The Dangers Of POSTING Too Much On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

When it comes to posting to your blog there is never a right number to go with. Some post once every few days and others post a single or more posts every day. While there are a few who post great images taken during their daily lives in the cities and places that they live in and are fairly interesting, quite a few seem to be in the habit of posting plagiarized images and content that don't belong to them.

Then there are those bloggers who post several posts daily but on varied topics. Some of their posts may be related to the niches that they are known to post in. Others post whatever they want with topics that can be as varied as science, to homesteading, to whatever else that they can think of.

If you're a newbie two of the first things that you must decide is your posting frequency and the niches that you will posts will belong to.


While publishing regularly is thought of as a norm among successful bloggers, I thought of creating this post to highlight the dangers of publishing too many times.

First and the most important point to remember is that if you don't have anything to blog about then don't.

It is fine if you have a lot to say that will interest your readers. But don't bore your followers by hitting publish again and again if you have no topics in mind or no worthy content to offer to your readers.

If you're creating text posts make sure that you have your topics listed out in advance. The topics should be related to the interests of your bloggers. For example if you blog on crypto don't create a post on homesteading unless you are a homesteader or at least know something about your topic.

If you publish images make sure you are publishing original content and also something that your followers can relate to, and will enjoy. I must say that some of the images that come up in the new post feed are nothing short of horrendous.

Another reason why multiple posting in a single day is not advisable without a plan is because it will clog your followers' feeds. While they may be happy to find your post, read it and then upvote it, they may not like doing it multiple times in a day. Think of your followers first!

The buzzword is quality not quantity.

Some of the well respected established bloggers whose posts trend each time they publish a post are known for quality. I am not referring to those who attract readers and followers on the basis of their super high Steem Power. I am talking about bloggers with well-researched blog posts that add to the quality of the platform and provide useful information to readers.

The worst thing that can happen is when your followers and those you vote on your content think that you are posting only for the money. Remember, you must post for your readers and your followers, always.

When you satisfy a need and provide a high quality output the money will follow - if not quickly definitely in due course of time.

Post as much as your followers want with a high quality of content. It doesn't stop with hitting publish, as most are under the impression that they're done with their post once they publish it. Once you hit publish it is time to promote your content so that you get more readers and people find your post. Participate on the platform write comments and attract readers to your blog.


That's not all. Take time to respond to comments.

While you don't need to reply to "follow for a follow" type of comments, the rest of commenters expect a response from you. If you can't answer to the genuine comments on your blog post, don't post faster than you complete responding to all the comments.

Typical uncaring gurus pump out posts and then move on to the next most without responding to the vast majority of comments. Seem too familiar? Unfortunately it is too common on Steemit, but it is not a good practice to follow.

I have stopped commenting on bloggers who don't even acknowledge comments as though the comments are invisible.

I hope that this post is useful. If it is, please RESTEEM it for the benefit of your followers.

(¯`•._ _.•´¯)

Would you please UPVOTE this post and FOLLOW me for more useful and interesting posts.




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Image sources: Pixabay, Giphy, Canva


Good advice I think . Thanks for the post

You're welcome. Anything in particular that you liked!

Take time to respond to comments

I think this is the best advice you can give to people. Some of them here on steemit write a post, sit back and wait for something to happen, when it does not happen they write some more and more and more, and still nothing happens.

don't post faster than you complete responding to all the comments.

Hahahah, yes, some people really do that :)
I think quality is the most important thing here, not quantity. Our quality increases as we read more of other peoples posts and their opinions in our comments.
Thank you for sharing yet another great post with us.

I see increasing instances of low quality trumping over good quality content, which actually goes to the bottom of the feed. Unfortunately, pumping out quantity and upvoting them using bots with a good amount of money seems to have caught on.

Glad to see you saying the right things - may the tribe increase! Thanks for your comment!

Yes, @maxabit. Posting 3 quality posts a week is way better than 3 mediocre posts a day.

Quality "trumps" quantity! ;-)

Thanks for dropping in and commenting!

I completely agree with you, especially about replying to the comments part. Most of the friends I have made on steemit came from communication through comments and discord. A comment and upvote coming from someone you have gotten to know through discussing content means far more than upvote by someone of whom you are not even certain if he read your post.

So true, after all Steemit is also a social platform besides being a blogging site. Most friendships formed on Steemit are through interactive communication whether on the platform itself or others associated with it like Discord and Steemit Chat. Thanks for commenting!

No problem, I love to comment on good content! :D I didn't use Steemit Chat, I went directly to discord. Most of the communication I had happened on discord it is faster and not limited by bandwidth which is still sometimes a problem to me as a new user. :(

Very nice read, I like how you think about the whole subject.

I try to post one post per week if we are strictly talking about blogging. Since I write travel blogs, I would be out of subjects pretty soon otherwise :) Preparing and having a frame is very important, as well as having your unique style. While thinking about next post, I usually tease my followers with couple photos as an introduction to the story. They seem to like a taste of preview and sample of what's next. And, it's easy when you are photographer too :)

Steemit allows and encourages all types of content like images, memes etc. Mixing up posts is also a great idea and is no issue till the time that it is appreciated by your readers and followers.

Thanks for your comment!

Great advice I initially was posting 3 or 4 a day but now have settled down to one and two posts a day

You do post some really beautiful images as I follow your blog, and 4 times does not seem enough in your case! Steem on, and thanks for your comment!

And thanks for your strong support ;)

I post more than one blogpost a day and let My followers choose which one to reward with a comment or with Steem. Maybe its not the RIGHT way but it works for me . I am sure There are more newbies who post to little or to poot off a blog content . What do you think When you look at My library off blogs since january 3rd

There's nothing wrong in posting several times a day if it is appreciated by your followers and is good quality content. I post once a day and in every post I make sure that there is something useful for the reader, whether it is on any topic. Posting once in 12 hours is fine since it does not clog the feed. Thanks for your comment!

Ok Thanks I thought indidnt get the steemit content thing. I used to be a ista-girl and There I build a library with beautiful pics and moments also several a day so I do the Same here only with more pics and now WITH words. But There are so many opinions that I Will write a questionblog about it. I want to hear what My followers think.

If people take the time to read one's post and leave a comment, that person should at least answer to that comment. It's social courtesy. As for posting more than once a day, I agree with you that it should be done when only the topic are in two different niches.

It is the right etiquette for a blogger to respond to all comments. If not, it only affects the credibility of the blogger. Thanks for your comment!

I love responding to comments! I'll know that people are really reading them or just comment and drop off!

I've been considering of doing two posts at a time but because of time constraints, I can only post one. I know posting twice can be spammy but maybe by posting the at intervals might not seem to look to spammy. giving them maybe 8-12 hours after your original post might do the trick! But that's just me. :)

Thanks for sharing these tips!

Posting several times in a day is good if you have the right content and your followers are hungry for it. There are quite a few Steemit bloggers who post twice a day on most days and ensure that it is not a repetition of what they wrote about earlier.

Posting every 12 hours seems a good idea if you have the content and the time.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

You're welcome @maxabit. I'm learning from you each and every day or you're reminding me of the things that I know that I'm not doing. ^^

You're a fast learner. Small wonder that you're making such great progress!

Super post, good guidance for all levels of poster on Steemit. I am the first to admit - I am always well behind on replying to my post comments - to be fair though it's mostly because I am so busy commenting on the posts of others - and I did manage to sneak onto the top commentators of Steemit list - so I must be doing something right!

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