Boatsports90's Poem Adventures - Waiting for Baby

in #poetry6 years ago

Many of y'all know that my wife is pregnant - VERY pregnant. We are to the point where she could pop any day so we are all sorts of nervous and excited. This is a little poem I came up with as we get closer to the end. This poem is dedicated to @cryptoctopus who will also be a first time father soon. Hope y'all enjoy!

Waiting for Baby

Almost 9 months have passed since that night
I knew what I was doing, I knew it was right
We’re ready to start a family of our own
We will no longer be all alone
The time flew by until now
The waiting game is slower somehow
The first 8 months went by with ease
But now it’s like we have a disease
Slowly waiting to meet our sweet baby
Who knows, it could be tomorrow maybe
She’s certainly big and ready to pop
But it’s hard to tell when this journey will stop
I guess it won’t be over, it’ll open a new door
A new story, of course better than before
There’s nothing we can do for now
Gotta be patient, but I don’t know how
How will we know when the time is right?
I guess we’ll know, but there’s no foresight
This is new to me, I don’t know what to expect
I think I’m ready, I double checked
What if it happens in the middle of the day?
I’ll rush from work to make my way
Maybe it’ll be in the middle of the night
At least I’ll be with her, that’d be alright
I guess we really have no control
We have to wait and pay our toll
It will all be worth it in the end
Our baby will be our little godsend

There you have it. Hopefully I was pretty accurate and brought back a few memories for some dads out there. It will certainly be an exciting adventure and we won't have to wait much longer. I have no doubt I'll do some more poems once baby is here - assuming I have enough time and energy, ha!

I am still open to more suggestions. Give me a topic and I'll do my damnedest to write a poem for you. It can literally be about anything - happy, sad, funny, depressing, whatevs. If you want a personal poem or something specific, please be sure to give me enough information or anything that you would want included. Hopefully this will catch some speed and a lot of people will want their very own personalized poem. If my poem meets your standards, then all I ask for is a resteem to spread the joy. Thanks for reading and let's hear some ideas!

Check out some of my other recent poem adventures!

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If i could give you guys one piece of advice,and nfortunately it might be just the thing you DON't want to hear... but I'mma give it to you anyway 'cuz i think it's important.

Wait. Be patient. Let this baby come when they're ready... and you know they're ready because they get borned that day, lol!!

Two of my four were 'late'... the doc's had us looking at that due date like it was a letter of eviction this baby HAD to listen to... and they just don't. They tend to come when they're ready and it's the first time we, as parents, are really faced with the notion that this is a person, with their own timeline for doing things.

It's better not to force it. unless, of course, there's some medical emergency, which i am fervently hoping does NOT HAPPEN

so there! your unrequested bit of advice! You're welcome, I have TONS more if you want! (or don't!)



@bethalea I will always take advice!

I know I know, we're trying to be patient, haha. The doc said as long as everything keeps looking good then we're just gonna wait, even if it's past the due date. Very true about them being a person with their own timeline, I guess we know that, but just don't really think about it. If baby is anything like us, they'll be late now and for the rest of their life 😂

I'll keep you posted! And you're always welcome to give advice where you see fit 😉

Good luck man excited for you! @josefinemk is hoping it's a few days late and can be born on the 14th of May haha! :D that's here birthday! Hopefully its sooner then that though!!

Thanks man! Hahaha don't you wish that on us @josefinemk! I mean it's definitely a possibility, but mah gawd will she be miserable if it takes that long. Haha

So sweet!! Looking forward to baby pics here on Steemit!!

Thanks! Ohhh yes, it should be sooner rather than later, haha

What a beautiful poem @boatsports90!

Soon, you'll learn how valuable are the ordinary things such as sleeping at night :-)

Thank you sir! Haha ohhhh yes. Gonna have to give up sleep and trade all my beer for coffee and energy drinks 😂

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