Little Monsters - Part 39: Jumping Spider IV!

in #photography7 years ago

This adorable little jumping spider visited me on the day I photographed the previous Huntsman Spider Exoskeleton. I spotted this little one upstairs, so as I already had the camera set up, I grabbed it and one of the off camera flashes to get some portraits!


Using an off camera flash really helps with macro photography, you can close up the aperture on the lens giving more depth of field, which helps get more of the subject in sharp focus. It also allows you to photograph in dark places. Juggling a LED flashlight (to get the camera's autofocus to work), Cannon EX 430 II Flash in my left hand, and Camera in my right was awkward but worth it to get the shots for the first Huntsman spider post.

But this post is about the jumping spider!
She started off a little shy:

I think it's a female Hasarius adansoni, much less strikingly coloured than the male, which features bright white palps and a white belt like stripe.

She soon warmed up to the idea of a photoshoot and gave a few dynamic poses:

As there isn't much to reference in the background, you may not have realized that this spider was standing on the wall rather than on a floor:

Altering the angle of the flash can reveal additional details about the spider's features:

I hope you enjoyed this post, don't forget to click on the images to see them larger!

Comments and feedback are always welcome.

Please upvote and follow to see the next installment in your feed!

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Also, if you like macro photography, check out some of the earlier posts in this series.

Little Monsters - Part I: Wolf Spiders
Little Monsters - Part II: Golden Orb Weaver
Little Monsters - Part III: Lynx Spiders!
Little Monsters - Part IV: Decorator Orb Weaver
Little Monsters - Part V: Black Back Paper Wasp
Little Monsters - Part VI: Dragonfly
Little Monsters - Part VII: Indian Fritallary
Little Monsters - Part VIII: Giant Japanese Hornet
Little Monsters - Part IX: Praying Mantis!
Little Monsters - Part X: Harlequin Ladybird!
Little Monsters - Part XI: Dragons!
Little Monsters - Part XII: Snails!
Little Monsters - Part XIII: Evil Weevils!
Little Monsters - Part XIV: Fantastic Phasmids!
Little Monsters - Part XV: To Bee or not to Bee?
Little Monsters - Part 16: Jumping Spiders!
Little Monsters - Part 17: Hawkmoth Caterpillars and Hawkmoths
Little Monsters - Part 18: Evil Doppelgangers - The Ant Mimic Spider
Little Monsters - Part 19: Hummingbird Hawkmoth!
Little Monsters - Part 20: Loud and Proud the Cicada!
Little Monsters - Part 21: Great Green Caterpillars!
Little Monsters - Part 22: Vespa mandarina japonica
Little Monsters - Part 23: Little Black Ants
Little Monsters - Part 24: Cranes and Robbers
Little Monsters - Part 25: Hidden in the Grass
Little Monsters - Part 26: Ammophila, Alien is real!
Little Monsters - Part 27: Bush Cricket
Little Monsters - Part 28: Butterflies, flying bits of colour!
Little Monsters - Part 29: Hermit Crabs!
Little Monsters - Part 30: Redback Spider
Little Monsters - Part 31: Harlequin Ladybird Larva
Little Monsters - Part 32: Small Cabbage White
Little Monsters - Part 33: Jumping Spiders II Evarcha albaria
Little Monsters - Part 33 II: More Jumping Spiders!
Little Monsters - Part 34: Crab Spider!
Little Monsters - Part 35: Longhorn Beetle
Little Monsters - Part 36: Black Back Paper Wasp II
Little Monsters - Part 37: Huntsman Spider
Little Monsters - Part 38 II: Huntsman Spider Exoskeleton

I maintain and reserve copyright on all of my photos.

Written with StackEdit.


Upvoted with a 100% - the shots are amazing and the explanation of the shooting technique was quite useful!

I suppose it's hard enough not to blink with two eyes, when your photo is taken, let alone eight :D

Thanks for the awesome support!
I hope the explanation of technique helps others, if you have any questions about it or something I wasn't clear about please ask!

Good thing they don't have eyelids! 8)

Haha, I know, I know, I was only joking! BTW, yesterday a web weaving spider jumped on towards me - I thought only hunter spiders do that?

I suspected as much, lol!
Sometimes orb weavers will drop down at you if you are below the web (I had that happen, it's rather scary!), otherwise you might have brushed against the web and it though you were a bug. Last option, you just looked really tasty!

Come to think of it, I may have touched his web with my lens hood. Doh!

Awww it just wanted to be a photographer! Hahaha

You're laughing now, but through the viewfinder, I was attacked by a monster. I literally jumped back! :D

Only because I've literally done the exact same thing!

Awesome macros! Up-voted, followed!

HOLY CHEEZ-ITS! Opened this page and almost fell out of my chair; a got damn spider was staring at me! Whew.. happy to see its only a little monster that thing looks to cute to be dangerous!

The scary ones are those little jumping ones and jump on your lens...

But that's exactly the kind of spider this is! They are not dangerous though, not at all.

exactly! If he jumped on my camera; even if he's not dangerous...... I would still scream like a little girl! :-)

Well, yes, smashing yourself on the wall or in the face with the camera isn't the safest course of action. :P

Twirble loves monsters!!!!Resteeming so I can draw your monsters later....great work!!!

That's great @twirble! Make sure to tag me so I can see the finished pictures!


Thank you very much @edrivegom!

Love this blog buddy, Keep up the good work <3 and thanks for the follow back.

Thank you very much @warrenvee, I certainly will continue posting!

Soon as my last steem convert is done, I will upvote a load of your blogs <3

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for the support!

No problem :)

The extra cuteness is almost blinding!
Wonderfoul shots. Those spiders must be one of the most photogenic ones with those big eyes.

Yes, they are my favourites of the spiders a bit challenging sometimes as they don't really stay still all that long.

Nope, they don't. I tried to catch one that we had on a balcony... They just keep moving! But for some reason they are less creepy that other spiders.

If you put your hand down in front of it and use the other to coax to jump onto the first hand it is much easier to handle them. :)

Hahaha yeaaaa.... I don't think they are THAT cute ;)

But eight little arms giving hugs! :P

Not helping!

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