Just stop rubbing my knees…😡

in #photography7 years ago

Time for a new contribution to the #distinctivedoors group…
Detail of a door I found in the Sainte Chapelle in Paris… can you just imagine how many people these 2 funny guys have seen passing by?


Stay tuned to see the next doors I’ll post in #distinctivedoors
Please, don't forget to resteem if you like this door and/or post your own doors if you’re a door-freak 😉

You missed my previous doors?

No stress... just click on the following thumbnails to open the door to the previous picture...

Magdalena & Lucas are having an affair... To many people here… let’s make some room… Doors to Justice… These doors are made to stay closed...

Just try to open this one Knock Knock...

Curious to see my other work?

Happy to hear that 😊
The best thing you can do is checking out my profile here on steemit ( @pixelfan ) and follow me. I’m always happy to connect with other photographers! (And of course I’m always very happy with a little upvote… although a large one is allowed too 😊)
But of course you can find me on other social media too... just check out:


@bullionstackers @svamiva @johleen @accelerator @dabeckster @nolasco @rem3600 @pixelfan @tipu @ppagoda @travelingtaka @manuel78 @pentaxke @aforostov @guliver @nrg

Well, well, well… I didn’t know you were so in love with knees… Angels knees… Must been a kind of fetish I never heard of but hey, I’m openminded. If that’s your thing, be my guest, I don’t mind 😉
All I can do is thank you all for loving and upvoting my knees… I mean, my Angels knees picture of course 😊 Thanks guys!

Wow, great shot and find!

Ze keken mij voortdurend aan... ik moest toch iets doen 😂😉

The doors! They are beautiful... and I haven't seen those ones in Paris... shame on me!

Next time you go... I think they're there for a very very very long time 😂😉

Very impressed with your work @pixelfan .

En Nederlands spreek je ook zag ik...😉
Bedankt voor het compliment, apprecieer het enorm 👍

Ik spreek een beetje, niet erg vloeiend

Niet vloeiend maar toch goed 😉
Where're you from... when you're not in the whalepower HQ?

You're on fire!

This is remarkable work.

You're a natural.

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