... :D
and do not forget to spread the news.

Man, you don't know what you're getting into! With this sniper rifle I'll shoot you from a mile away, lol!

haha... your guns don't scare me... I am coming for you, and thanks for the tip I will try that

Me too!! So far I've found a Ponzis Shotgun of the multiplied chastisement, two Nanofibre vests and a Finn's sniper rifle.
My constitution is low now though so I have to wait until I can attack again. 1-3 more fights and I should hit level 2!

really, good for you.... all I keep getting are items, I have not gotten any weapons or armor yet...
and I just attacked you... haha

What I do is I open a few people's blog pages on Steemit and keep them opened in a seperate tab. Then once in a while I check them all and occasionally it has loot boxes. 90% of the loot is worthless stuff like you probably already found

This post received a 6% upvote from @morwhale team thanks to @pandorasbox! For more information, click here! , TeamMorocco! .

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @pandorasbox.

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