Steemit: Give me your Steem Power and I will prove to you I have used it wisely

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Delegation-Curation experiment using your Steem Power - driven by the King himself - data.

Hello sleepy dolphins and whales

I know you are out there. In this blog I hope to persuade at least 1 of you to delegate me some Steem Power to help further our community.

If you are not 'all in' with bots and/or don't have multiple hours each day to curate, I bring you an alternative....


The people come... they write... they go - This is the Steem blockchain through the eyes of Steemit today.

The current average daily accounts created is just over 1000. source

On-boarding is in place - @stellabelle's doing it, #promo-uk are doing it - at a large personal expense. We even have users holding usernames in place for big YouTube players - a guest list entry no less.

All good. Carry on you excellent Steemians.

So, why aren't the number of new blogs increasing in line with these new accounts? Are these accounts Bots? Secondary accounts?

Perhaps it is partly this, but another major factor has to be the new users putting in time and effort to produce blogs that just slip by the wayside.

This has to stop. @curie knows this, @muxxybot knows this, @dse knows this, @qurator knows this, @ocd knows this, and hopefully all you big time Steem Power holders know this.

So, what's the plan? Delegate to a bid-bot? Can do - That has helped raise my rep for sure, I'm thankful for that.

However, what about the newer users unaware of these bots and not quite up-to-speed with the @curie guidelines?

What about the new users that are just 50 words and a 'source' tag short of a curation that would give them a months' further encouragement?

These accounts are the future dolphins of the platform and the future on-boarders - they just need that early advice and encouragement to 'stick with it'.

Are you with me? Cool. Allow me to expand - with numbers and pretty charts.

The number of accounts exceeding 50,000 (vested) Steem Power who have not managed a vote in the past 7 days?


The number of accounts exceeding 50,000 (vested) Steem Power who have not managed a vote in the past month?


Reasons for this?

Account = @steemit. Fine, take a number off.

The majority though are user accounts, just sitting there, sleeping.

Maybe the content isn't to their liking?

Maybe they don't want to earn 1 million % interest like the bid-bots are offering.

Or, maybe they are keen to see this platform succeed and just haven't got the time or the patience to seek out quality work.

Well I do... I have time to curate, encourage, and enlighten - what I don't have is the financial boost are new users need to keep them writing.

And if you haven't worked it out by now. This is where you come in.

For the past few weeks, I've been getting my head around SteemSQL, the lovely Database representation (by @arcange) of what is happening on Steemit and the Steem Blockchain.

It is here I found the data above, and it is from here that i will now state my case for receiving a delegated Steem Power boost to support, develop, and keep our new talent on board.

My goal going forward is to curate and comment on content (blogs and comments) that I feel are worthy of a boost -
for authors that require a few pointers to get them on their way.

Isn't @curie doing this already? Are you not stepping on their shoes? Yes, and no.

We can never have enough curators of good content on this platform.

If one article with cited quotes, sourced images, is well written, and clearly original content, is missed, then we have failed.

We have also not done ourselves proud if we do not support those spending the time to respond to these articles with well thought-out responses and good knowledge of the subject matter.

I will digress slightly to tell you that this is one of my pet-hates, and I'm sorry @suerisue, I mentioned this to you 11 days ago and you are currently 3 blogs, 7 days, and 56 comments without a single response.

This has to change if we are to improve.

Sorry.... back to the data.

In the past 7 days I have voted 543 times and for 193 different authors. My Voting power currently stands at 81%.

This chart represents the spread of my votes (vertical axis), against the reputation of the accounts I have voted for (horizontal axis).

Currently I vote in the main for accounts around my rep. Actually, at rep 63 currently, the majority of my support goes to accounts lower than myself.

This chart represents the weight of my votes (vertical axis), against the reputation of the accounts I have voted for (horizontal axis).

Currently, the average weight of my vote seems to be 10-20%, and in the 50-70 reputation range.

What I want to do is take this a step further and support accounts producing good content who are at a lower reputation.

If you delegated Steem Power to me today, these charts with marked improvement towards the 30-40 reputation range would be your proof that I'm doing good things with your Steem Power - Or your money back.

With additional Steem Power I'm confident could do this. And not only would I be up-voting, I wish to educate also.

For the past few days, and with the help of SQL data again, I have been curating and commenting on articles that I feel have been written well, and by authors that have promise.

As well as curating for @muxxybot for the past month, I (with the help of @carlgnash ) have been using the SteemSQL database to seek out content that could be worth a more detailed inspection.

With this (ever-changing) query, I've passed on a few articles to people 'in the know', and their work has been rewarded.

Further to that, I've commented on the blogs that I felt had promise and detailed some simple methods for the author to improve further. See 1, 2, and 3 for details.

It is here in which you could gain indirect value from your delegation. See area highlighted in Red.


Can you see the potential value in this?

Are you willing to delegate Steem Power without direct financial reward for the good of the platform?

Go on, I dare ya.

  • If you are a dolphin or a whale who is sat on Steem Power and does not have the time to curate then this could be for you

  • I wish to use your Steem Power to support and encourage good content

  • I will provide comments on methods to improve this work and future articles

  • I will reward good comments/replies, especially by lower rep users

  • I will add your username (as per the above image) to show that you have supported this content

  • I will provide you, the delegator, weekly (or ad-hoc) numbers, links, and charts that show that I am supporting the 'right' content

  • If you are not happy at any point, pull the plug

If you are interested, have any questions, suggestions, or ideas on the above, please let me know in the comments below, or find me at: abh12345
Discord: abh12345

Or just delegate me the SP and I'll get to work!

Thanks for your time

Asher @abh12345 - Steemfest attendee 2017

All data was extracted at 8pm - UTC+01:00 - 29 October 2017


I can't believe all that money is not voting! Jaw dropped! I don't have all your charts, but I think I compare well lol.

I want some delegated too! If they go through @minnowbosster they would get a reward! What the heck. I find out something stupid here every day.

@jerrybanfiled - please see this post - find out who these people are and get them to do something. Anything is better than nothing. Good Lord. I'm taking a nap or going for a walk.

It doesn't matter if it's not voting. If it were the supply would be the same, we smaller fish would just have less power. Also, nobody profits from delegating through minnowbooster other than the one delegating.

How do you come up with that analysis?

Anybody who's been here long enough to know will tell you that there is a limited supply of steem. When the whales don't vote the minnow votes are more powerful. Whales like @smooth and @abit proved this by enforcing an experiment where whale votes were negated.

As for delegation from minnowbooster, here's my analysis. Currently I just about break even on the delegation I pay for but I got that at a much better deal than minnowbooster or blocktrades offers.

Your analysis does not take into account the difference in influence for a person going from a .01 vote to something higher. This is where I find the difference matters. I'm getting people following and interacting who would not have done so when my vote was .01. Also - I don't notice you taking into account the effect of the increased sp over time (sp you would not otherwise earn).

I have no idea how or if this will make a difference at higher levels, but from where I am at now (under 500 real sp) - I seem like a big fish even though I am not. This is where I think the benefit comes even if it is not showing in your analysis.

And so you think everyone should have to pay for that? Because when I joined nobody had to pay. We became stake through the value we brought through interacting and content creating. Not by buying. How do we expect the masses to join if everybody has to pay?

Well, right now - there is little support from the top to the 98% minnows - so if the minnows can lease some influence and try to help each other - why not? Things are not the same today as they were on Day One - not that I was here for that exciting time.

I know other people who have the strategy of "sucking up to whales"in order to succeed. This is a wonderful strategy and most definitely works. "Get in on the whale circle jerk" is a strategy recommended.

Some make posters that say, "Oh whale! I love you!" and add these to comments. You can make good money with this strategy as whales add the best "suck uppers" to their bots. Some of think that is a crock and won't do it. Chasing after the limited suck-up-ness enjoyment level of whales is not the way to go in my opinion, but it works for many.

Leasing is a another way to grow. There is little interaction here. We only get less than 3 comments per post and 98% of those comments are from bots. If I can make an impact with a 12 cent vote versus a 1 cent vote - why not?

You don't "have to pay" - this is an option offered on the platform and it works - so why not?

The masses are not joining because the platform is very difficult and the rewards are slow to come. The couple I have gotten to try have both quit in disgust and have nothing good to say.

How much effort does the average old-timey steemer put into helping minnows succeed? I have no idea but it seems like "not much."

You would be better off buying the steem on the market.

Nice idea... I am running a SP bank, but currently only in CN community, and I am considering extending it to all Steemians!

Great stuff! Feel free to extend away!

Weekly or adhoc reporting and your name (or anyone else's) in the footnote of my comments on these blogs I'm curating is what i can offer.


@abh12345 this is an awesome idea and initiative. I have resteemed and will also mention it to a few others.

I hope you get this delegation, because you are so right, "We can never have enough curators of good content on this platform."

It can be hard to find the time to curate, and when you dont have the time, you tend not to seek new authors but instead vote for the same ones. I didnt mind doing this while my vote was not worth much, but when your vote becomes bigger your mindset (well mine anyway) does change a little.

You are well deserving of delegation, you have worked hard here on steemit adding value with your posts, but what people don't see is also the support you give on discord and how active you are within the community.

Somthing else I have taken from your post as a personal note, at the end of your post you have full details of the date and time you took the data. Awesome. I need to borrow this idea.

This is the first post I have given a full upvote to since I got my delegation, and I don't think it will go to many - but you are making your services available and I hope this post reaches the right people

Hope to see a follow on post soon telling us all you will be a super major curator with extra delegated power!

Thank you so much for this lovely reply @paulag!

I hope that in my articles and general chat over the past 6 months, I have shown I have the best interests of the community at heart.

With this, and support of the #bisteemit team, I think we have skills to curate and promote content that will do the platform well over the coming months and years.

I do hope the article is taken seriously, and i'm confident I can fulfill the above - and prove it :)

Thanks again for the great support!


I think this would be nice spin-off group. the @bisteemit-curator group.

Sounds good to me! The data curators!

I think you would do a good job, Asher. I have a ambivalent relation to the cirators who are absent when you absolutely need them.

Thank you!

Having spent a fair few hours this weekend delving into what's out there, I have much respect for the guys seeking good content.

It's keeping these new people on board and encouraged that will be the difference between success and otherwise for the platform.

Thanks again for your support.


Awesome concept here Asher! I hope you are able to wake a whale and get the delegation you need. After all, even Curie had to start somewhere.

What would be an interesting stat to me, is how much of the available SP pool is controlled by that handful of inactive accounts. Depending on how long they have truly been inactive, that sounds to me like dead money.

Very well done. I hope much good comes of it!

Hi Mike

Thanks very much, it's something that's been rattling around my head for a few days now, and I've been knee-deep in SteemSQL looking at various aspects.

The 'dead money' feeling is here also. Totally the users choice on what, and not what to do with it though.

Delegate it to @curie, earn interest from @minnowbooster, or lend it out to someone who feels they can pass it onto the right people, and prove so at the end of the week.

Thanks very much for your support - let's see!

I surely hope that dolphins or whales will read your post and will act! I agree totally with @paulag.

Thank you @clio for your support - let's see what happens 😊

Starting to really like you. If slme of those sleepers notices my curation stats (despite my relatively low steem power), I'm sure they'd be all over accounts like ours begging to delegate to us becaise they know, we give credit where it's due.

It's a community effort, and I hope that in time everyone that deserves credit shall receive.

Thanks for your support!

This is the theory. I think due to the masses arriving at Steemit that this is really difficult to achieve. The attention is broken down to all people, but not equally. Some will not be recognized even if they try to get it. The system is good, but not perfect.
Good post by the way 😊

Thanks....i see it often alot of good content are neglected...... I think it's a great idea sorry I don't hv sp I should hv been the first.... 😂

It's a tough job for sure to reach everyone, just ask the many curation teams and @surpassinggoogle - I'm sure we can do it though.

Thanks for your support!

I hope you get a response! You are putting in the time here, that is for sure. If I had an extra few tens of thousands of SP sitting around, I would delegate to you in a heartbeat :)

Good to hear you are planning on increasing your voting percentage on lower REP accounts. It seems that REP groups swim together in bands, for the most part, with minnows interacting with minnows on up to the dolphins and whales spouting water playfully at each other. I personally really valued my interactions with more experienced users when I was starting out and I am very happy now to share my time and knowledge with new users in turn.

Thanks Carl!

It seems that REP groups swim together in bands, for the most part, with minnows interacting with minnows on up to the dolphins and whales spouting water playfully at each other.

This is right. And I think this is ok - natural behavior. I'm looking for someone willing buck the trend!

Supporting your supporters is good, what I propose is something that could be even more awesome though.

Thanks for your support, here and with the SQL :)


Hi Asher,

Great initiative, I have send you a DM on Discord


Thanks @holbein81

Worth a try I think! Heading to discord now.



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