Why Steemit.com can possibly disappear soon ? You must understand this about STEEM !

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I know a lot of people here are getting excited by Steemit.com website as blog/social network and love the economic model. But i predict that Steemit may disappear very soon and i’ll explain why.

To understand my point you should have full comprehension of these informations step-by-step you’ll see i’m right.


STEEMIT.com is a Website that lets you interact with the STEEM blockchain. It’s like a social media - blogging system.
The STEEM blockchain is a system which uses virtual currency to reward users who post, comment or rate (“upvote”) posts or comments. So Steemit is just connected and using this Steem blockchain model.

STEEMIT is scaling because of STEEM blockchain model/rewards, not for his social media interface

STEEMIT is a simple website using the blockchain and is the most famous App right now, but what makes people come here is in fact the economic model based on the Steem blockchain and the fact people can win money out of it, but they don’t come or stay for the user interface.

It’s possible to build Custom Application on top of STEEM !

You don’t need anyone’s permission to start building your app ! Everyone's free to do it. Plus, there are tons of way to interact with the blockchain. (I personally use Steem API) If you think Steem is only here to serve the niche of social media you’re wrong. The Steem blockchain is already capable of supporting EVERY KIND of blockchain application you can imagine.

STEEMIT.com has limited U.I and not moving much these days

For such a big potential project Steemit User interface is limited. The search and navigation are quite simple and rudimentary for an App with now almost 40K users generating tons of money. It misses a lot of functionalities while our community is scaling huge EVERYDAY. We could reach 100K members really soon in here and way more than a million before the end of 2017.

This website could already be much more pleasant to navigate and could have more functionalities but the Dev team is clearly busy on the blockchain and will be more and more if they do not recruit.

My conclusion

STEEMIT team works on the blockchain too and will be more and more busy as many API were released to help people building Apps on Steem Blockchain. From these services, you must understand now that everyone can build a similar social media with a better user interface than Steemit.com which does not seems to move that much, and we can imagine even other type of website allowing people to get rewarded using the same model based on this Steem blockchain, more like Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Youtube or whatever.

I predict that Steemit.com will not remain the main Steem blockchain website for long. Steemit may not die it will just mutate to something else if they can't get the job done. This is just the beginning and i’m pretty sure many big teams are already working on huge project that will make our Steem community bigger and bigger. From this ,Steemit can grow, or can just stop to let better project take place. THIS WILL ALL HAPPEN IN AUGUST/SEPTEMBER

Going further


I totally had no idea about what steemit was if it wasn't for a Yahoo finance post talking about this. I understand it is still in the beta stage; so I totally agree with your point that steemit might not be the steemit we know right now. I mean Youtube did not look like it does today when it first started. All it had was cat videos.

Two weeks ago i was skeptical about steemit, but with the time here i can say that i trust it, there are a bunch of people working on this project and im sure that its a matter of time so the site can go alpha. Have you seen how was facebook at the beginning? maybe steemit needs a little competition, so it'll be totally ok and even beneficial that other people copied the system

In my opinion those people are actually working on Steem more than Steemit. It has way more possibilities than this social media this is what you should understand. It has nothing to do with competition, for me Steemit is just showcasing what Steem can Do. Steemit has no real specific functionalities than typical blogging if you remove the $ sign. It's basic the rest come from Steem logic.
like Any other Website / social media, you're allowed you to navigate, like/thumbs up, comment, bookmark, follow, too but i can tell you that many other what you call competition website are coming very soon, but i'm pretty sure the team there will really enjoy it too because it's in the Steem interest

visonnary ?

Welcome to the Steemit community! I have added you to my list of people to follow and I hope that you will do the same.

I have also created a blog here and would like to ask if you would kindly contribute some of your knowledge to the community and perhaps answer a question or two I have posted on the links below.  

By simply answering a few general questions your help to build our collective knowledge base, and your input is valuable.

How valuable is my input?  Well answers to the questions you post have the opportunity to earn STEEM which can be converted into Bitcoin and then your countries local currency!  IT IS TRULY AMAZING!

I once answered a question on here and received 59 STEEM which converted to roughly $177.00 in USD!   The reason was that my answer was of value to readers!  So please add your value and answer a few questions here:

What should every foreigner know about your country?

What is your favorite YouTube Video of all-time?

What is your favorite quote: Which quote inspires you?

Payout timer.  When do you get paid for your contributions?

What is the role of religion or spirituality in your life?

What is the best habit that you have taken up from another person?

What is the best way to lose weight and how did you do it?

What would you do differently if you knew no one would judge you?

What are some amazing facts that sound like BS but are actually true?

What is your favorite music video of all time?



Keep up the good work!

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