Haze Gray (Original)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry8 years ago

Filling my seabag
I moved my life out to sea.
I could see the stars.

There was a quiet
when the jets weren't launching
with their bombs,
silence fit to fill.

In the misted air
my voice carries on the waves,
skims their tops
in unseen ripples.

The guitar sings one
dirge on the open ocean
then is stilled
by roaring aircraft.

Seeing forever,
am I that red from afar?
The pinholes
above me say yes.

The vessel goes dark
and now I'm on a ghost ship
from the past,
cutting through ether.

The bulkheads guide me
away from the elements,
Metal doors
to a cold steel womb.

Back in my coffin
I no longer remember
how it was
I came to be here.

Thank you for spending time here. Gifs sourced from GIPHY.com

Other Works
What It Is
But Words Will Never Hurt You
The Last Revolution
The Realist
In The Rough
Burning in
Puerto Rico & Gunhill Rd.
The Native, the Slave and the Conqueror
Artificial Vibe


Oops, almost forgot to add my own gif.

You are a gifted poet my friend!

Thank you :) I'm enjoying your work as well!

Papa made it to WI, let me know when you get here!

Woohoo it must be despairingly cold there :(

I should be there next week

Hovering around zero too often!

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