What do you want to DO before you die?

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)
We are often too afraid of failure to try new things and pursue our dreams. The majority of people is, on their deathbeds, regretting the things that they did not do, not the ones they did. We all make mistakes here and there but they are not the ones we will think about while we will be taking our last breath. We will think about all those missed opportunities, about how we should have been braver and kissed that girl, opened our own business, visited that city, forgave that person, tried that crazy haircut that everyone was telling us not to. It does not have to be like that, however. I do hope that it won't be like that for me. If I die tomorrow, will I be pleased with all that I did in my life? If you die tomorrow, would you be happy with the life that you have lived? Did you travel enough, smiled enough and enjoyed yourself enough? Have you seen all that you wanted to see?

What is stopping us?

What if you knew that you were going to die, how would you spend your last day? Most of the people get a sudden feeling of freedom and think that now is their chance to do what they were dreaming of. This is because they have nothing to lose. In his song "Me and Bobby McGee", Kris Kristofferson made a verse lyrics that has always been an inspiration to me. Janis Joplin and Pink both sang it perfectly. I am not saying the other singers did not try, but those two ladies made the song their own. I am listening to Pink singing it right now, and here is the power statement from the song:

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."
Kris Kristofferson

Not that it has anything much to do with this post but since it is my musical background, here is the youtube video so you can enjoy it while you are reading this. Thinking about it, it does have something to do with this post, it actually has everything to do with it. Hm, the Universe really does have the best sense of humour...

This is probably one of my favourite songs, it is absolutely ridiculously beautiful but back to my post... What is stopping us? Only our fears of failure. So what if we fail sometimes? Doesn't everybody? Our mistakes are our learning chances and opportunities to grow. The worst reason for you to not try something is your statement "What if I fail?" SO WHAT? Fail, get back up and fail again, who fu*king cares? Do you think that you will somehow magically survive this life? You won't. Everybody dies. Everybody. We could talk about the afterlife, reincarnation, heaven and hell or whatever else you believe in but the fact remains, this life, this one that you are living now is all you have NOW and you will not survive it. Tomorrow or in 60,70,80 years, you will die. Kiss that girl, hug your father who you haven't spoken to in years, go and see the world, change your hair, write a book, start your own business, learn how to do, be or have anything you want. No one is going to do it for you and if you do not try you will definitely not gonna accomplish it.

Bucket list

Definition of bucket list
: a list of things that one has not done before but wants to do before dying
merriam-webster dictionary

In the vast see of steemit challenges, this came up too. It is called the bucket list challenge and it is quite self-explanatory, you have to publish a post about your bucket list. I have been reading posts about it for some time now and I have to say, all of them were absolutely amazing. I was nominated for this challenge by @katrina-ariel and you can read her list here. I did not plan for my post to look like it is starting to look, it just sort of happened. I sat down, put some music on, and started thinking. That is when, as usual, things started to go in a different direction. I can not shut my brain out, sorry, but do not worry, we will get to my bucket list soon.

Before I started this post I thought about how it was gonna be an easy one. Nope. Not and easy one after all. Visit Paris? Done that. Parachute jump? Done that too. Write a book? Yup, done it. Find the love of my life? He is lying across from me and watching something on the History channel... Start my own business and be my own boss? Tried, failed and trying again. Learn a language? I think I am kicking ass in this English thing ;) Learn how to knit, cook, change a light bulb, make furniture, sew, work with wood, metal, fabric? Done, done, done...Survival skills in nature? Learn that one too. Computer skills, web page design and programming? Done. From chess to martial arts, I tried most of the sports. How about art? I paint, draw and write, hmmm, so that is done as well. Hmmmm. Is there nothing I can put on my bucket list? That does not sound right. Let me think some more about this...

And here it is, my bucket list:


Get better in my Spanish and German and learn Italian so I can have 5 languages that I speak.


Visit every country in the world. EVERY SINGLE ONE


I do not want to be the richy rich girl but I do want to have enough money so I do not have to think about it. I want to be financially able to do whatever I want.


I want to be a mother someday, soon I hope and I want to give birth and adopt as well.


I want to have up to 5 businesses. I want to stay in the zen-art business of handcrafted items, open a firm that deals with self-growth and psychology to help people be the best they can be, have and run a zen retreat, have my books published and have my name on the shelves in libraries and stores and own a huge animal shelter.


Before I die, I want to be a crazy old lady with no regrets who smokes, drinks wine, wears colorful clothes, dances and laughs a lot. Life is about being happy, remember that. Smoking is bad for you, wine too, it can kill you but so can a car while you are crossing a street. LIVE YOUR LIFE WITH NO REGRETS. The most beautiful thing you could wear is your smile. You are beautiful, you are strong, you are a remarkable human being, unique and special. You can do everything you set your mind to, you have the power in you. You kid, are a star! Fu*ck the naysayers, you don't need them. You are made out of stardust. STARDUST! The Universe has your back, go and cross all the things from your bucket list, go and live your life as you want. There will always be people who do not approve, focus on those who do. Be happy, be proud and be satisfied. Love and be loved. I want my last day of life to be as happy as every other one. I want to LIVE life to the fullest and I want my last words to be:


thealliance_pagebreak (1).png

Unsourced images are under CC0 License and are free for personal and commercial use. You can find them at pixabay.com. To check out the people who made these particular photos, check their profiles here: DariuszSankowski, Jess_the_VA, successtiming, tookapic, voltamax & 947051

I am supposed to nominate some people for this challenge so here it goes. I am looking forward to seeing @whack.science, @yidneth, @ana-maria, and @velimir write their stuff. The question is guys:

What do you want to do before you die?

For more of my "Philosophy of happiness" posts, please follow these links:

made by @simgirl


This is a marvelous article, but I swear the very best part is the drawing of you dropping the mic and walking away. Somehow -- especially knowing you -- that just says it all.

I love your bucket list, and your attitude in general. No limits!!! I love how you thought big! I can see you with all that money, the nice house, and the rooms filled with children!! If it's in the gif, so it shall be!!! Stardust!!!! That's awesome!

If it's in the gif, so it shall be!!! Hahaha, I like that! 💚

This is a great list! You've already accomplished a lot, but your list is still really amazing and strong. I want to be a polyglot, too, and speak a bunch of different languages. (Right now, I have maybe 1.5: English, and very broken Spanish. 😭) And to travel! Although there are plenty of countries I don't wanna visit, so you're more ambitious than me.

Yeah, I want to see it ALL :D Even the bad ones :)

That's cool. I am terrified of nazis, and definitely don't have a desire to travel to a few European nations in particular, which have had rising xenophobia, racism, and anti-semitic attacks lately. (I am Black and Jewish, which feels like a particularly dangerous combination to me lately. That said, I have been openly attacked here in the United States, so I realize it's not actually safer here, I just perceive it that way because I have to live with it every day.)

Maybe I will feel differently in a few years, though—who knows what the future holds? 😄

If you survived America, you will feel great in Europe :D Trust me, we Europeans are shocked and horrified by America when it comes to prejudice and all those things that you have mentioned.

It's hard to know how representative news sources are, which I think is part of the problem. I am scared of some European countries, and I've heard from others how horrified they are about the US. Perhaps I should ask around and see what experiences people like me have had while traveling, and that may give me a better picture of what to expect!

And I am sorry you experienced that and hope you wont anymore 💚

Thank you. I haven't had such a terrible experience in a few years, though I've had a couple of close calls.

Somehow I posted a same comment twice, ok, I am editing this and just sending you much love 💚

wowo...a very thoughtful write up @zen-art , I personally believe, everyday is new day and we need to live it completely. one do not need to worry or fear about the death, as there is no schedule as when it is going to happen. Live Free and Live Completelly.

Nicely said 💚

Life certainly is about 'kicks' and what you can get out of it.

I dont share your ambition to visit every country in the world though! I value my life too much for that. I dont think the parachute jump is for me either, middle age has raised my danger sense.

Diversity is our greatest gift, different people have different ambitions and different wishes. I hope you do whatever YOU want to to 💚

I don't know how many people can actually say they have tried and failed to live their dreams. Most of them did not overcome the fear factor. It's great to see that you have done so many things by now. I find your post inspiring.
Everything is trial and error. I failed so many times but it never stopped me from trying a new way to make my dreams come true. I even wrote a poem called "Failing" lol
It's never too late to try something new. I never understood how some people can simply say :"I am too old to change or try that thing!"

I am glad you found it inspiring, that was my intention. This is nothing compared to some people I know, my friend started going to college in her 40s because she wanted, so I agree "I am too old" is just an excuse. Thank you for your lovely comment. 💚

I completely agree with you. A measure of a successful life would be if you have no regrets at your deathbed. Although I tried to imagine how would my bucket list look like, and I think it I need to scale it down a bit, no regrets at the end is the ultimate goal.

You do not need to scale it down, never. Make it even bigger! 💚

Wow! You have done so much already. Thank you for writing this. Indeed there is so much that you have to learn to put aside to do some of the things thay you want. Love the question at the end. Makes you think! I do want to craft a life that allows me to travel more and spend time with people and on things that matter. Going to go back and really think about it and put pen to paper!

Good luck with your traveling and spending time with your loved people 💚

I hope you achieve all your dreams some day @zen-art.Plus,I hope I meet you in person one day.

I hope so too 💚

i want to marry a beautiful who she is beautiful in heart and soul.... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

You will one day, I am sure of that 💚

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