Great Times Ahead as @ned Promotes Steemit in Korea.. Big Boost to Promo-Steem Team

in #promo-steem6 years ago

I was and still thrilled after i learned of the CEO's tour @ned in Korea.He has been touring and teaching Steemit to the Korean community.

Image Credit
I am sure most of you know that most of the Steem volume comes from Korean exchanges so it's a great idea for the CEO himself to promote Steemit that side of the world. If you want proof I can give you a screenshot below
You can read more about Steem Markets here
I am sure that in the next days or months we shall have a pump in Steem prices .

The CEO began his tour with an interview with two of the biggest websites in Korea as shown in his post here.I recently wrote a post which is still valid for voting ! In that post i explained 3 incredible reasons why universities are the best places to market or promote Steemit to.
I am so happy for happy for having written that post and @ned also has a similar idea in mind.He continued his tour by visiting and promoting Steemit to Seoul National university. I clearly stated in my post why universities are the future for Steemit,i ask you to check that post please.

The CEO also had a talk at the IT Chosun.You can read the whole post by clicking on image source below!

Image Source
The post has many comments and videos of the talk and also some reviews by the Steemian Koreans who were in attendance,i will give you a reveiw by @kindbreeze which is in Korean(use Google translate) here

The CEO also had a massive meet up yesterday at Gopax with over 1000 people in attendance,that is great work @ned....keep it up.When I see the CEO himself promoting Steemit,it gives me hope and encouragement as a Steemian promoter in Uganda to continue the good work. You can read the Gopax meet up here.

What this means to Steemit

This is obviously good news for the Steemit community as the CEO himself is getting out there to preach the gospel of Steemit.We other promoters will encouraged to also continue the great work.I believe most of the current growth of Steemit has been partly because of the individual works of independent Steemit members. If we have been able to bring Steemit this far,then imagine what will happen when @ned promotes it's time to hodl...a price spike is underway.
You must be reminded that Steemit Inc is soon launching SMTs and that will obviously send Steem to the roof!

In my opinion the biggest promoters of Steemit are the promo-steem team headed by @starkerz @stephenkendal and @anarcotech.These 3 guys have created an army of promoters all around the world and they keep curating and upvoting great promo-steem posts.

I was asking if there is a way anyone can talk to @ned so that he can donate some Steem Power to this Promo-Steem project.It would really boost the numbers of new users joining us here.The higher the SP the higher votes posts will make and hence an encouragement to promote the more hence a win-win for all of us.

As a member of the promo-steem project i am happy though that @ned is now actively promoting Steemit.

If you missed my last posts which are mostly promo-steem related .

If You loved post please upvote and resteem.

Jarau Moses

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