The Circle Of Blogging ( Like a Hamster Wheel mixed with "Game of Thrones"!)

in #speakyourmind7 years ago

When you start to realize that there is a methodology to your madness where you are Writer, PR, Advertising, a Help Desk and sometimes a Bouncer on your Blog!" I thought this gif is a nice representation of the Ecosystem on here. ;)

Hopefully after a couple months you start to learn that just sticking up a poem with a picture of a sad kitten will not necessarily catapult you to the mediocrity or excellence you so desire. You'll see some who say they support you and don't, those who are the quiet type and just follow your work and support you along the way and others who vote strictly according to Tribal lines.

A common discussion I have with some usually involves snarky jabs/reactions and how to respond. (Don't Emotionally Invest or Feed those who Don't Nourish you Back ) < @battleaxe. There are a couple ways that seem to work relatively well for me. Hopefully, we can remove a bit of the "Game of Thrones" vibe that can occur between party lines that seem to exist. (Spoken or unspoken the Lannisters and the Wildlings both have their equivalents on here)

-Ignorance is Bliss, Ignore and try not to take things too personally although it is hard not to when alliances and money and socializing is involved for many of us. The more you can focus on the people who have gotten you this far, the less time you can waste on someone who talks smack or seems to take pot shots at you. Rise Above! If they are detracting instead of at least staying on their own path then just moving along and not responding can work well.

-You never know all the politics or reasons people behave as they do. Sometimes some rather harsh lessons get learned on being able to start to see the good players, the bad players and the rogue players who can be the most loyal of all in some ways. The person you kick down today in a few months can return with an arsenal or the person who thinks they are God's gift to the platform gets taken down a few pegs. It is easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of seemingly contradicting information that gets presented. Sometimes just trusting your gut instinct versus feeling torn between pleasing others (for the sake of your "House" or "Houses"), can be the truest Compass on here.

Like what you read? Here are a few Posts that are as Varied as The People that Occupy the Steem Culture...

Pinterest, Imgur, Giphy


I don’t know why, but I like your style and quirkiness.. so you are in the tribal line.

^^^^ i like you too odd bear man

Nicely summarized. Well done, axey. Good thoughts. :)

hello @sircork, can you please help me re-steem or at least give an upvote? This will help street children in needs. Docu here:

Saw your other account ( I know you can help my post to gain more upvotes, Thanks a lot. Notice me pls.

This is actually a pretty rude thing to do on someone else's post, on someone else's comment thread and it bothers me a bit.

Help is needed all over the world for children and our organization helps them directly.

I did go give your post an upvote because I have a heart, but this is not going to get you noticed how you want, it's going to get you ignored by most people at least and flagged by others at most. Be careful.

The way to "get noticed" here is the same for every author everywhere, spend the time to write things people will want to read, build an audience and following and it takes a long time and talent. This is not free money for everybody, its just like any other opportunity or job, work hard, and success will come.

It wont come by begging on other people's posts and comments, the only noticing you we will do with that is to label you rude or lazy.

That's just real life, like this place is.

Yes, honestly that is really rude to do because at rep 45 you know or should know a bit of what not to do, and because of amount of followers or comments it's uncool....Flagging because at 45 you know better

Is it just me, or has this kind of thing started happening a lot more, just recently?

(or is it me over sensitive to it?)

it's happening A LOT more and people are speaking up and out about it... all it does is look insipid

if you would like some tongue in cheek humor - hopefully not insipid - (always in bad taste).

I have just started doing some cartoons! check them out..- I have never done them before...
my latest..

Happy boxing day/chritmas night !

Gotta LOVE that first GIF You illustrated at the beginning of this Post !!

AND of course, Your excellent points through-out this Post.

Here's hoping You're having a Great Weekend !!

Cheers !!

Thank You! You seem to me the mysterious yet loyal supporter that I am thankful for
Hope your weekend is going well too

Thank you for the inspiration. As someone that leans towards the easy route in life, that side of me would much rather post a cat video than write something of value. Deep down i know there is more and i hope to express that side of myself more here on steemit as the days move on :)

that's our battleaxe... kicking ass and taking no prisoners.. gotta love ya for it

thank you, only to the deserving (throwing that in there) lol

Grrr lol You drag me back here ... I most enjoy our private chats but at times feel the need to speak in public, damn you, lol ... You know damn well who you are, and who I am ... Do I need to remind you that like some, I'm much akin to an old bra, I'll be there when you need me .. I'm a life long supporter ... Let the plastic people be who they are, they will never be more than that, a pos piece of plastic. You know who you are and so do I, that's what's important. Screw a bunch of "Fanboys", that's all they are too ... You have a seat at MY Round Table, that's all that matters ... "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with" .. Love you Hon .. (My adopted daughter) /hugs /salute

Rise above. Yes.

Do it for you. You are the only person you can truly impress, anyway ;)

Amen to that

As someone who seems routinely compelled to write long, complicated pieces which I am almost guaranteed that no one actually reads to the end – I'm actually okay with this.

I'm not even sure I count as a rogue element. I barely count as an element.

I might do something about that if I actually cared. Generating the requisite volume of care – that is where the challenge is.

Well, back to the salt mines where I am writing about role-playing games again.

whatever floats your boat, and yeah pretty sure we are more on the Rogue side

If you put on a little blush we can be part of the Rouge Element.

The Fifth Element

I have an endless cavalcade of bad puns.

Yes, they're all good. They multi-pass.

As the Steemit Chicken Khalessi, my house says “well done!”
Your words ring true on so many levels.
We find our true friends on the battlefield.🐓

That is oh so true, the battlefield is a goooood place to see who is real or not

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