⏺The mentality as to why I shaved my head!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Why I shaved my head.png
It says it all in the title of this post!

I would like to show purpose, and a defined reason as to why I do a 'bold' action in my life from this point forward. I have found it's great to create a symbol for when you do something, because it can always remind you of the reason you did it in the first place!
I want you to imagine all the distractions around you in life as each hair on your head. I have made the decision to cut all distractions out of my life, quite literally.

Every time I wake up in the morning, and look in the mirror, I see a very bland, boring, simple hair-piece. This is to remind me that the road to success is not as glamorous as most people think. That is why most people are not succeeding. The work needed to achieve this is very interesting in the beginning, however it's not the beginning, but rather the rest of the journey that truly counts.
It's persistent consistency, day-in and day-out. It's the 'rinse and repeat' part that over-time becomes bland and boring, just like the hair-piece. It is a reminder that no matter what, you need to stick things through till the end. To stay with it through both the good and the bad times.

In my opinion, that is what success truly is. So, how determined are you?
So, you want to change your life for the better? You think you've got what it takes?

Then prove it to yourself.

I'm not saying you need to shave your head (Especially the ladies!). That's just my symbol to tell myself I am all-in or nothing at all.

Use your initiative, and do something that symbolizes what you would like to achieve (Or change) something in your life! It's surprisingly exciting. It gives the feeling of new opportunities waiting for you. It gives you the thrill to wake-up in the morning, keeping you excited to do things, no matter what's going on in your personal life!

Do something that puts you outside of your comfort-zone. Burn your boats, and take action!

In closing, I ask again.. How determined are you?


More than how much my posts can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others! I reward decent resteems!

I reward good resteems and comments!

I would love to know what's on your mind. Be bold and talk to me in my comments section! I would to know your opinion and what it is you'd like to achieve.

I am trying my best to make 2 high quality blog posts per day. So stay tuned! Talk soon guys.

Today is my 32nd day on Steemit. Let's go!

My previous post: ⏺Creating the best odds for yourself to win! (New giveaways!)

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.4K+ Followers.

You can join my success team by following my content and vision here: @ENAZWAHSDARB (679+ Amazing Followers Strong)
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Anybody who's been successful at anything went through some sort of peril at some point. You are right to say that things gets boring, discouraging, disheartening even, mid-way through break-through. There's a lot of envy (sometimes even hate) going on in the world for people who saw opportunities and worked really hard to achieve success. What some people don't understand is that the journey was most probably not easy for those successful people too earlier on. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. I may not shave my head and be "bold" the same way lol, but I am hanging on and keeping focus on the "end-game"; in my day job, in trading, here, and in my family life.

You hit the nail on that one!

So true. I think many people tend to look at really successful people in life, and assume that their life is so perfect in black-and-white.. But it's almost never the case. We are only being naive by thinking that way. By expecting things to be so easy the whole way through, we are almost asking to fail at things.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are a few people who got it the easy way, but if a person is hoping for success the easy way out, such like that, they are depending there happiness on a 1-in-50 million chance.

This was fun! I trust we will talk again soon.

I can see you meant what you said, and that you payed attention. Awesome stuff. You got yourself a comment-boost!

Hey thanks a lot. I am very new to this and am still getting the hang of it. I like reading and learning from what I read and watch here. I am starting to spend more time here than the other platforms. There are far more good, well-written contents here in comparison. This gesture I am sure will inspire the other users to pay attention and really try to appreciate other people's work, and add value through commenting. There's just a lot of copy and paste (almost bot-like) comments.

Good to see you are optimistic :)

Yeah, I figured doing this would be a nice way to give back, and also really encourage people to pay attention :) You are awesome.

Talk soon.

Interesting you post this. I keep my hair short as it is one less thing of many to worry about. When I was in the military, many things are regimented. What you wear and of course your hair being two of them. One of the reason is discipline and I believe it fosters camaraderie. We are all the same. Same haircut. Same clothing. And we all bleed the same color. Something like that.

I do think it makes life easier and one is able to focus on other matters such as training for instance. I love simplicity in my life due to being such an analytic thinker. Too much complexity results in too much stimuli and will eventually overtax my mind.

I work with computers in an environment that is ever changing so yeah that is a lot of stress. If I can just "keep my medium high fade skin on the sides to a 2" part of my life static and unchanging, the better. Yes, the word you used is consistency. That is what I thrive on.

Thanks for the thought and nostalgia invoking post. 👍

Thanks for an awesome, in-detail post. You clearly put a lot of effort into it, and paid attention.

You get a comment boost. Congrats! Stay awesome. Talk soon brother!

Yeah brother, I also feel that I spend less time now thinking about useless things like the hair on my head.. It ain't going to build a happy life.. Haha! I had the image of being in the military when I got the idea. Seeing how disciplined the military makes so many people, I figured I had nothing to lose, but a little hair, but everything to gain in my mentality!

I'm exactly the same in terms of thinking. Before I joined Steemit, I would always over-think things, resulting in never ending up making a decision to take action on. That's why I decided I would do a 180-degree turn in my thinking-patterns, and do one thing. Grind.

No more thinking, only doing.

I like your use of words. You have a nice vocabulary too. Talk soon.

Amazing post. So many important inspiering things and I love the rinse and repeat :0)
That says a lot. In every success is a backpack of lagedge were things werent so glamour.
The key is to not give up when things are boring and hard but to remember there is a light in the end of the tunnel and its just to keep walking.
A bold move and for a awsome reason. I just might be bold and start shaving my legs :0)
Ohh wait.....already doing that....lol
Great thinking and thanks for sharing.
I have a thing I did to remind me of Im almost there......on my bathrooms door it says Hang in there your almost there...and then I open the door and there is the toilet.......hahaha
No but seriusly I read those words with another meaning. Like U I wake up and everyday I read those words and I think......almost there
For everyday I get closer :0)
Upvoted and resteemed a super duper great post. Ur awsome. Love ur way of thinking.
Talk soon man-boss.....lol Got it right now

You're getting funnier and funnier with each comment you make.. This one was super funny haha!

That toilet joke lol.

You know, every time I read your comments, I realize more and more that you are a real hustler. It's really a cool thing to see, Sara! You should be a motivation to most girls out there.

Come now, I want to see you at 3000 posts already, why aren't you there yet? :P Got to keep you moving!

Talk soon my friend. Thanks for being so unique haha!

Yes that one was a little crazy....lol but had a message that didnt include the toilet hahaha
A dumb question I hear that word often Hustler
But what exactly does it mean?
I guess its a complimang :0) so u think I could be a motivation.....that means so much to hear
Never really seen myself like that honestly but so cool to hear. Thank u my friend ♡♡
Oh yeah....3000 why am I not there yet?
I think I will write like crazy and stop at 2999 just to mess with U.....hahahaha
Im working on it

'Hustler' means you are a person who hustles through situations. The word 'hustle' means to basically work hard, and not give-up.

You are a motivation! Nothing 'could be' about it :)

Thank U then I know for the first time really what it means :0) Im happy to be a hustler...lol
Hard work and thank u for ur kind words ♡
U are the greatest. Talk soon

Can't beat the quality of this comment.. If I'm wrong, then it'll be tough!

You definitely got yourself your third comment boost :) Talk soon my friend!

Quality toilet :0) U can try but I guess I just nailed it there......hahaha
U can beat that U are so awsome and reading ur coments are the highlights ♡
Thank u from the ♡ for the boost so sweet
Talk soon my dear friend

Too kind :D Only my pleasure, Sara!

Thats me ms Tookind :0) and U mr Humble dumble....hahaha
Hope U have a great day. I have been sleeping many hours kinda gone....lol
More than usuall that is.

I actually think I can be a lot more humble about things.. I feel a little arrogant if anything..

U do really? Then U hide it well I must say :0)
We can all be better on things but U as arrogant I dessagree. From what I seen so far U have grown more than I think u know and u are passionate, deturmend, open hearted and mabye U feel like ir arrogant but u speak ur mind and the way u write it just makes u amazing and its impressive how U can combine ur different feelings in posts in a way thst makes u look so strong and inspiering and in serious subjects that could be affencive to some people u turne it around and insted makes u get both sides. Dont know how u do it but U have a gift in writing and express urself
Thats why u still amaze me and when u say I start sound more like U..... I just grow till the top of the tower ♡ talk soon

What an amazing comment!

So nice to hear such incredible words, Sara! Very nice of you to say. I honestly did not know my words had an impact like that.. Just so nice to actually get such amazing compliments.

I'm glad I seem nicer to others, because sometimes I really feel quite guilty for boasting (talking impressively about one's self).. So I am very self-conscious lately about the things I tell others about what I am doing. It's really tough. I am hoping things will become second-nature soon, and I won't have to think so much about it.

Here's my latest post :)

I like the attitude and the outlook Brother - keeping it real simple - Brilliant!


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The Dream is STEEM ON

Thanks brother! You are a real boss. Helping all these people out like randowhale, except you are doing everything manually! Beast. I respect that :)

I'm glad you are enjoying my work. Talk soon.

appreciate the words of support - all the best!

Only my pleasure brother! I hope you are reading my content! If so, you are awesome :)

Life is all about give and take. Sometimes we forget that there are things we must give up to get to where we are going. It may be life style, relationship, habit or another thing.

Yes brother :) That is the truth right there. I think it's like life testing you to see if you're eligible to deserve the things you want. Makes sense to me. Let's do it.

Talk soon brother.

Amazing Post, You know why people don't usually succeed? It's because they don't stick to what they do! They get bored and change their course! So stay motivated and keep trying Upvoted

So true brother! Nice to see you stopping by once again.

Consistency is definitely the biggest factor, that will always reap the biggest rewards over the long-term! I actually made a few posts on this very topic you are describing. Check this out:

⏺Are you suffering from this disease too?
⏺10,000 hours for mastery..

Obviously the post is older than 7 days.. So you can refer back to this comment to give your thoughts.

Enjoy. Talk soon!

Wonderful posts! You have an amazing and convincing writing style! Keep up the good work!

Thank you for those kind words brother! Very nice when hearing that.

You keep it up as well! Talk soon.

Ok, I want to go out of Venezuela, I'm against my mom, family etc... because they think is dangerous be out there in another country with 18 years old, but, that's the moment that I say: if I want to do somenthing different, I have to do different things, and is not just because that, is because is being a year that i don't have a phone, that i don't buy a pair of shoes and many other things. That's why I'm so focus in my direction, i want things go different, and I know I can do it! Btw thanks for this post, make me talk about my purpose, makes it even more real!

Brother, it's when something as simple as words are able to encourage more purpose into a person's life!

Nice comment. Don't let your age stop you in anything you do! I have been criticized for so many years that I was 'too young' to do things. People like to judge the book by it's cover, not thinking about the fact that your external appearance has nothing to do with your maturity. Trust me, I can relate with you on that one :)

Just stick to what you believe in. Things at home can be tough for some younger people sometimes, depending on the situation, but just remember your house only a drop of water compared to the world. There is a ton of potential for you out there!

Now, go get it! Let's do it together. Talk soon.

Thank you very much, I really apreciate the words, I'll see you!

Super glad I found out about you through @stackin! I love your writing style! :)

Why thank you! I am getting that response a lot lately, I am honestly wondering what you guys are enjoying about it, and what you think should be improved :)

Thanks for stopping by, Lady-Boss. Talk soon.

nice new hairstyle. You look more manly now. i like the way you write. How u do it? lol

Hey Haley! How are you doing?

Haha you think so? :P Well thanks. I suppose it's a standard army-cut lol! Much easier to maintain, allowing me to focus on what's really important.

I love hearing that! Thanks so much. What exactly do you mean? I get a few people saying that. At first I took it as a grain of salt, but hearing it more often, I am wondering what about the style of my writing everyone likes :)

This gets my upvote!! keep up the good work fella!

Thanks a bunch brother! Glad we connected. You're awesome. Keep up your great work ethic on your side too.

By the way, so sorry for the delayed response.. I literally only saw this now. Must've slipped by.

Talk soon!

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