
When I had 60 sp - if I bought 12 sp - nothing good would happen for months. If I leased 450 sp - at least I have a vote worth something for a month and will surely exceed an increase of 12 sp during that time with focus.

The difference in 60 to 72 sp is nothing and does no good in the short term. Going over 500 and having a vote of 6 cents gives clout in this odd world where the big guys vote at 1%.

It's an investment. Like the difference between paying a 15 year mortgage and paying outright in one go. This behaviour is short sighted and gives no advantage value to steem over facebook. Pitching steem today sounds 10 times more like a scam compared to a year ago.

So what do you recommend for the minnow with under 100 sp and no funds to invest? They drop like flies here and 98% do not get to 45 rep. Somehow they need progress and leasing sp gives more benefit than buying at the low levels.

I agree the place is appearing very sketchy now. The 98% bot action is not helping. The people who tried and now are vocal about the drawbacks are growing in my fb groups. The flood leaving for busy bothers me the most since the alexa ranking is why I am here.

The place needs content, but content is rarely rewarded in the ways that matter to steemit so people leave. In my case, my work is ranking and pushing traffic to my other sites, so I'm happy.

Here is my list of tips I send gasping minnows. It's all about the money.
Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

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