
*loads up her Ponzis Shotgun of the multiplied Chastisement *

I think I smell aristocrat scum...
These GPU's are mine!

(so hard doing proper emotes when the formatting distorts the *'s)

fashions net out of the copious rolls of collected wire to throw over sneaky adventurer, thusly thwarting any escape plans ... and twirls parasol in satisfaction

I do hope my tea didn't get cold.

Escape?? * laughs *
I'm just resting, but once I'm done.... I'll be coming for you!!! 😠⚔️😠

walks off nonchalantly ... until around the corner then hurries home to check arsenal, and earn more supplies

I guess the tea shall have to wait.

I just found two nanofibre vests! On YOUR steemit page, muahahaha..

Hey...pssst... wanna buy?

Wish this were possible! I foresee great things for this game

aw, man - talk about insult to injury! throws parasol on floor I want to find a vest!

I'll trade you for a slightly dented parasol? :D

p.s sorrynotsorry about kicking your adventuring backside in the challenge .. hehe

Haha, I wish we could trade! I think it may be possible if they use SMT's which Steem supports.. would be a totally awesome usecase for it too.

Next time you won't be so lucky! I've got a sniper rifle now!!! and I think my nanofibre vests give me +24 defense!! that sounds like a lot since I only have 9 defense by default

Sounds like I might have to loosen my corset a little in preparation for some fierce fighting! :O

p.s I have TWO sniper rifles ... just sayin' :p lol

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