Do you have a undeserved negative reputation? Speak up here and be heard!

in #steemit8 years ago

I have recently seen a lot of posts from users confused about why they have a negitive reputation (commonly (-6)). Now some of these may be warranted but others I've seen defiantly have been mislabeled. The problem lies in that when these users try to speak up and question it... their bad reputation hinders thier ability!

So after receiving several messages on Steemit Chat about being able to help them out and since I can't really do much personally to help... I created this post to give them a voice.

If you feel that you have a undeserving bad rep then comment below and I will look into your account. If your profile looks clean with minimal flags or no flags I will give you a upvote. I ask other members to do the same and get these guys some help. @dantheman should be able to see the upvoted users and help them out as needed, with truly fixing thier accounts.

Some Rules

  • no begging
  • if you really deserve your bad rep then don't comment (saves everyone time)
  • only upvote those you feel deserve a better reputation
  • don't self post spam

I will be checking all hidden and low value comments as I know some of you will be automatically placed there

A Bad Reputation mage Credit: Joel Faviere


Hi guys, I'm one of the many newbies that have been drawn by Steemit , I have been a part of this community for 4 days only, but it unfurtunately seems that my selfpromotion in the comment section of some articles have led to a couple of flags - unfortunately some of them from giant whales. I didn't even have an idea that they have been flagged - there is no notification for that sort of thing. I wrote a post asking if selfpromotion is ok and it didnt have many replies , but those who replied said it was ok. I was very surprised to see my reputation at -6. If you can help me get back up I promise I will never selfpromote like that again. :( It's really painful to know your opinions can't be heard because of a newbie mistake. Had I been warned, I would have stopped immediately.

I'm giving @lorddominik007 my UpVote. I believe he should be above a negative number and at least start in the positive side of things. UpVote his comment if you agree.

Thank you to everyone upvoting me, it means a lot for people to hear my voice :)

Still haven't seen you move up in rep yet but maybe if a bigger fish comes along.

Yeah I didn't move a bit :( Thanks for all your support tho

I give one upvote to Dominic , I have done looking 👍
He did apologies, as he bring his attention to me.

Another For Dominic

Hey @blueorgy, cheers for letting me know about this. Have been on and off steemit all day trying to sort this out. I've been a member for 21 days here. The flag that destroyed me was this one apparently -

I was a newbie at the time (and still am, but getting better), reading up on copyright issues about Steemit because it is a cloudy subject. I found the article and thought it was interesting so posted the url up in my article. I used the same headline for mine because I thought it would attract people to check it out to be honest. Cheeky, but I did mention in the post about giving credit where due. The guy who was interviewed in the article was talking about how a steemer made 400 dollars off his article, so I was basically trying to relay the information to steemers and say 'although this guy said he doesn't mind, steemers should still pay their respects'. I tried doing that by writing under the url, "Article from Justin OConnell, founder of GoldSilverBitcoin" which I guess could've been worded better to avoid confusion.

I've definitely learnt my lesson now anyway. Most of my stuff is original, and although it's not great yet, I really plan to build on it. I'm warming up to steemit anyway, hoping for another chance. I'll be a lot more clear about those sort of things in the future too. Sorry again. Would really appreciate your help.

OK You've had your issues and It may have just been a rookie mistake but most of your content is yours and you seem to be trying to move in the right direction... so here is my UpVote. You should be atleast a positive number so you can build on your account.

I leave it up to the others to jump in or not.

Thanks blue, really appreciate it.

I got a bad reputation @blueorgy but I don't deserve it! :(

Thank you guys! I am not posting anything else because I am ver upset and sad about this situation!

Going thru @webdeals , history 24 hours I don't see anything wrong ~ one upvote for him 👍

Another For webdeals

I added you to my follow list, if you post new content I'll help you out. I know you were working on it. Be patient, it may take a while to show you've reformed.

@blueorgy i have created a post here... could you and others help me!? All the money raised will be shared between who is helping me!

Hey @webdeals , we got you back
Thanks to @blueorgy
Now you can visit my blog @bullionstakers

Ok looking into it now!

  • You get my UpVote! from the looks of it you shouldn't have a -6.
  • I'll let others agree or disagree if I missed something

Good Luck

@bueorgy who got negative reputation cannot comment here! check here infact!

I'm looking trust me ;) thanks

There yah go buddy @smooth took care of it ;)

Please don't UpVote yourself. UpVote needed users instead.

@blueorgy I have a bad reputation--can you give me some insight? I assume it is because of a video I posted twice three weeks ago. In my defense, I was new and had no idea how to properly embed a video.

Thanks much! Do you know what may have caused it?

A down vote by it seems someone near my level or a little lower

Man, at this stage you'd think down voting would be reserved for bot posts. Tough crowd.

being infamous is not cool here...

Hi @blueorgy,
I received a bad rep from @dantheman on this comment . Please check it out. Any help would be appreciated.

Should ask @dantheman to correct it.

Help help, a whale downvoted me two weeks ago and there's nothing I can do

You need to keep trying

You're downvoted due to spamming with this reply

Hi! This post has a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 9.8 and reading ease of 66%. This puts the writing level on par with Michael Crichton and Mitt Romney.

So far haven't had any users jumping on this but lets keep the upvotes for them please.

Thank You!

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