If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts...

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

If "ifs" and "buts" were candy and nuts...

We'd all have a Merry Christmas! :)

But of course, sadly they aren't.

So just like those that expect a fat man with a gray beard to come down a chimney and deliver gobs of presents from the North Pole...

We at Steemit have users that might feel the same when they realize things aren't exactly as we wished they were.

Just like parents might try to keep the Christmas Santa illusion alive for the young ones, there is also a tendency on Steemit to want to create wonderful (false) impressions too.

Why not? What's a little white lie, right?

Expectations, Expectations, Expectations

In real estate the saying is the 3 most important factors to consider are location, location, location.

In customer satisfaction, which is especially needed for a product/service like Steemit that is a) new, b) difficult to learn, and c) global; the saying should be expectations, expectations, expectations!

Without the right expectations, then users will quickly be disgruntled and leave. The churn rate is higher than need be, and its makes it difficult to build a base. By setting the proper expectations though; "new" isn't bad, "difficult to learn" becomes challenging and rewarding, and "global" becomes an asset not a liability.

I believe that the key to Steemit's long term success will depend on the users having properly set expectations. If people expect too much, or are here for the wrong reasons, then they will soon be disappointed and leave. (see @paulag's stats that show Steemit's horrendous churn rate. Click Here).

WARNING: Disclaimer - The following information is not meant to apply to any particular group/individual as there are many wonderful steemians individually. But it is meant to apply collectively and meant to realistically address the truth as I see it on a total scale. I recognize, appreciate, and very much respect those that are community minded.

5 "ifs" and "buts" I hear, and suggestions to set the proper expectations.

#1 If more of the whales cared more about the newbies and minnows, then we would have a vibrant thriving network of people that consume good content and reward it with their upvotes.

Face it, this isn't the case right now. We wish it were true, but its not. So lets set the expectation that any support from a whale, orca, or dolphin for a newbie or minnow is the exception, not the norm. @ned isn't likely to throw his vote behind the little guys he doesn't know, and neither are most of the large whales likely to get involved with you in a meaningful way either.

The facts are clear, there is a big profit in leasing out steem power and earning a very big return. So whether they self-upvote, circle-jerk each other, use bidbots, or use leasing as a form of monetization, it all amounts to the same result; profit. We can argue about whether they are being short-sighted 'til we're blue in the face, the bottom line is the majority of them have evaluated their power and choose to utilize these methods right now.

Expectation: Don't expect anything from the whales, orcas, or dolphins. If you get their support, from any of them, realize that it is a gift and truly something that is special and unique!

#2 If there were no bidbots, then it would be more fair because "trending" would stop being a farce.

Trending is a page that reflects the posts that earn the most per post in a particular category. Right now, the bidbots get the blame for some serious crap posts that make it to the top. But the bidbots aren't the reason for this to happen, as they are just a mechanism to funnel votes from those that have the votes to those that can afford to buy those votes. If the bots weren't around it would happen a different way (and maybe manually); but don't kid yourself, the people that own the SP will make sure they get paid and make their profit. The powerful and wealthy will not let their votes die unused if the bots just disappeared, so lets end this myth and accept it for what it is. If you don't want to sift through a tag and find good posts on your own, then you better focus on making good friends to find you good posts through resteems. The truth is you aren't likely find the really good posts in "trending" in the foreseeable future!

Expectation: Bidbots are here to stay and people will use them to drive up the value of trending posts. Recognize it and move on, because complaining about it will only lead to frustration and disappointment. If you truly want to make a difference, work with the bot leaders like @yabapmatt and @themarkymark to improve the rules and enforcement on their end.

#3 If the system had more distribution of power (less at the top and more at the bottom), then we would have better satisfaction.

Sure if the rich decided to give their wealth to the poor, then that would be a wonderful world indeed. But lets set some realistic expectations. As long as the price of steem stays up and they can earn a huge return for renting out their SP (in whatever form), then these large players will keep their steem power, stay super rich, and have no incentive to leave. Why would they? Would you?

The only way to solve this issue is to have a drop in steem value to a level that encourages people that are relatively poor (but loyal to the platform) to earn their way into prominence. In other words, the owners will start to "encourage" or "pay" those of us that connect to the masses to improve the platform. When they see a need, it will happen. Right now they don't see a huge need, or collectively they are not too worried as the amount of community support is paled by the amount of support that goes to support their own monetization efforts.

Expectation: You can't have your cake and eat it to. If you want a greater distribution of steem from top to bottom, then you should hope the price drops to encourage the redistribution. If you want to spend the money from the steem and sbds you earn, then you should hope it goes higher and be happy with what you earn (as it is still more than most other blogging/social networks).

#4 If the system had defined "fair" and "normal" behavior, then we wouldn't have rules that seem to apply to those with the greatest reputation.

This one is a damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think a large percentage of people on Steemit would tend to lean toward libertarian ideology. A decentralized place where people were free and able to work together in their own communities, and to create their own rules that are tailored to their own needs. Well, isn't this what we have? Isn't this much closer to our dreams as opposed to what most of us have felt in real life?

What may seem unfair to one, is perfectly fair to another. And yes the bigger you are, the more weight you carry, but isn't that how most organizations are built? (think corporations for instance)

Expectation: Your view of fair will differ from others' views. So make friends, and over time you will have a community of people that will speak out in situations where things appear unfair. I have personally stepped in and helped clear up many misunderstandings, and over time I think you will appreciate the system is better than what we have in the real world governance.

#5 If @fulltimegeek had kept his power (instead of delegating it out) and fought haejin earlier, then he could've stopped the selfishness and ended the "whale wars" that many people see as so counterproductive.

Maybe this is true, but the bottom line is @fulltimegeek did decide to lead and work towards ending the skewed rewards of a few users with very high SP and the whale votes behind them. We can't go back in time and make him do it earlier. Also, once he did lead, relative few of the whales and orcas followed. They either didn't agree, didn't care, or were too busy collecting their earnings from their ownership of SP to sacrifice in this battle.

Whether this was a good or a bad decision by all involved is yet to be borne out. The bottom line is the people with the largest share of ownership of the platform collectively made a decision, and they will bear the fruits or consequences of those decisions. If they are right in not backing @fulltimegeek, then the price of steem will rise even higher and become even better as time goes. If they are wrong, then the price drop will be a punishing factor that they primarily will bear a disproportionate share of.

Expectation: The "whales wars" were fought and people chose. There isn't a whole lot that the average user can do at this point, other to appreciate and admire what others' sacrificed in an effort to help the community. There are lessons yet to be learned from the experience, so the best a user can do at this point is pay attention to the ultimate outcomes.

Setting The Right Expectations Is Important

In order to get the most out of Steemit, I have attempted to point out some of the complaints I have heard (and had myself at various times), and then come out with reasonable expectations based on what I've witnessed. It is important to set the right expectations based on what I see as an observable reality, rather than have unrealistic hopes that things are going to magically change anytime soon. I have seen many steemians that are far more prominent than me raise many of the same issues, only to have them fall on deaf ears.

Its time for me to deal with things as they "are", as opposed to the way I "wish they would be". My expectations have been adjusted and I am ready for the next step forward!

My "highly recommended" witness votes will now be added to my posts. I hope you add them to!


candy image Christmas image location image


I hear ya. Some days I wake up and think, did I go to far then I'm like

Being a savage is the way to get ahead around here and I need to step up my game about 3 notches.

Only way to keep up with the Jones!

yep... I think you're coming out of retirement... I see the signs ;)

I keep trying to corrupt her but she is like Eliot Ness.

lol... I'm looking forward to your plan... I have a few of my own, I'm sure one of these days we will circle together and coordinate when we both have some time!

ps... make sure you at least let me know when you're plans are happening so I can support it!

We need to just start our own bid bot.

great minds think alike!

I am in if we can make this the bid bot avitar on steembottracker.com

A-Freakin-Men! To complain about things that are outside your control isn't benefiting yourself. To focus on negative things only breeds more negative thoughts.

We are much better spending out time improving our craft as bloggers, networking with others building our own little communities, finding ways to invest some fiat into the system if you want a stronger vote faster then your rewards will allow, and stop rewarding those who don't give back to you or other smaller members.

Hey @thedarkhorse! Its awesome to see that we agree! Right now we do the best we can, and one day I'm sure an opportunity or two will pop up! ;)

There will always be opportunities to be had. We just need to all work together and help each other. We are starting to get to a point that if we mind the fact that we do need to build our SP so we can better help others we can get pretty strong over time IMO.

I first and foremost take care of my people that have been good to me in any way I can. After that I let my curation trail earn me some steem power and my followers. After that I go out and curate new authors. It is a tight rope to walk but I do it. A also donate a quarter of my steem power to newbie initiatives ... @newbieresteemday and @thehive to help newbies out. I try not to always advertise them all the time because I am kind of a dick or so I am told so I just quietly suport them from the shadows.

My Sister says I'm an ass all the time...maybe it's just her that bring it out in me...lol

Great that you are able to do so much to help support the smaller members even if you don't advertise it.

I do sometimes and I greet newbies and send them that way but I don't think running a banner st the bottom of my posts about strippers, cars, and midgets would be super good advertising. Or maybe it would. Who knows.

My mom and dad told us about the truth of Christmas Santa and I think that's good. Truth is good.

My mom and dad also see Steemit as what's going on in real world. So you just have to keep working. If I ask for help maybe someone would or someone wouldn't. But I have to keep working.

My mom reminds me of the time when I didn't know how to write my ABC and now I do, but I still have to keep practicing.

You are exactly correct and you have some great parents! Truth is good for sure and yes, things won't always work the way you want them to... But if you try, then you will always have a chance. If you don't try, then you will never have a chance! So always try and do your best (sooner or later you will find success) ;)

You touched on so many thoughts that have been on my mind. I can go on and on with what I agree with you, but you already know some of my rantings. Only have to read some of my old posts to know I share many of the same sentiments. I will just comment on a redfish/minnow’s expectation of support from top ranking fishes.

I see random support to the small fishes from the friendliest dolphins, orcas, and whales that sympathize with the struggles of a newbie/minnow, but the reality is, the support there is really just that, random. Many big fishes already have their circle of friends and supporters and tend to show their support there. Society already identified this support among peers as typical human behavior and the term cliché was borne.

I have the community support of two kindly dolphins, Matt (witness yabapmatt) and Asher (witness steemcommunity) and consider myself fortunate for their support to not be so random. The reality for many small fishes is that receiving continuous support from fishes of higher ranking is an exception and not the norm.

I'm very glad that you liked the post and I thought you might agree... Since we've been here almost the same time, we have almost the same experiences and learned a lot together. I hope the post didn't come off as too negative, but I do think its important for us to all think of what is realistic so that we can be pleasantly surprised if we do better ;)... Thanks for the comment and show of support as always! :)

Hi @davemccoy! Great summary of current Steem situations you have here. Couldn't agree more with what you said ' "new" isn't bad, "difficult to learn" becomes challenging and rewarding, and "global" becomes an asset not a liability.' Heck! I learned (haha, am still learning!) to maneuver this platform while recovering from tbi. At the first little moment of frustration i decided to maintain a positive happy frame of mind and to go slowly, one step at a time! It did take about 4 months to do my first blog post. And, MUCH leaning on my patient, kind hearted Steemit mentor and Star-Onboarder @lyndsaybowes. Without her, aka leaning on my community, I would have floundered to my Steem demise too. It's uncanny how 'real life' mimicks this online world 'Its time for me to deal with things as they "are", as opposed to the way I "wish they would be". My expectations have been adjusted and I am ready for the next step forward!' As this is my personal growth right now too!

Glad to connect! I have not been in touch for way too long! 🙌

I can totally relate to that last thing you say, @yogajill.
My ‘life on SteemIt’ has loads of parallels with my ‘real life’, and has an impact on/is a mirror of my path of personal growth.
I’m at a point where ‘accepting things how they are and make the best out of that’ is a better survival strategy than ‘wishing things would be as I want them to be’. ;0)

Hey @simplymike glad to see you here a couple times... I have been anxiously awaiting your return to a more regular pattern before I partnered up with you on our next fun idea. I hope you are doing well and while this post is meant for steemit, I do want to wish for your health to be good and exactly what you "wish them to be". Give me a buzz on discord when you feel like you are ready for some fun ;)

Thanks. Will do.
I’m not completely back yet, still only following up on Gina messages for now, but I can feel the passion for SteemIt growing again, one day at a time. I hope to be able to keep this going, and that I’ll get in touch for some fun soon :0)

No worries... happy to see a couple messages from you in the same day! I am very hopeful for your speedy recovery!

lol... like I always say to you when I see you @yogajill, I love the little pics :) ... I did find out how to get them 🎖 and I'm happy to report that when I do send one, you come to my mind (because you are always so colorful with them)! :)

I agree completely with you about how "real life" mimics this world and I'm happy to see that you liked the post and thought it was good! :D

I'm so grateful that you have stuck it out Jill!! You're an awesome Steemian!!!!

Great post, @davemccoy.
I really like what you’re doing here. Having realistic - or even better: no expectations will make life on SteemIt a lot more fun.

Things are what they are and we all have to work with what there is, or what lies in our own possibilities to create.

Now, in my opinion, the biggest false expectation is created by the way the platform is promoted to the ‘outside world’. I think the fact that it is not as ‘easy to earn money by blogging’ as is advertised everywhere is a major turndown for a lot of people.

Easy money is still the main factor why people sign up for SteemIt, I assume.
And I guess it’s only those people who are too stubborn to give up, that can experience the ‘blessing’ of the strong feeling of community.

I guess all we can do is be the change we want to see, and accept the things that are out of our power.

Hive Bee trail comment.jpg Vote!

Bingo here @simplymike!

Now, in my opinion, the biggest false expectation is created by the way the platform is promoted to the ‘outside world’.

and from your comment below:

Maybe it is up to us to start marketing different, true aspects of the platform, like the decentralization, or the powerful community

You hit the nail on the head. I think that is something we can all focus on here, to help guide the proper expectations... Even if they get here the wrong way, doesn't mean we can't fix it once they're here... I think we have that power since we engage as a group more than anyone else.

I'm happy to have you back, so very happy :)

I agree with what you say about being able to fix things once they’re already in. After all, I signed up because of the promises about making easy money. I think most of us did. And we’re still here... :0)

lol... yes its an old marketing trick... get them in the door any way you can and deal with them when they get there... Not my prefered way of doing things, but some people build businesses on it. ;)

Yea, I think there is the false impression that steemit solves the audience problem, which isn't the case. A new platform doesn't make it any easier to build a following and community around your ideas.

I completely agree, @somethingsubtle.
Building an audience takes time and effort (and of course some ‘tricks’ can be helpful too), no matter what platform you are using.
SteemIt is often advertised with the words: the audience is already there. Which is true, of course, but holds no guarantee that they will find your posts...

I really like the tone that you set here Dave! Having the expectation, not looking for it to be a get quick rich and yeah unfortunately even if bid bots are removed vote selling would be its replacement because enterprising whales and orcas would like to have money.

Its a fact of life even on a decentralized platform like this.

I am with you all the way dave and onward to being dolphins and making a difference here,

Thanks Mav! I always value your thoughts and the fact that you think I set the right tone is important to me... I didn't want to be too negative, but on the other hand I wanted to point out the facts as I see them... The bottom line is I'm here because of my friends like you and I have no plans to go anywhere anytime soon! ;)

Have a wonderful day my friend and keep those minnows happy ;)

Thank you for the suggested witness list. I already had many of them but I was able to vote for some more because I trust your recommendations. So now I'm full up on my witness votes, hooray!

Thank you @antimetica, and Dave! :)

Asher, you and @paulag deserve all the support you receive... I'm thrilled that I can get your name in front of a few more people. As far as I'm concerned, the faster we get community focused witnesses the faster this place can develop!

You're welcome @antimetica! I'm glad you already had many of them and glad you found a few new ones too... I'm hoping that we all (smaller people like us) do a better job of informing our friends when we run across good ones so that we can eventually make a difference... I know it will take time as our votes are still small, but every day we grow a little bigger and our voices become a little louder! ;)

Great to hear you are full, and hope to stay in touch with you @antimetica! :)

Thank you Dave! I'm trying to remember what prompted me to go do this. I've been on STEEMit for a little while now and had voted early on a few but then forgot about it...
I think I want to say it was @enforcer48 post because they made a list with their reasons why to vote for a witness and I found daniel's witnes and you, also probably it was related with Dustsweeper. Good team you have!

Thank you very much for that @antimetica! That is very nice to say :) I agree that we have a great bunch of people that I come in contact with daily and frankly that's what keeps me here each and every day! :)

A lot of very good and salient points, (trying to expand my language repertoire-Salient), made. I still sort of see steemit as a high school type place. I know a lot of the whales, and it is mostly whales talk about circle jerk votes, there is a very good reason for that, if all the redfish and minnows only voted on each others content, then the whales would not be keeping the smaller accounts small.

A lot of new users try to impress the whales and vote and comment on their post no matter how absolutely it is unworthy of a vote. This is a vote to a fellow redfish or minnow that is not available. This is one of the reasons I try to tell new users to find a group, or a community they can be a part of and grow from there.

I always love your perspective @bashadow... You have more experience here than me and always have some useful piece of information that is new to me! Thanks for sharing.. :)

Also very good and salient points... Your language has been expanded for sure ;)

You made a lot of great points, Dave - especially the bots and the trending page BS. I came into this not even knowing about whales or dolphins and I didn't expect help or instant payouts'; I just like to write - plus I made some AWESOME friends and find new/interesting content on here each time I sign in so - yeah - I'll keep coming back, too ;-)

As in real life, I try not to involve myself in what other people are doing or why they are doing whatever it is. I choose to believe most people are good at heart and that those who abuse the system will meet their form of Karma, whatever that may be (and it's really none of my business lol)

Anyways, I think it's a great idea to try to put real information out there and alter people's expectations a bit about Steemit and cryptos in general - people tend to think this will be some kind of revolution which will totally change the system but it really is all the same as before and the greedy crept in from the beginning - but we can do our best to keep our corner positive, honest and welcoming. :)

Glad you like the post Marie! Coming from a gifted thinker, that means a lot to me! I knew you'd get it for sure!

And on this point, I agree and then some:

we can do our best to keep our corner positive, honest and welcoming. :)

that's the expectation, anything more will just be a pleasant surprise! ;)

definitely! I'm big on minding my own business - unless there's some real injustice going on of course ;-) plus when people see you doing the right/honest thing a lot of times they join in so I'm happy to be a part of setting a good example :)

@amariespeaks = born leader, deep thinker, and true humanitarian!

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