ahmadmanga's Gaming's Daily #6: Finding That Nostalgic Gem

in #retrogaming6 years ago (edited)

Many of us had that thing that we loved in our childhood. When you see them after you get older the rosy Nostalgia Filter wakes up inside you.


Salam (Peace)

Welcome again in the post where I talk about my gaming and posts in this steemit tag. Didn't have time to write the post yesterday, so the "Daily" part kinda became an Artifact Title.

Many of us had that thing that we loved in our childhood. But with time we forgot all of it, sometimes even its name... This happened to me many times, like many games that didn't get their way into My Childhood With PS1 list. One of the games I played in my childhood but I forgot it's name was a titres game with a story more. Just like Puyo Puyo described in @squidkid post below.

One game that I really loved as a child, was the original Digimon World.

One time when I went with my father to buy a PS1 disc. Digimon World game was put on a shelf in the shop away from other games, I told my father to buy it for me, but the shop keeper said it's not for sale. but maybe because he wanted to put a smile in the child face, he sold it to us anyway. (I'm still grateful for that man.)

I played the game thinking it was Pokemon (don't ask why I didn't notice DIGI and POKE aren't the same thing) and I was disappointed because it didn't have Pikachu... But after playing it for a while, losing many times. Getting my Digimons to evolve by chance, and not going forward with the story at all. I loved it. I mean I Loved LOVED.


But that disc wasn't in the best shape when I bought it, (Maybe that's the reason it wasn't for sale.) The disc eventually stopped working on my Playstation.

Fast forward years later: When I saw Digimon World again. My nostalgic lens activated and I had to get it no matter how... I got a copy from a friend (that's another story deserving it's post alone.) I spent so much time on it and only thought about Digimon World. At that time I was dreaming to become a game developer and thought of many game ideas resembling it, now I think they're stupid but I loved them at the time.

Ahhhhhh~ Nostaliga~

I liked all PlayStation 1 Digimon games, I liked Re:digitize and I liked all Pokemon games... But until now, there wasn't any monster collecting game that made me feel like Digimon World 1. (Maybe what they say is right. The first love is special.)

That's what I have for today,
below is the usual collection of others posts:

Around The #Gaming Tag

Below are some from my feed and new section of #gaming. Instead of the usual "last 24 hours", the time frame of these is the last two days.


  • Puyo Puyo Tetris Review: The best of both worlds: Puyo Puyo is a game series released mostly in Japan only, it's a puzzle game like tetris but it has story mode... @squidkid post about the of the game (English ver.) is detailed, easy to read and personal. Steemit needs more reviews like these.



Finally a honorable mention to
@herrizal's "Resident Evil 7 Review."
@gamersclassified's "Dark Souls Comparisons Need to Stop."
@gaming-stuff's "Big Daddy Get Creepier in This BioShock Demake."
@neilanthony's "My Experience & Review, Devil May Cry 3 SE."

~ Hope you liked the post ~
I'll probably make more of the daily posts so tell me if you liked the style or if you think it needs changing.

Other Gaming Posts From @ahmadmanga

PS1 Of My ChildhoodDifficult Vs UnfairAround #Gaming
Looking Forward To Your Comments

First image two images are from the game Digimon World. All other images are taken from their respective posts.

thanks for tagging me :D

I never played a Digimon game to be honest, but I remember loving the series on television. It sucked me in much more than Pokemon ever did.

Digimon anime, at least the first three season are very powerful children animations! Many agree that its better than the softer Pokemon anime. And what's more interesting than bunch of children trapped in an adventure to save the world?

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nice and steady, please vote me too

Thanks for taking time to give me a reply... But what you're doing, while steady, IT'S NOT NICE!!


I know you have a good intentions, but I know you can make better comments, and make all people you comment on happy. If you took SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME to add VALUE in your comments.

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