Personas of Interest [Original Fiction for The Ultimate Psy-Op - Conspiracy Writing Contest III]

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)

"Basically, the goal is to make Hillary lose," said the anonymous man sitting across the table from me.

I exchanged glances with my boss before speaking up.

"And let Trump win?" I asked, looking at the minister. He cleaned his throat and eyed me. My boss gently kicked my boot under the conference table.

"Yes. It might seem like an impossibility to you today, but there are reasons unbeknown to you for our country's need for him to win," he replied.

I took a deep breath and eyed my boss again. She looked calm, but cautious as always. I've been known to ask the wrong people the wrongest questions, and we did not want a diplomatic incident like last time. I looked over to the anonymous man who was watching me carefully.

I mentally smirked at the irony in a government agency hiring two women to run a psyops propaganda operation on social media. Especially considering my past encounters with the minister in my role as journalist. 

There was a good reason I refused to go back to the capital to cover the discussions in ministerial committees. In fact, having to cover anything political was one of the reasons I left journalism and found myself managing content marketing and social media campaigns to measure and alter consumer sentiments instead.

"We were considering a bidirectional approach," the anonymous man said. "Promote positive sentiments toward Trump, and negative ones toward Hillary."

Just treat them as products, I reminded myself. Same as you treat any product when you need to gather data about it and change the perceptions of masses. With the ministry behind this project, I knew I would have access to information and networks I never could otherwise. And the pay was damn nice. But was it worth twisting American democracy? Helping my government"fix" an election? Not only that, but my actions could contribute putting to a sexist buffoon on top of the world.

Just products, I kept repeating in my head.

"I suggest we use personas to start an aggressive conversations within the following," I said with confidence that surprised even me. "One of the best ways to hurt Hillary would be to present her followers as whiny and unreasonable, but loud enough to make Trump supporters seem like the rational ones," I heard myself say, suddenly aware of an urgent need to pee. I should not have had so much water every time my mouth went dry going through all the security on the way from my office to the underground conference room.

The minister smiled and leaned back in his chair. He nodded at the anonymous man, then turned back at me.

"This is exactly the kind of creative spirit that is so hard to find in the halls of government agencies," he said with a smile and got up. "The agent will fill you in on the rest of the details and assign you codenames for the operation."

He hurried out of the room, and my need to urinate was becoming really uncomfortable.

When I finally reached the bathroom, I was clutching at the sealed little envelope handed to me by the anonymous agent. The instructions were to open it in private, peek at the codename and memorize it. Then, the note was to be torn and flushed. Once I was finally relieved, I opened the envelope and peeked in.


That's all it said. Who would ever take me seriously with such a codename? But perhaps that was the point. Or maybe it was just a stab at what was left of my morals, having whored out my skills to meddle with foreign elections for a fat paycheck.

I tore the note and flushed it with a sigh. Just products, techslut, I tried to convince myself.



Haven't written any short stories in a while, but this competition just clicked in my head and I decided to contribute my entry. If you've actually read this far, here's a little bonus: while most of the facts in this little scenario are made up, 3 facts are true. See if you can spot them and tell me in the comments.

Image via Pixabay



I've been known to ask the wrong people the wrongest questions, and we did not want a diplomatic incident like last time.

This is SO me!

Nicely done :)

3 facts...?

The boot-kicking under the table (I also get that a lot).

The election manipulation


The codename! That HAS to be official... right? ;)

Actually, @em3 guessed all 3 in the comments here. Which is why... he might not post again as I will have to make him disappear.

The three are:

"I've been known to ask the wrong people the wrongest questions"

I am a persona-non-grata in China for asking their communications minister some very uncomfortable questions about jailed bloggers while in front of 20 television cameras.

"having to cover anything political was one of the reasons I left journalism and found myself managing content marketing and social media campaigns"

Yup. :sigh:

And the pay was damn nice


Or maybe it was just a stab at what was left of my morals, having whored out my skills to meddle with foreign elections for a fat paycheck.

Switching from journalism to what I call gray-hat marketing felt like selling my soul, at first. But later on I realized that I wasn't doing much better as a journalist. It's all about the money and opinion manipulation of the masses. And that sickened me. So I make less, but choose projects that don't make me want to punch myself in the ovaries.

Please don't whack @em3!
He has been my second biggest supporter! Can I bribe you with upvotes to just give him a dirty look?

Nah, I'd never whack him! He's a cutie. I'll just scare him a bit. And if he wants them dirty looks, he knows where to find me. ;)

"I've been known to ask the wrong people the wrongest questions" (if not least in the bernie fiasco!?)

"I should not have had so much water every time my mouth went dry going through all the security on the way from my office " - maybe this has happened before

"the pay was damn nice." - did you take a gig before that was morally comprimising.... But very well paid?

"I've been known to ask the wrong people the wrongest questions"

Truth! But fuck bernie. I am a persona-non-grata in China for asking their communications minister some very uncomfortable questions about jailed bloggers while in front of 20 television cameras.

"I should not have had so much water every time my mouth went dry going through all the security on the way from my office"

Not one of the facts I means, but yeah, it happens. :)

"the pay was damn nice." - did you take a gig before that was morally comprimising.... But very well paid?

That's another truth! You're missing just one more!

Then is the third truth? "having to cover anything political was one of the reasons I left journalism and found myself managing content marketing and social media campaigns"

Ding ding ding! You got them all! And now since you know too much about me, I will have to find you and kill you. I am sorry.

I'll send you my address! Just make it painless. :-(

Send me the address!? Dude, you're making this too easy. Where's the challenge? Where's the chase?! :P

Or is it "a TRAP!?" comrade?

"Can't hustle a hustler"

I believe that's the saying.

I'm truly in awe that you can crank out something of this quality in such a short time. I'd be rewriting and editing something like this for hours. Kudos to you @techslut! Amazing.


Oh do go on! :)

But seriously: Sometimes stories just spill out in like an hour or two. And sometimes I sit around for days waiting for that illusive muse to drop by. Creative writing is unpredictable.

Don't you love that when it happens?

Not to jinx myself, but I've always wondered about writer's block. Ideas sort of line up like planes on the tarmac waiting to take off. It's my syntax, dangling modifiers, passive voice, inside-out sentences, crops of commas, redundancies and redundancies etc. that I have to deal with.

Most times I have to write and then revise and then revise again then put it away for a week or two and then revise some more.

It's not like I haven't written a gazillion sentences over the years. The stuff just pours from my brain onto the page like a puzzle dumped from the box. I have to find the right pieces and put them in the right order and that always takes the most time.

As such, I'm a much better writer than I am a conversationalist because I talk that way too. I guess that's what the "gift of blab" and a pan-fried brain gets you . lol.

My life. Story of. I babble.

I think that the advantage of steemit from this aspect is that isn't not very judgemental. It's no publisher. I dump drafts here, and whatever sticks may or may not be published somewhere "real" someday.

That's why I'm here too. Steemit represents a time-stamped repository of my intellectual property.

I wrote a short story long before The Lion King came out that is similar enough that Disney Studios would sue me if I tried to publish it now. If I'd had Steemit 20 years ago, Disney would be paying me fat royalties. Beyond that, though I'm not yet circling the drain, I'm old enough to see it from here. I want my stuff stored in cyberspace so that the colonists on Mars will be able to read my musings and marvel at how ahead of my time I was. Just call me Ishmael.

You got yourself a follower, Ish. Can I call you Ish? I am calling you Ish.

Put an "f" in front of that and I'll be just a bit bigger than a minnow.

In school, I got used to seeing "fs" next to my name. ;)

On your trail as well. I like your style.

I didn't spot the truths but i spotted a big lie:
-you actually didnt make it to the bathroom and peed your pants

I wore a skirt.

I have a special suit I call my "government business" suit. It's a skirt suit. It makes me look 10 years olders. I also wear a hat because... well... pink hair and government offices don't mix well.

  1. Idiots underestimate you cuz name
  2. Israel govt gains from trump win??
  3. Hillary supporters smeared as "whiny sjw"

Loved this!!!!!!

Im such a fool for not trying harder to be your friend!!! Please accept all my apologies

Actually, none of these were what I had in mind! :D

And you needn't apologize. There's not much "trying" involved in befriending me. Just enough intention and, well, making me aware of it.

Good read, yeah, a product like hemroid cream or rat traps.

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Oh shit... I found 4 typos, but how do I find the facts??

I did split my side when I read the codename was "techslut"

Hopefully this will be a serial! I am truly interested to keep reading!!

Nah. Just a fun bit of writing with a few truths tossed in.

Nice. But as an editor of sorts, I noticed two things that could be fixed.

  1. There was a good reason I refused to go back to the capital to sit in on any come commissions. - come commissions? Was this an inadvertent word placement? or did your spellcheck, like mine, change a word?
  2. "One of the best ways to hurt Hillary would be to present her followers and whiney and unreasonable," Another spellcheck error? I'm betting you meant "followers as whiny and unreasonable".
    You got my vote, that's for sure.

Fixed per your comments. Thank you for reading and commenting! Muchly appreciated.

Quite an intriguing tale, so throwing a wild stab in the dark the 3 true facts are:- 1 you read most of you mail on the toilet, 2 you save money for cryptocurrency by using 1 instead of toilet paper, 3 you like playing footsie with your boss?


Thank you for this comment. <3

I'm pleased you took it in the spirit I intended, randomly found you from a comment on someone else I follow - you do good work I will make an effort to keep up with it :-)

I comment and curate more than I post, but I like your style, so you got yourself a follower. ;)

Also, I love coffee. Coffee is life.

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