The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Peter Alexander Chernoff claims to have witnessed a ritual murder of a specific child (who is still officially listed as missing) while at the ultra secretive 'Bohemian Grove' Club Near San Francisco, USA. He claims that several high profile individuals were responsible for the boy's murder and that many have been killed at the location over the years.

The controversy surrounding the Bohemian Grove is long-standing and well known to many of us by now. Alex Jones (now of snuck into one of their ceremonies several years ago and filmed a bizarre ritual by a lake, attended by a large group of people wearing robes and holding torches. The ritual they performed is called 'the cremation of care' and involves throwing (what is claimed to be) a doll of a human child into a fire above a large stone statue of an owl. The ceremony is, as it sounds, a symbolic way of saying that the participants renew their vow to simply not care - or in other words, a vow to continue to be heartless!

cremation of care

This image would be disturbing enough if it were not well known that the participants at the grove include US Presidents, heads of the world's largest corporations and numerous others in positions of responsibility in society.. Is it any wonder that our world is so out of balance when it's prime 'controllers' are deliberately and knowingly living two lives, one where they appear to be perfect and one in which they are openly heartless, destructive and planning what amounts to mass death events and a variety of other evil actions with their friends who then benefit financially from the carnage?

When forced to go public about the events in the grove, they released a brochure from one year's events which contained photos of men dressed up as women (just pranking around) as a way to try to make light of the situation and to make out as if they were just relaxing in a 'natural' way - out of the sight of prying eyes:

bohemian grove photo

However, numerous witnesses have attested to all manner of crimes being committed inside the grove, including the regular presence of male/female prostitutes, drugs, murder and no doubt also the planning of numerous crimes against humanity via the vehicle of government.

It has been stated that numerous key decisions regarding America's nuclear weapons programs were made at Bohemian Grove.

Nixon and Reagan at the Grove:

nixon reagan

Video from inside Bohemian Grove

The most damning public video leak from inside the grove remains that of Alex Jones' covert infiltration early in his online career - before he was as hugely famous as he is today.

Alex Jones' 'Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove' (Short version):

The Full Version of this video is here

Peter Alexander Chernoff's Whistleblowing Testimony

Several videos exist in which Peter is interviewed and states that he witnessed a ritual murder of a child at the grove by several high profile individuals. He states that he is willing to appear under oath in court and swear to his claims as being true. He also states that he himself was one of the people who actually kidnapped the missing boy - Kevin Collins.

kevin collins

The individuals he names are:

Michael Aquino

  • US Military Psy-ops Expert, satanist and publicly admitted head of a spinoff cult from the Church of Satan, called the 'Temple of Set'.

George Bush Snr.

Ex 'pope' Joseph Ratzinger

  • Ex Nazi Youth during World War 2 (possibly against his will) - head of investigating child sex abuse prior to becoming pope and deliberately covered up serious child abuse and rape of children by high ranking individuals in the Catholic church:

Cardinal Roger Mahony

Arlen Specter

  • A (now deceased) American Politician, who damningly was part of the totally corrupt 'Warren Commission' into the assassination of John F. Kennedy and helped devise the completely debunked "Single bullet theory". See my previous post on JFK for more on that.

Warren Buffett

Robert Byrd

  • American Politician and once 3rd in line to the Presidency.

Barney Frank

  • American Politician

Willie Brown (Possibly this guy: - but I am unsure)

Peter's Video Testimonies

In this second video, Peter can be heard to admit to having participated in the kidnapping. Michael Aquino has commented underneath the video, attempting to clear his name by recounting the standard 'official narrative' that satanic ritual abused doesn't even exist - despite evidence to the contrary.

Got Comments?

What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

Posts in this Series

  1. The Whistleblowers (Series): #1 - Pharmaceutical Professionals Expose the Massive Criminality of the Medical Industry
  2. The Whistleblowers (Series): #2 - German Doctor Admits Being Trained And Paid To Lie in Mass Media by CIA - Says Most Major Journalists Are the Same
  3. The Whistleblowers (Series): #3 - Exposing 911 as an Inside Job - Susan Lindauer, CIA Asset, Imprisoned & Drugged By US Gov/Mil. to Silence Her
  4. The Whistleblowers (Series): #4 - Eyewitness to Dutch 'Royals', Politicians & George Soros Engaging in Ritual Child Sacrifice?
  5. The Whistleblowers (Series): #5 - CIA Pilot Duped Who Flew Cocaine Smuggling Flights During Iran Contra Affair for The CLINTON Crime Syndicate
  6. The Whistleblowers (Series): #6 - A 2nd CIA Agent Describes Clinton/Bush Cocaine Smuggling Operation During the Iran Contra Affair
  7. The Whistleblowers (Series): #7 - UK MI5 Microwave Weapons Scientist - Illegal Microwave Weapons Tests on American & British Populations inc. Service People & Kids | Birth Defects, Cancer, Mental Illness | Crimes Against Humanity | MKUltra & More
  8. The Whistleblowers (Series): #8 - Witness to Child Ritual Murder At America's Bohemian Grove Club By George Bush Snr., Ex Pope Ratzinger, US Colonel Michael Aquino (Admitted Head of a Major Satanic Cult), Warren Buffett & Others.
  9. The Whistleblowers (Series): #9 - POWERFUL TESTIMONY From US Military Officer: ISIS Is Directly Funded By CIA Via Swiss Banks (UBS) And I Have Documentary Proof of Treason by US Government Members.
  10. The Whistleblowers (Series): #10 - US Gov. 'Economic Hitman': We Assassinate World Leaders & Use Corrupt Methods to Steal Resources Globally. America As World's Leading Terrorist State.

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Wow what an article! But putting rando whale on it, not within the first minute but after 10 minutes kinda sucks for curators voting after rando.. Unfortunately I first read half the article before voting, so then rando sneaked in and took my rewards.. I'm leaving my vote for now because I'm not getting back my VP anyways, and you definitely had a lot of work with that article and I never heard of the bohemians.. Except for Queen singing the Bohemian Rhapsody 😁 will keep my eyes and ears open

Thanks for the comment - I don't really know how the curation payments work in terms of who gets what. I also don't have any power to control how long randowhale takes to vote after I send money.

right on the second :D but it usually doesn´t take more than a minute for rando to vote. just do your curators a favor and put rando on your post within the first minutes.
this post doesn´t explain a lot, but it explains something, especially the Timing
thank you

I have seen twice in the last week that randowhale took over 5 minutes to post and I think this was one of the posts where that occurred - it can get backlogged i think.

Don't worry, no need to get investigative, it wasn't an accusation, it was a request to simply have the curation mechanism in mind when using rando..

I understand that you were not accusing me of anything - I was just making clear that I have a problem with randowhale making more than an average salary per year just due to curation payments that could have gone to the authors who paid for the service. If I use randowhale it is to get more eyeballs on the post and to maybe get paid more - I am not doing it for the curators' benefit. I don't expect any other authors to directly pay to boost the earnings of commenters either.

alll right thanks for making your Point clear, didn´t get it in the first place ... but i wouldn´t accuse rando to intentionally delay voting .. it´s just how the System works, if you got a load of Money (crypto or fiat) it´s just very easy to make even more Money - the ones who got get even more ...
you are using rando for the same reason that 80% are using it and that´s a good one! steem on

no problem, I didn't intend to accuse anyone of anything - but at the time I wrote the piece, some vote systems were taking days to make their vote and profiting largely from it in a way that was not being advertised.

hi @ura-soul, perhaps I can shed some light on the subject of curation rewards, how it works is that there is a 30 minute window after one posts an article.
Curation rewards are highest just before the window closes, but you should try to be first while letting the clock tick down, (to 29:59 in a perfect world).
If posting and using randowhale, try to wait the initial 30 minutes for us human curators to get at it!
It's slightly complicated but I hope you get the idea.

I'm not sure i understand your intention here. I wrote previously about how the author receives less and less payout from randowhale, the closer the randowhale vote is made to the 30 minute point. The net result of not posting randowhale early enough is that randowhale's operators make massive amounts of money from curation which could have gone to the author.

Well, my intention was to clarify the issue of curation rewards. I hadn't read your other post. What I am trying to say is that some people like to hunt for good articles to curate, and they can feel burned by bots like rando grabbing curation rewards when clearly the bot doesn't read your articles like we do.
nuff said?

yes, ok - i understand - i generally aim to get the bot in as soon as possible - or not at all.. Usually that isn't a problem, but sometimes there is a delay between me paying for the bot and the vote being cast. I would prefer there were no bots and as far as I can tell, the TOS actually bans bots, but since I used this site for months and got almost no benefit from it - I am willing to continue using the bots to help make my time here worthwhile financially.

You got almost no benefit from using steemit? Wow I thought you were doing well here and I'm sorry to hear that. Personally it's not like I care one way or the other it's everyone's personal choice whether they need to upvote themselves or not or use bots or not, whatever, I'm not here to judge.
I just hope tomorrow is a better day,

Oh, I wasn't clear about what I wrote there. I meant that for the first few months of me posting, most of my posts got no views and not votes, so no payout.. So in other words, I put a lot of time into steemit with no results. Once I did get some responses, I then reposted some of the same content and things were better.

Resteemed! Brilliant as per usual. Scary shit

thanks - yes, it's a mess! thanks for your support.

The latest season of House of Cards portrayed Bohemian Grove quite well. It is shown as the place where big business and politics combine and all of the huge decisions are secretly made.

However, they don't cover the sacrifices and other heavy shit.

Loving the series man.

Thanks! More to come soon.

This post has received a 22.14 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.

Not a lot you can say about this really. It’s one of those things we can’t touch at the moment once more people have woken up then things like this will be expose and hopefully eradicated. The powers that be a too strong at the moment,

Never before have they been weaker. Never have we had more information about what they are doing, or better means of disseminating that information.

Now. Is. The. time.


Right on ! We are nearly at the 100th Monkey ;)

I remember watching Alex Jones 'sneak' into Bohemian Grove. I actually thought it was legit at the time, that was before I found out he was a gatekeeper that supported authoritarian control and wars. Peace!

So.. because he thinks differently to you it means that the footage from bohemian grove is just a bunch of actors?

No. You really think he snuck into Bohemian Grove then 15 years later he's best friends with Trump? Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. He was making jokes about him selling orange drink as a comedian now he is selling it as he plays his new role.
Look up Bill Hicks Orange Drink.

I am asking you to explain how alex jones' reputation can be used to demonstrate how his video (and/or the matching testimony of others) regarding bohemian grove is invalid.

I don't have proof it was staged, I know why they have characters like Alex Jones though. In the full video he says security was approaching him all the time but the camera was not recording to get any of the encounters. Im not buying it man, he's just playing a role. Im not saying he wasn't their, people were finding out about things like this so they sent him their to calm the sheeple and stop people from looking further into it.

That makes no sense to me at all. I had never even heard of alex jones or bohemian grove before I saw his video on it and all it did was make me research it more and do what I can to learn the truth and expose the situation. I feel you are wanting to force your worldview onto something that doesn't support it logically.

Ok, If you hadn't heard of Bohemian Grove or Alex Jones until just now then do some more research and you'll see what I am talking about. Alex Jones was just a puppet used to prop up Trump and even I fell for it at the time. Feel free to dispute what i'm saying , i'm open to all critics and will debate anyone on this topic.

huh? re-read what I wrote. I didn't say that I just heard about him just now - where did you invent that from? lol
I said I didn't know about alex jones or bohemian grove until I saw his video - which I saw maybe 10 years ago.

This is very disturbing information. There are many accusers, and accusations, that remain uninvestigated.

The District Attorneys of the relevant jurisdictions have complete control over what they investigate.

They are the gatekeepers that matter.

We can force them to open investigations. If the investigations are as limp wristed as the Warren Commission, or the 9/11 Commission, that is evidence.

We know, from those investigations, that there is a cover up. We know, therefore, that LBJ and the CIA were involved in the Kennedy assassination, and the George W. Bush and the CIA were involved in 9/11.

An investigation into allegations that children are murdered and sexually abused by Bohemian Grove attendees can provide us no less information.

Let's force them to investigate.

I don't know enough about the mechanisms in the US system to do that, but I do know that nearly everyone at the tops of the pyramids (if not all of them) are either in on it or are blackmailed to shut up.


I don't know about the Bohemian Grove, but Alex Jones is not high on my trustworthy persons, especially after his lawyer said he is just an actor. Also that picture of Richard Nixon is from 1963? Doesn't look like he was that hairless at that time, maybe I'm wrong there though. As for the cult thing, frankly I don't believe the devil exists, so satanic worship to me is a dumb thing. Of course this doesn't mean these powerful and very rich people can't be dumb. But frankly, don't take Alex Jones too seriously.

Yes, it makes no difference whether you or I think 'satan' exists - the important point is whether or not others do and then go ahead and act on their beliefs. At the very least it can be shown that many are involved in these cults and while their psycho-spiritual aligmments may vary - they are in general opposed to whatever they think 'god' is.
I agree about Alex Jones. When I first discovered him online (a long time ago) I had mixed feelings immediately, but I respected what he was uncovering and sharing at the time. Regardless of if he got mind controlled, body swapped or whatever else people might be thinking, it doesn't change the content of the video he published or the responses given to him by prominent government individuals in relation to bohemian grove.

Well, I'll put you an example, I am from Honduras in the town where I grew up there was this very rich guy (by our standards) he had inherited a lot of land and he worked hard and eventually owned thousands of acres and thousands of head of cattle, so the popular belief was that he had a pact with the devil, personally I think it was the fact that he went to work at 5:00 am and didn't come back until after 6:00 pm. Well anyway he died, but he had a sister who also was wealthy as she also inherited, she wasn't as wealthy as he was, but she was well off, well she also was believed to have a pact with the devil and I remember sometime in the 1980's during the town's festival a kid went missing, and someone came up with the idea that this lady who at that time was about 95 had kidnapped him and was going to deliver him to the devil, and a mob formed, the police came and raided the house, no child was found so the people wanted to burn the place down because they now believed she had already delivered him to satan, luckily a few people took out guns and disuaded the mob, later that night it turned out the kid had gone to a swimming pond with a friend and had lost track of time. So you see I seriously doubt these stories, people will believe what they want to believe, and if you have Alex Jones testifying it's true, even though you know he is a liar, and you also want to believe it's true you will come to that conslusion.
Does this mean I think the Bohemian Grove doesn't exist? No, it just means I don't believe everything I hear first I want to have real proof, not shady videos of someone who claims he evaded all this security to shoot the video, and this is a fat guy at that I don't think he is to supple.

Fair enough, there is nothing wrong with having solid evidence - however, you will never have absolute proof of any of this since you weren't there yourself and that is the best you can get.
I have researched this for a very long time and know it is obvious that the 'correct' ways for us to learn the truth here (meaning police and courts etc.) will NEVER deliver that evidence because they are thoroughly controlled and that is quite simple to demonstrate to those who take the time to do the research to back up the claim.
What is difficult to deny here is that the world's top politicians and corporate leaders get together in secret, dress up in robes and pretend to burn a child to death while affirming an intention not to care!

Suggesting that this is a problematic and disturbing situation is more accurate than the assumptions that:
a) if you have a lot of money you are in league with 'the devil' and
b) that the most likely cause for a child disappearing is an old lady with lots of money.

Ok, fair enough.

"Suggest that this is a problematic and disturbing situation cannot be said to be as obviously an incorrect thought to be holding as is the assumption that: "...

I am having difficulty parsing the tortured grammar here. I mean no disrespect. No one is more guilty than I of torturing grammar!

I think what you are meaning is that it is as much of a problem that world leaders are dressing up in robes and cremating their care as it is that others assume that rich people are in league with the devil, or are responsible for the disappearance of children.

Am I correct?

haha, good point - yes, my words were garbage.. I was probably tired (as I am now too).
I meant to say this:

Suggesting that this is a problematic and disturbing situation is more accurate than the assumptions that:
a) if you have a lot of money you are in league with 'the devil' and
b) that the most likely cause for a child disappearing is an old lady with lots of money.

In other words, the evidence for the existence of serious problems as bohemian grove is stronger than the evidence that the old lady was a devil worshipper.

Thank you! I better understand what you meant now.

Cabals, elitism and religion are global challenges. They make and implement decisions at the expense of tax payers.
Not good at all

Another excellent but equally chilling expose my friend, you shine a light in the faces of those who hide in the dark. Great work, looks like I'm going to have lots of your posts to catch up on when I get back home.

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