I'd like some feedback and ideas on how to distribute my token, ENGAGE.

in #steem-engine6 years ago

Last month I logged into https://steem-engine.com and created the ENGAGE token. The idea was to reward people who engaged with me with a little token of appreciation, with no expectations that the token would hold any monetary value. Surprisingly though, they are worth something - not much, but I see a $ sign and a positive value..

DRAMA up 40% on Steem, who would have guessed :)

A week or so later, I issued some ENGAGE based on some criteria that had been used previously to rustle up some pie charts and graphs, which were in the main, snapped up like hot cakes. The criteria is below, and the list of receivers in the link above.

(1) Most comments typed to me (ever)
(2) Most text typed to me (ever)
(3) Most text in 2019 (must be an Engagement League member)
(4) Most positive phrases (defined by me and secret) added to the blockchain (must be an EL member)
(5) Big fish supporters keeping me out of real work

That worked for starters, and I had planned to continuing issuing ENGAGE based on the Engagement League results and, on an adhoc basis when I saw some good/interesting/useful engagement in Post commentary. This has happened, but not nearly enough, and basically the reason is that it is:

  1. Time-consuming to issue the token
  2. Time-consuming to find (a bit like when curating) those comment gems

Number 1 cannot be helped at present, but will perhaps be solved by code in the future when I've worked out a solid method for 2. And this is where I'd like some feedback and ideas.

Basically, I don't want to be the only person deciding where the token goes, I don't have the time and think that (stealing the idea from dRama), the community should help decide where the 'real' engagement is.

For me this is in the commentary, not the amount of commentary, but the usefulness or quality. This is tough to measure by code, and needs human attention.

So the initial idea is to select a small (but easily open to expansion) group of people who get stuck into the comments on posts to be able to select/mark that comment for reward. In doing this, the curator and the post author would also get a share.

Thoughts on this?

And, do you have any other ideas?

I'd still like to be able to offer information in exchange for ENGAGE and people that have requested charts have been using them for post material and generally making their 'money' back.

This is today's offering for those that are interested:

Some 'old' names there!

Comments that provide good input and feedback to the distribution of ENGAGE will receive some ENGAGE :)




Hey cool! How did I miss this? I have been following you well over a year and loved your stuff. Your own token is an awesome use of the blockchain and a neat way of incentivizing the engagement.

Have you though of delegating tasks? Perhaps picking a couple captains who would love to be keeping their eyes out for you for the content you are looking for in exchange for some of your tokens? Many hands make a task lighter.

Also, are you colleagues with any of the bot creators? @fulltimegeek comes immediately to mind with his army of bots automating his support of quality content and active people. Automation will be a key in enabling your expansion.

I am here in case I can help and you can dm me on the #powerhousecreatives or msp discord.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hey, thanks :) Yep delegating tasks is the current main idea, along with some automation too.

I would gladly accept some help from fulltimegeek, who I see supports many of the Engagement League's star participants already.

Thanks for the offer :D

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

As far as engagement goes, i have a hard time believing that just words should be awarding.(actions speak louder then words and all) They should be a starting point. But i yhink that those who are actively growing the community through words AND actions should be at the forefront for receiving your most coveted Engage token.
That being said, how to help you find these gems....maybe as we go out in our great community and find that special someone, ee could tag that persons comment or action with a key word that you could search to find all the recommendations. Maybe somethi g along the lines of "$engage" or "!engage". Thats all i have for now, but i will continue yo think on it my dear friend. I hope the week is being kind to you.

I like the idea of actions, but maybe you need to read the words to learn about the actions. That's something a bot/script can't do yet, and so will certainly need so human eyes to see and check.

Spot on regarding how to find them. Listed curators could add !engage or just insert the image below.

Yes actions AND words. Both are important to our community. My only point i was trying yo get across is that anyone can say anything...and keep that up for a long while. However there are those like you, who put their time and energy(and money) into our community. Those are the ones(in my humble opinion) that deserve the tokens. Also, on a side note, i absolutely love the Engage symbol! Where/how did you come up with it?

Yes I understand, actions louder than words :)

I made the symbol myself in about 5 minutes, on this site I think: https://iconsflow.com

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

I'm a developer so this comment caught my attention. Definitely worth looking into. Just need to look into developing a bot that will respond to comments. Of course this comes after you come up with a selected group of people who will help decide on who to award the tokens to.

Great, are you volunteering :D

I'd like to be able to change the group of people (likely add) quite easily, but would trial with some first.

Do you know much about how the steem-engine works? I guess the tokens would come from an account, and not be 'freshly minted' when a distribution parameter was called?

Great, are you volunteering :D

Hahaha. For the bot dev, sure, I can look into it. I still have to study how the steem-engine works. I think I already have seem some posts (from @aggroed?) about bots auto-distributing steem-engine tokens, but I'll have to re-research.

What I'm thinking is:

After selecting 'engage curators', we let them comment on posts or comments that are engaging. The bot then learns and checks the content of these engaging posts and comments and learna them with an AI (I still have to study this area though).

The 'engage' bot command can also include the amount of tokens to reward the author as well as the curator. And then we adjust the algo for the reward mechanism as we learn or run through the process.

Just top of the head ideas.

This sounds good to me :)

I'd like the curators who are listed (so others can't try to cheat) to be able to add something like this:

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens.

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

The code could search for 'engagetoken.png', check the curator is on the list, and reward 25/25/50 curator/post author/comment author. That's all I would need for now. Oh, and the dev would of course be issued some tokens too :D

Nice, or we can subtly check the comments of the curators for some key words so that the flow/content of the curator's comments remains natural. Which of course can come later. :D

I'd like the curators who are listed (so others can't try to cheat) to be able to add something like this:

Yes, we can hard-code the list of curators or create a new @engage account that follows a list of whitelisted curators.

Well I guess the first step will be describing what "engagement" means, its a word thats thrown around around here.
Personally, I think engagement goes beyond just comments that receive the most responses, I think for example funny comments that get posted randomly can count as engagement.

Anyways, I'm up to the task(observing comments), I like the whole grass to (unexpected) grace background of the token.

Personally, I think engagement goes beyond just comments that receive the most responses, I think for example funny comments that get posted randomly can count as engagement.

Yep, that works for me. I guess it will be up to the curator. Funny, informative, engaging in its own right.

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

I’ll think about this...
Maybe some kind of a points measurement consisting of combined factors like:

  • length of the comment
  • whether the author upvoted this comment or not
  • extra points if someone else upvoted this comment besides the author
  • points if the author replied to the comment (so there is multiple comment -> reply tree structure)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yeah see I do that for the EL, and that's cool, but I think there needs to be a bit more too. Coding for a short witty informative answer is pretty tough, some eyes with a sense of humor and knowledge should be better... most of the time :)

Agreed. That would require a lot of time & effort for accounts willing to take this role of course. I will think about other factors what we maybe can use...

Posted using Partiko iOS

Well my thinking is that we do have some people (as I've found out by recent data pulls and chart offerings), who do like to read/vote a lot of comments.

And we have long-time curators from various projects like curie, ocd, c-squared, who are seeking content all day - so maybe they'd like to earn a few ENGAGE at the same time? :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

Why don't you give them to people in your league, except me of course ;)
You already have a metric for deciding. I'm not sure what 100+99+...1 is but if you give each person amount of token based on reverse rank in top 100, (ie 101 - position in top 100) that's one possible way to do it. Maybe you could also through them out based on your curation trail.

PS I started self voting again to see how it will kill my rank. Gotta love yoruself, lol.

I have done that, at the start and will likely issue a few via that route going forward too. But I want others to help issue, they'll go further/wider like that.

Self-votes need loving too :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

A bit of a left field suggestion, but here goes...

Team up with the @steembounty team. Instead of a teem bounty, holders of ENGAGE could put an "engage bounty" on the post. Then, distribution would happen automatically (as per steembounty's existing system) and those wanting to bring more engagement to their posts could buy engage from you or on the STEEM engine market.

As I said, straight out of left field.

Edit: sorry, wrong tag. Should be @steem-bounty


I use @steem-bounty most weeks, for the Engagement League post actually, and it seems to work OK. It does rely heavily on my vote, which gets hammered, but I guess that could be changed.

Thanks for the idea, will make a note :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

Old names... Dark names... You sup with the devil exhibiting such dankn3ss for all to see...

Raar!! That's a good idea, the disbursal thing with the manuality! :0D

haha, that's me!

Strange seeing mindhunter and diabolika on there - I've not seen/supported for over a year but i guess that was the case early on - I had far less SP though, perhaps even under 500 and so a full vote was all I could give. Excuse was pre-prepared :D

Hehe, I looked mindhunter, it's funny to think that he was chased off (second time around) for purchasing votes!! Lol, how things have changed! He was a trailblazer!! I used to vote for him too, him being one of the few fellow Scots on here

He was doing it the first time too but not via the bots, or is that what you mean?

Was funny seeing 6 day old comments worth more than my bank!

Yeah, that was the one I meant. When he first arrived he was plagiarising like a madman and he left with a cryptic note, saying I will return on march the something.

Several months passed and he did come back!

Then he started paying snowflake I think for massive votes in older posts near payout then transisto noticed and started flagging them so they switched to comments then there was a spat then he left.

I think that's about it!!

Now transisto delegates most of his stake to bidbots, I believe. It's funny how it all works out!

He left with about 20000 STEEM too!

Them bots, get everyone in the end :)

They do!!! That's a tidy package!

Speaking of tidy packages..... whooops, wrong image!!

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

With the Arcange tool... would it be hard to search for longest comment? Or most upvoted comment? Or comment with most replies?

Yeah I can do that, but I see gaming or accidents happening.

Some of the longest comments are tosh, and some of the longest threads are vote farms :D

Oh yeah, sorry... I didn't mean to actually award anything to the longest, or most replied or anything... I just thought it might be a good starting point to find some amazing comments. I've sure you could improve your SQL over time to ignore the tosh.

I do like the dRama system... and maybe the giver and receiver could earn a token each... to help motivate people to distribute? With the view that you'll oversee occasionally to stamp out gaming...

Giver, receiver, and Post owner :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

Wahey! Thank you! I'll treasure them always!
I just logged into Steem Engine for the first time... I've got a few tokens that I had no idea about... this is fun!

hey, @abh12345.

For what it's worth:

Definition of ENGAGE

  1. occupy, attract, or involve (someone's interest or attention)

  2. participate or become involved in

It's certainly your token, and I think there should be criteria to avoid giving it to scammers, spammers and bots, but I still think there needs to be an exchange between two or more participants that lasts a minimum amount of comments that maybe you keep secret. The comments don't need to be posts themselves, but they do need to keep the conversation going, and I guess to earn the ENGAGE token, they need to be engaging to someone beyond the principle engagers. And I guess, that would include you, too, if you're going to be checking curator's work.

Oh, and how much for the pie? 150 like with the previous ones? :)

Thanks Glen

The criteria I'd like to leave partly up to the people who can issue the tokens. As it would likely be a manual scan and distribute from me weekly to start, can choose to decide on amounts, or move people around if need be.

The overall goal is to get the tokens out, it's not going to be perfect and they have little value at present, but in addition to the league criteria, I'd like some human touch, and for that not to be me - there are a million of them after all.

150 sounds good, which will likely put you at break even following distribution via the comments here :)

Well thank you very much! :D

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

This must be an all-time kind of pie, since it would probably look different if it were say, over the last 3-6 months. A lot of these people here aren't even on STEEM, or don't have a lot of posting going on. Interesting. :)

I finally figured out how to get the ENGAGE tokens to send, so hopefully you got them (they say they were sent on my end).

@whatsup. I'm tagging him as I like his idea of creating a bot to help distribute tokens and those that hold more than x tokens (in his case 10) can help distribute said tokens.

In his case it's looking for drama, but in your case it can be give an engage tokens to those that feel people have made truly exceptional comments either on your own posts or others.

I think he also has a limit so only so many tokens can be distributed each day using the bot, I'm sure to help prevent abuse and to prevent from flooding the market.

It worked for me as I bought 9 drama last night so I can start distributing some drama tokens of my own.

Yes I've seen, and actually issued some myself this morning. It's a very cool set-up, and i could certainly do worse than just copying - got to change it up a little bit though :)

Congratulations! You have just earned some ENGAGE Tokens!

Find them at https://steem-engine.com

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