Steemit Music League Challenge Week Six Results

in #smlchallenge7 years ago (edited)

Seven (7) epic Steemians created Animal Kingdom themed music to make up an epic Week Six of the #smlchallenge.

And this one was a very close one with .02 separating three Steemians for the top winner in this week of the Steemit Music League Challenge.

The judging panel of: @chiefmappster, @danyelk, and @derekmiller ( @nutela coming next week) thank you for an epic Week Six. You bless us with some incredible music each week. Thank you again you are appreciated.

This sixth week's theme is:

The Animal Kingdom


The entries are judged off of the following:

  • Sound Quality,
  • Technicality,
  • Creativity, and
  • Relevance to theme

We also now have an awesome interactive Discord Channel for everyone to come together, interact, ask questions, and even have access to the Live Music Bunker where you can hear a playlist of all that week's entries and listen to live DJing by Steemians.

It is called the Steemit Music Alliance and includes Steemians involved in the music community from all over the world. We are bringing together the music community in one place to foster an environment to help one another and share their art and dreams.

To join the Steemit Music Alliance Discord channel go here:

Now without further adieu here are the winners of Week Six of the Steemit Music League Challenge:


WINNER ONE: @hilladigahackles with an average of 4.46 from the judging panel with “Inside of Me” winning 20 SBD, 10 Whaleshares, and 30 SMOKE for 60 points.

Holy smokes man this entry is so incredible and well deserving of the top spot.

The amazing, insightful lyrics that match the theme so well.

Your awesome voice.

And a truly powerful message.

Not to mention the epic guitar in there and the video that reinforces your message so well.

Just look at the powerful comments left in your Steemit post holy smokes man you can tell this entry really resonated with people judges included.

Your entry took me to an incredible place so I thank you for that and appreciate you sharing this masterpiece with the community.

Support this winning Steemian here:


WINNER TWO (TIED): @authenticbeatz with an average of 4.44 from the judging panel with “King of the Birds” winning 8 SBD, 10 Whaleshares, and 25 SMOKE for 43 points.

Now this is an authentic Animal Kingdom beat right here o weeeeeee : )

The way you use that Lion King sample is so incredible in my opinion. I especially love 0:47-1:07 the way you use the sample man o man so original.

Also love how you integrate the bird chirp throughout the beat. It reiterates the Animal Kingdom vibe and adds incredible depth to this beat.

We keep seeing why you call yourself @authenticbeatz as your music is real, incredible sound production.

Appreciate you creating this Animal Kingdom inspired beat and sharing it with the community.

Support this awesome Steemian here:


WINNER TWO (TIED): @beatseb with average of 4.44 from the judging panel with "Overdog" winning 8 SBD, 10 Whaleshares, and 25 SMOKE for 43 points.

Woahhhhhhhhh this beat is radiating that energy.

What an incredible vibe you created with this beat. My ears are hit by so many epic sounds. From the guitar to that growl.

Such an awesome beat integrated with so many sounds and layers.

And the sound quality o weeeeeeeeeeeeeee. So niceyyyyy. Medicine for my ears.

And absolutely love the incredible animal artwork you created to go alongside your beat and help reinforce the message of your music.

Those eyes are glaring at my soul I am telling ya. And you integrate it with the trees in the background so well in my eyes.

Appreciate you creating your beat and artwork and sharing it with us.

Support this epic Steemian here:


WINNER FOUR: @scuzzy with 4.37 average from the judging panel with “Jungle Law” winning 4 SBD, 10 Whaleshares, and 15 SMOKE for 29 points.


Dayummmmmmm what a beat.

Such a creative idea to sample from songs with animals in there name and man did you choose an awesome selection in my opinion.

And the ability to sample nine different songs and integrate them so nicely like you did is incredible. Props to you man holy smokes.

My favorite part is from 0:54-1:11 holy smokes do I get that Santana vibe to it. It just makes me so happy listening to it.

I really enjoyed listening to this beat and appreciate you creating this art and sharing it with us.

Support this epic Steemian here:


COMMUNITY FAVORITE: @scuzzy with 20 upvotes, 14 comments, 48 views, and $1.88 in community support with an average of 4.37 from the judging panel with "Jungle Law" winning 6 SBD and 15 SMOKE for 21 points.



HONORABLE MENTION #1: @theruggle with an average of 4.29 from the judging panel with "Keen" winning 20 SMOKE for 20 points.

Woahhhhhhhhhhhh this is soooo epic.

The first 0:43 builds up the energy and establishes the tone of this beat so well.

And that switch-up at 0:43 yesssssssssssss. So freakin fantastic and hooked me immediately.

Love how you integrate that old-school record crackling in there around the 2:00 mark. Diggin the vibe it helps to reinforce.

This would definitely be some predator hunting and stalking their prey music in my opinion.

Appreciate you sharing this with the community bud.

Support this awesome Steemian here: Top comment on this post: [Don’t forget to make a Steemit post so the community can support you in another way]


HONORABLE MENTION #2: @kenentertainment with an average of 3.97 from the judging panel winning 15 SMOKE for 15 points and 20 additional points for continual League participation for 35 points.

You want some Animal Kingdom lyrics this is the entry for you.

So creative and epic that you cover 24 different species in this entry ranging from the jellyfish to the protest. This entry definitely embodied the Animal Kingdom theme that’s for sure.

Love your energy on this one and you are definitely improving and progressing. That is the name of the game right there.

“Vertebrates, I break their backs”

Ayyyyy your lyrics are engaging and love how you integrate the Animal Kingdom theme so well in your bars.

We need to get you doing some yoga and some deep breathing exercises so you can spit longer without breathing. That way you can keep that energy rolling and not chop up the flow.

Keep progressing buddy. So awesome having you apart of the community and watching you grow as an artist.

Support this awesome Steemian here:


HONORABLE MENTION #3: @jaderpogi with an average of 3.93 from the judging panel winning 10 SMOKE for 10 points and 20 additional points for continual League participation for 30 points.

“Ready for that piggy DROPPPPP.”

Mannnnnn this is so epic that you have so many sounds in your arsenal.

That piggy drop sound is incredible and I have never heard anything like it before. And you have more than one of those sounds in this entry.

So original and so much talent o weeeee. Never cease to amazing with your beatboxin skills.

Keep inspiring and let’s get the beatboxin movement going here on Steemit. Looking forward to the Beatbox Battle League in the future : )

Thanks again for creating this entry and sharing it with the community. You are appreciated.

Support this beatboxer of Steemit here:


Here is my scorecard with two columns added to reflect average from entire judging panel of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, and @derekmiller and respective overall ranking in this week.


This concludes the analysis for Week Six.

The Steemit Music League Challenge is part of the Steemit Music League (SML).

The goal of the Steemit Music League is to create an avenue for real, positive change for Steemians with dreams in the music industry.

The Steemit Music League aims to provide long-term recognition, feedback, and rewards for Steemians with the ultimate goal of creating synergy among its members so that they can help each other achieve their dreams.


Courtesy of Light & Love OG Tech Shaman @danyelk

Thank you to the Steemians who put their mind, body, and soul into their entries for this Week Five of the Steemit Music League Challenge.

The team of @chiefmappster, @danyelk, and @derekmiller appreciate all you do.

The details of Week Seven of the Steemit Music League Challenge will be announced tomorrow with the Scoreboard for the Steemit Music League later in the week.

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Whaleshares and SMOKE are tokens are on BitShares. So make sure you have a BitShares Wallet to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts (WS & VS).

All you need to do to receive your Whaleshares is click here to create a Bitshares account here: and then you are good to go : )

Thank you as always for your time and attention. It means the world to me :)

Image Sources:




Congrats to all the winners, another theme and more dope bangers poppin out. Kudos to all. I wasn't able to join this week as i had lots on hand, but hopefully the next 1 @chiefmappster when and what is the next theme?

Appreciate the positivity buddy and working on it :) Will be announced today.

Powah! Awaiting to hear from u on this and that hahah. Kudos

Another great week. Congrats @hilladigahackles on first place and congrats to @beatseb on the tie. Props to everyone who entered.

thanks!! i am with good company!

Ay heck yeah appreciate the positivity and being apart of this. I thoroughly enjoyed your beat o weee.

Yeah this challenge was tough and Im' glad @hilladigahackles won and is more then fair, I would've been upset if he didn't. Congratulations to everyone taking a part of this great challenge and keep on creating no matter what...remember we are all winners for doing just that. Cheers to all of you.

Amennnnnnnnnnn appreciate you. Being able to create is one of the most incredible talents.

God bless buddy.


WOW!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!! SO EXCITED to have won this round!!!! thank you all so much! there were some amazing words said by a few steemers that touched my heart! I cant wait to share the news with my brothers! So truly awesome!!! Boom! Thanks with love!

O heck yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are very welcome and glad you get to share it with your brothers.

Truly remarkable and definitely earned this one.

Much love my friend.

@chiefmappster , @danyelk , @derekmiller . Thank you guys a ton with all the for real in the world!

As always some interesting entries here. Maybe you could do one on freedom or sustainability to go on my Album eventually ? Haha the cheek of it !

Appreciate you taking a listen. O wow now those are some good themes. Let me take a look. Are you on Discord?

No don't really get the time. Sometimes go on steam chat :)

Gotcha gotcha was going to talk to ya more about this.

Right on steam chat me then

nice :o

Appreciate you.


Thanks bro!!!! Can't wait till the next one!!!

You're welcome buddy. Hope yu like the next Video Game theme :)

@chiefmappster you are so amazing thanks for appreciating my talent though i am different style of executing my music but still you appreciate it I am so inspired to cultivate my talent thank you so much. Only few really appreciate my talent, I am happy you recognize my effort.

I just want to inform you all, serving as my collection and keeping track my only beatbox music video I am creating a new account and I really hope you understand my decision on making a new account. :) @jaderpogi and @mynoh is one. My original stage name in beatbox is @mynoh that's why I create a new one.

O heck yeahhhhhhhhhhh sounds good buddy.

You're welcome my friend. You have so many skills and talents. One day the world will hear and see.

God bless buddy

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