What has changed since June? I am totally baffled that there's been no recognition in Marketing and Promoting Steemit.

in #steemit7 years ago

What has changed since June 2017..??


Marketing and Promoting #Steemit

Regular readers of my Blog will know that I have been championing the Marketing and Promotion of #Steemit since April of this year.

These last 7 months have seen some awesome Marketing and Promotional Activities throughout the World and I would like to thank everyone involved in these activities with a huge thank you.

As well as those doing the hard work, I would also like to thank those who have supported these activities with their generous upvotes.

However, I am still somewhat baffled that there has been no coordinated recognition in the importance of the Marketing and Promoting of #Steemit.

Price Action vs Accounts Registered

Since the spike in New Accounts registered in June, I think it is safe to say that the Price Action has been correlated to the number of New Accounts being registered.

I think it is also safe to say that the number of New Accounts registered is correlated to the efforts put into Marketing and Promoting.

Finally, I think it is also safe to say that the efforts put into Marketing and Promoting is correlated to the recognition by the Community that these efforts are valued, appreciated and rewarded.

Accounts registered from June 2017 on-wards


Price drop from June 2017 on-wards


Year End Target Accounts



Market and Promoting of #Steemit has to be recognised

I have been banging on about this now for 7 months and really feel that I am now sounding like a broken record, but the Marketing and Promoting of #Steemit has to be recognised by the Community if we want to achieve the accelerated and dizzy numbers witnessed in June again.

Personally I have invested a tremendous amount of time and money into Marketing and Promoting #Steemit, so as a lot of others both in the U.K and throughout the World.

Though I will continue to do so, I am conscious that those that are less fortunate will be able to do the same.

I hope I am proven wrong.

Massive #Steemit Shout Out to the #promo-uk and #promo-steem Teams

I would like to once again say a Massive #Steemit Shout Out to the guys in the U.K. who have given up so much of their time, effort and personal funds working on the #promo-uk Initiatives, together with all those throughout the rest of the World that are working tirelessly on the various Marketing and Promotional Initiatives, including #promo-steem.

Thanks for reading.



However, I am still somewhat baffled that there has been no coordinated recognition in the importance of the Marketing and Promoting of #Steemit.

I could not agree more and will be putting this forward next week at Steemfest.

If Steemit, inc are not going to promote Steemit, and leave it to the users to do so, then these users should be wholeheartedly supported.

I wish to see delegations of SP to people like you so you have the means to boost these new users when they arrive.

Great stuff Stephen.


Thanks Asher. I cannot even begin to tell you how many hours Matt @Starkerz, Dylan @Anarcotech and I have spent talking about Marketing and Promoting #Steemit in the U.K. It is not just the time though it's the cost. Matt @Starkerz is going to #Steemfest and is making a presentation on this subject. After spending 4 weeks driving round the U.K on the University Tour he has every right to say he has earned the stripes to speak about the lack of support we have had. I am sad that I wasn't able to join him and stand at the back with a "Go Matt..!!" T-Shirt on. haha. Thanks again for your continued support. Stephen

He certainly has earned that right, and hopefully I'll find said T-shirt to support him during his speech.

Once again, thank you to all the team in the U.K. for all the time, cost, and effort you have put into promoting the platform.

@starkerz Matt, if there is anything I can help with at the event let me know.



Thanks Asher, I appreciate it. Matt is a good guy and deserves recognition at #Steemfest for the University Tour. Could you edit @starkers to @starkerz so he gets to see this. Thanks Asher. Stephen

Oops, yes, amended thank you.

I'm looking forward to a beer and Steem - let's see if we can get these efforts spotlighted.


Thanks very much @abh12345! much appreciate your comments here! and look forward to seeing you at steemfest. I guess we just need to get as many people to the presentation as possible. and note, I am not in it for my own upvotes, I am doing this presentation to showcase all the people around the world who are promoting steemit. unfortunately, my upvotes alone are not enough to support them all, and my aim is to highlight this and hopefully drive some support their way.

Absolutely, I'm with you and whatever you need I'll try to help with.

Hopefully the Steemfest attendees will understand the effort undertaken here and bring support to you.

See you in a few days for a chat and a well deserved beer.


Looking forward to it!!

You are really doing a great job
Going the extra miles to showcase others around the world that is promoting steemit.
Looking forward to a wonderful outcome of steemFest.

I think there are quite a few reasons for this. Starting that to the majority the concept is still quite unclear but with the right incentive people try to sign up. Here they bump into another roadblock which will be hopefully removed with Velocity hardfork and effortless on boarding. And some users are waiting for a week or more for their account to be approved.

I know this because we have connected our photography platform BeScouted to Steem blockchain and are bringing new talented authors to the platform. Here they the bump into underlying Steemit problem. New members despite the effort from many older active Steemit members get too little attention and their rewards of 0.01 or 0.02 cents per post looks funny having in mind it is in a currency they yet do not understand. So the strongest marketing tool "word of mouth" doesn't even kick in. Even those who are determined more and stick longer lose motivation over time. Hence leaving the platform later on and then they are telling everyone that on Steemit only the whales or those who are in auto vote lists earn reasonably. And do not get me wrong, it is not the low earnings that discourages people, but seeing really shitty content in trending tabs with hundreds of dollars. And this is not my personal opinion, this is the feedback from the community.

@bescouted.com has some delegated SP which was delegated by a few really kind Steemit users, who want the platform to grow. The rest just keep renting it for a few bucks failing to understand that if Steem price does not multifold those few bucks they are getting will not save the day and will not take them to the Moon.

It is naive to think that it will change and gets me a little bit worried, since in it's core Steem blockchain has very powerful potential, so i hope things will get much better after communities are able to release their own SMT's and apply slightly different reward mechanics in the apps that they build.

So you understand that getting users on Steemit is just one side of the coin, and spending money to get paid traffic is a waste of money if it does not stick as LTV becomes extremely low and even people who are on the platform for a longer time leave or become exceptionally inactive.
Considering your effort you are doing a very important job, and it is nice to know you have funds to spare for doing this. If there was only more people like you i believe we would see a completely different picture. And all recent disruptions in Steemit technical operations recently did not help either. It's much better now, and lets have our fingers crossed it remains the same. As getting people on a platform that is not functioning is extremely problematic.

Thank you for your valued contribution. I could not agree more regarding the #SMT's. If it wasn't for these, I would be getting a little worried with the performance over the last 4 months.Leveraging the #Steem Blockchain with #SocialMediaTokens #SMT's instead of individual one-one users is a massive game changer. Let's hope this facility is rolled out soon. We are already starting to Market and Promote #SMT's in the U.K. as a USP (Unique Selling Point) for #Steem and #Steemit and hopefully we will see the product in the market soon. Stephen

You are absolutely right. The value of Steem does not sit in Steemit as a legacy alpha/beta/orwhatever platform but as Steem blockchain itself. Though seeing a nicely working Steemit is joy and pleasure. But it is two different topics and maybe i invaded little bit too much into your topic as you were talking about Steemit itself. So sorry for that, but since for now they are quite closely interconnected it gravitated that direction. After SMT's will roll out that is where real competition will begin resulting in development of the best apps for a end user that will be fighting for attention. Steemit for now is give or take a monopoly. And monopolies never produce value products for end users for the same lack of competition.

Hi Stephen. I totally agree with you, I am following the upvotes regularly and it is quite sad that some post which was clearly for promoting steemit was not rewarded by the whales even you could see someone put a lot of effort to do so in the community. Steem should be about original conent and rewarding the authors but it is quite upsetting seeing low quality posts reach hundreds, while I have never ever made over $30 with one post over the 6 months of hard work with an article but I keep on. But for newbies it it devastating to see making 2 cents in the beginning so they give up after some posts.
Other steemians from other countries deserve more upvotes for promoting steemit and creating content exclusively for steem, so the whales should distribute their voting a bit more.

Hi Zoltan. You have seen it first-hand and appreciate exactly what the problem is. As one of the 14 #promo-uk Team members you have seen how frustrating it has been for us to put together the guys in the U.K and to keep rolling out the promotional initiatives when it is costing each of us our own money to do so. Even if it was £10 in petrol to drive to a location earmarked for promoting #Steemit, surely the Community must recognise that the one doing the promoting has to recover this £10. If not, then I can't see them doing it many more times after this. But it is not just £10. Some of us are £000's out of pocket and yet the numbers of new registered accounts are falling like a stone. This is where the real problem lies. After spending +£4,500 of my own money if we had seen over 300,000 new users and a new high price of $4 / #Steem I wouldn't be bothered, but we are not..!! Stephen

As we can see here, other whales do not care about these problems, not even commenting on promotional ideas, not to expect upvoting. But! I hope it will change otherwise only the whales will stay here to upvote each other...

In my opinion, Steem is still at its very early stage. Considering the active 100K users daily, I think it is too early to use classic model such as Metcalfe's law to analyze...

The registration of new users is still costly, probably this is why Steemit Inc. seems very "lazy" to promote Steem. And is Steemit.com ready to support 1 million active users for the moment? I doubt, seeing the so slow website recently, no matter it is caused by DDoS or not.

Some big whales are powering down their SP recently, which may greatly decrease the price of Steem, not to mention the recent bullish price of Bitcoin. But it is quite normal, look back the history of bitcoin. These BIG hands with lots of SP should and will be changed. This will decentralize Steem to more users, and at least stabilize the price of Steem from long term run.

Thank you Stephen for promoting Steem in UK. I joined one of the events, it was nice. But I do not think it is very sustainable using your personal resources from both time and finance. The resource from a single person is too less than even a small institution investor.

It is no doubt Steem is probably the most promising blockchain so far for social blogging. But we do need patience, waiting for the surge of Steem.

Bitcoin has been existing for more than 8 years to reach today's achievement. Steem is only younger than 2 years old.

Steem on.

Steemit is still more or less inaccessible to non technical folk. Not saying they can't use it, but there are enough barriers to make it difficult.

Yes that is so true I think the users need to have like a global marketing account for steemit where everybody has the chance to get envolved and or donate steempower so we can make a collective effort to boost steemit marketing!!!

Apparently the Steemit company doesn't care for much advertising. Or they are rather busy with development and need to focus on that.

Good morning from Canada!

Please allow me to stick my nose into this important discussion concerning outcomes of your promotional efforts in Britain. I’m doing so from the base of my corporate experience (in a past life) that includes efforts to deal with executing programs with complexity of the kind that you’re facing here.

Here are my ‘two cents’.

To what extent have your financial and time investments been predicated on assumptions concerning the eventual trend of price change of STEEM in the crypto markets and the timing of the establishment of that trend?

Everybody sees the long-term trend curve if you sort of discount the market-wide euphoria that occurred in the early summer, and, even more important (in my opinion), the mini-surge that followed the SMT announcement. So, if I was making an investment based on some assumptions about an upward-sloping trend curve, I would now be asking myself what would be the basis for thinking that the evident trend curve now is place would be turned around and when that might happen, as well (to make this even more complicated) whether the eventual ‘plateau price’ following the turnaround will leave us looking at a worthwhile capital gain.

I’ve no problem with taking positions on the assumption that we will indeed have a profitable turnaround in due course; but I do advocate that people sit down and think carefully about the implications of the fact that every week/month there is a potential significant flow of new offers to sell STEEM arising from the mining process. This ever-present potential new supply is not in itself a problem; but it does imply that to achieve an upward sloping trend curve the portion of it that becomes a real and substantial weekly/monthly new supply has to be perpetually overwhelmed by offsetting demand. From where will this perpetually offsetting demand come? That, I believe, is the question $64,000 question.

Finally, I would underline something that is almost stated explicitly in the commentary above. The basic goals, management and marketing strategies of Steem Inc. either need to be known, or accurately assumed, as you go forward, in my opinion. Various remarks above say that this is the elephant in the room, and I would agree.

Please note that I’m not criticizing and saying that there is anything wrong with what those goals and strategies are; because I’m just too ignorant of the relevant facts to make such judgments. I’m only saying that the time has come to get a good understanding about them.

One reason for this is my speculation about that long-term price trend for STEEM. The Steemit community is now building impressive network roots around the world and therefore seems to be laying the foundation for a viable business operation; but we may have to get there without assuming that the upward trending price curve emerges anytime soon. The shape of a successful business operation in the presence of an indefinitely depressed stock price (in effect) is what we need to think about -- how do we achieve this?

Of course, none of the above is necessarily correct, and may be more likely wrong then right! However, my experience tells me that we make progress when different heads look at a problem and put in their ‘two cents’, and then the leaders ruminate and decide on strategy after looking at all the ideas that have been put on the table.


Not sure if you know this, but I created promotional animations for Peercoin and NuBits back in 2014. Maybe Steemit needs something like this - I'm not sure what they're using now. Just thought I'd throw the idea out. I'm very burdened and busy, but I'm also passionate about a Steem price recovery & advancement.

Thanks for the offer. There are a lot of great promotional initiatives and ideas out there, but they seem to get either passed-by or undervalued. I have seen some great ideas put in practice that simply do not get the recognition and reward they deserve. Stephen

I joined steemit in June and you were one fo the few steemians I enjoyed their motivational posts on steemit... you doing great... you may not know it but all your efforts and those from UK team are wel noted and appreciated by minnows like us.. Keep steeming hot Stephen... never allow the flame to go down...

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