My Way to Health: Step 3 - Diagnosis of food intolerance and going on a elimination diet 💉

in #health6 years ago

Hi everyone! Thank you for your upvote and comments to the two previous posts 😊 

Today I will describe my third step to health. 

Step 1:

1. Going on a vegetarian diet. 

Step 2:

2. Cleanse my body of toxins and restore the acid-alkaline balance.

Step 3: 

3. Diagnosis of food intolerance and going on a elimination diet

At the beginning of 2014, I made some tests to diagnose food intolerance. The results showed which products induce chronic inflammation and a number of symptoms in my body, such as diarrhea. It turned out that I have the leaky intestinal syndrome which means that maldigested nutrients pass from the intestines to the bloodstream and are recognized by the immune system as foreign to the body. The tests detected that my body produces antibodies especially for: eggs, cow’s milk proteins (casein), wheat and for other products but to a lesser extent – e.g. legumes and carrots. Now, from the perspective of having worked with my "patients" for several years, I can see that these products are most frequently non-tolerated for humans. The intolerance of casein applies to 90% of people I have worked with.

I also recommend you to do food intolerance tests.

I started using vegetable milks instead of cow's milk. You can prepare milk from rice, oats, coconut, almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, walnuts and many more. Check out my almond milk recipe here.

Elimination diet - this is where my biggest adventure begins! Diet without eggs, wheat flour and dairy products – does it even exist? I was in a state of shock and couldn’t believe it. I started new diet a week before Easter which I spent with my husband's family 🙈 In Poland a lot of eggs are eaten for Easter. So, I brought mayonnaise without eggs, made of white beans.

No eggs, no problem! For breakfast serves scrambled eggs tofu 😉 My recipe is here.

However, it was possible, and interestingly enough, all the remaining symptoms (mainly intestine problems) have stopped! After just a few weeks of eliminating harmful products, I started to feel really good, and be full of energy and ... good mood!  

Gluten free, sugar free, egg free and milk free pancakes.  Check out my recipe here. With cinnamon and apple is my favorite 😊 

Getting used to a new way of eating is a process that takes time. But the journey to a varied and delicious diet gave me a lot of joy and enhanced my creativity, as you can see in my recipes.

It is hard to believe that this delicious coffee cream is a dessert without dairy, eggs and sugar. You can find my recipe here. 

Bless you!

Moni 😍 


Good article. I like the fact, that you mentioned, that everyone is different and should test himself. This is an important lesson!

A good diet is important for our health and can help us feel our best - but what is a good diet? Apart from breastmilk as a food for babies, no single food contains all the essential nutrients the body needs to stay healthy and work properly. For this reason, our diets should contain a variety of different foods, to help us get the wide range of nutrients that our bodies need.

Variety is the key here! Eating a variety of green leafy veggies as well as a variety of different types of proteins/ fats will help our body to get a balanced diet with the correct proportions of vitamins, minerals, and macro nutrients!

A vegetarian diet focuses on plants for food. These include fruits, vegetables, dried beans and peas, grains, seeds and nuts. ... The vegan diet, which excludes all meat and animal products. The lacto vegetarian diet, which includes plant foods plus dairy products.
When people think about a vegetarian diet, they typically think about a diet that doesn't include meat, poultry or fish. But vegetarian diets vary in what foods they include and exclude:

Lacto-vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish, poultry and eggs, as well as foods that contain them. Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and butter, are included.
Ovo-vegetarian diets exclude meat, poultry, seafood and dairy products, but allow eggs.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian diets exclude meat, fish and poultry, but allow dairy products and eggs.
Pescatarian diets exclude meat and poultry, dairy, and eggs, but allow fish.
Pollotarian diets exclude meat, dairy and fish, but allow poultry.
Vegan diets exclude meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products — and foods that contain these products.

Yummmz i love this delicious coffee cream, your photography its just awesome

Thank you for sharing, I am very good for health, because health is beneficial..
hope my brother can help me this time.

An elimination diet is not easy to do! Congratulations on figure that out and getting some health problems in order!

That kind of diet takes tons of self control! Most people couldn't last a day! haha

For anyone reading this that thinks this is easy, it is not... but it is VERY effective and I too would strongly recommend eliminating foods from your diet to cure some lingering health problems! Every client I have had do this as felt great ever since!

Awesome post and you are a bad ass! hahaha! :)

Your the best sister... And your knowledge abt healty and pure food is priceless... And make happy living.. Bless you 🙏

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