May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Three: What’s The Best Thing That Happened To Me Because Of Steemit?

in #steemit6 years ago

If you are a minnow and find it has to have a constant flow of content on Steemit,suffer no more as our own witness @dragosroua has come up with a 30 day challenge in which any minnow can participate in!

The challenge runs for 30 days as the title of this post suggests, each day a new challenge will be posted by witness @dragosroua and we are just required to make a post about the challenge.You can choose to skip some days like i have skipped day 2 challenge! You can find information about the whole challenge here

Let me stop the chit chat here and get to today's post. In today's challenge we are asked what the best thing that has happened to us because of Steemit.

Images from Pixabay

What's The Best Thing That Has Happened to Me Because of Steemit

There are really many this things that have happened to me because of Steemit.I will just list a few and concentrate on the best as the post says !!

Made friends and connected like never before.

It is only in Steemit that i have been able to have friends from other countries that are really caring.We all know social media is full of fakes! I was surprised by the love i was given by the community when i joined.I was green and did not know where to even start from.I remember i just began reading(which is one of my hobbies btw!) people's posts and commenting on them and boom,i got real valuable friends . I have made valuable contacts on Steemit whereby i get free accommodation in any of the countries i have friends hahaha. I really thank Steemit for this kind of community it creates. I love the Steemit planet.

Got to learn about crypto

This is another great thing i have benefited from Steemit.This place is a free university for crypto guys,utilize this chance to learn all you can about crypto.The guys here give valuable info about this wonderful industry.

I am now seeing myself as a crypto lecturer in my country here in Uganda.I now see many untapped opportunities that Steemit has brought forth to me.

First time to make money from the internet after many fails!

Does that headline identify with any of you? If you are as adventurous as i am,you must have tried many different types of online businesses! I tried many that mostly turned out to be scams. There are many scams on the internet and it was really joyous for me to discover Steemit... I was excited after i made my intro post that earned me a whooping 0.57$ (this made me believe there was indeed money to be made on Steemit and the comments were encouraging).

Now The Best Thing That Happened to Me Because of Steemit.

I have to ask you to go back and look at the first image i put on this post! What do you see? I will help you out,birds flying in the air,that's a simple one to see.

The best thing that has happened to me because of Steemit is it has made me fly by opening up my creativity hormones(of they do exist anyway). I tell you honesty,ever since i joined Steemit i am seeing myself very creative.I can now wrote about anything i set my eyes on .I am able to create something out of nothing.

It has to be known that creativity is one of those traits needed for success.Steemit has made me receptive to new ideas to advance myself.It has also to be noted that the more creative you are the more money you can make!

I am finally happy that my creativity can measures in monetary terms .I make a post and get paid! Isn't that fascinating.I have been on Facebook from 2009 but never earned penny,but here i am writing this post and probably will be able to earn 1 $(which is better than zero!).

I remember making my first withdrawal from Steemit after 3 months,it was really the beginning of something big.It made Steemit real to other folks i had talked to previously about Steemit.I kept on blogging them i alps earned enough money to buy myself a smart phone....the rest is history. I have benefited financially from applying my creativity on Steemit.

I am also happy Steemit is helping me pursue of one my goals or values...leaving a legacy! I have always wanted to affect people's lives and am happily doing it now by introducing new people to Steemit,we are currently moving to universities in Uganda preaching Steemit.

In conclusion i thank @ned for this awesome Steemit opportunity especially to Africans.

You can check out my previous posts here below to see how i am actively promoting Steemit.

If you liked this post and want another minnow to benefit....upvote and resteem.

Jarau Moses


Am flying with you.
Am going to try out that challange

Thank you @jaraumoses for letting us know this writing challenge am also going to try.

Thanks for sharing your experience. It is a great inspiration.

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